Bitumen - characteristics and application Useful advice

Bitumen is an indispensable component of construction. Thanks to its unique characteristics, bitumen secured into the construction industry. His practicality, durability and low cost leaves a single chance to alternative building materials.
Characteristics of bitumen
Bitumen is an asphalt-like material obtained artificially. It is a final product of natural bitumen processing, residues after treating coal, oil, shale resins and peat extracts.
Depending on the components and characteristics distinguish between bitumen varieties:
- Natural / natural bitumen is a side material for the extraction of petroleum products from a variety of rocks. Characterized by high resistance to the effects of acids, alkalis, water.
- Building bitumen is a product of petroleum distillation and mixing with a variety of building components (oil-producing residues, asphalt, etc.). To work with roofing materials and for high-rise works, the BNC 45/180 brand bitumen is usually used, BNC 45/90, BNC 90/40 or BNC 90/30. Characterized by high resistance to wetting and exposure to high temperatures. Compared to roofing bitumens, construction has a greater resistance to fire.
- Road bitumen is the most popular view of bitumen. Basic brands of road bitumen: BND 40/60, BND 60/90, BND 90/130, BND 130/200 and BND 200/300. It is characterized by a large penetrate coefficient (penetration on Wednesday). Bitumens with large penetrate indicators are relevant for the northern regions, with smaller - for the southern.
The characteristics of bitumens are constantly changing and improved. So, in order to improve the qualities of this building material, various artificial additives are added to it, which directionally enhance certain characteristics. As a rule, such chemical ingredients make it possible to increase resistance to sharp drops of temperatures, cold or heat.
The main characteristics for which the quality of the bitumen can be estimated:
• extension,
• Temperature indicators for fragility,
• Temperature indicators for softening,
• Penetration level.
Accordingly, chemical additives for bitumens are aimed at improving these characteristics. The price of bitumen directly depends on the quality and targeted use of building materials. Optimized brands resistant to large loads and possessing good stretchability will cost more. As a rule, all necessary indicators are reflected on the marking of bitumen.
Bitumen application
The bitumen variety determines the scope of its use in construction.
Natural bitumen
Today, construction or road bitumen is very popular. But in spite of the obvious superiority of artificial bitumen in mass construction, natural or natural bitumen is actively used in other industrial sectors.
Natural bitumen with special characteristics (non-oxidized composition) is very popular for the construction of roads in Western countries. Unfinished high-quality bitumen can be made only on the equipment of the new generation. In the West there is a mass of such industries than and the difference in the demand of natural bitumen in the territory of the post-Soviet space and in Western countries is explained. Employee this difference can every motorist, comparing the quality of the road linen.
Road bitumen
Road bitumen has perfectly proven itself when working in the most severe and unfavorable conditions. He perfectly withstands heavy loads, which makes it an ideal material for the construction of a road surface. It is widely used in the manufacture of asphalt concrete and asphalt.
As a component of asphalt coatings, the road bitumers performs the function of the binder component, while holding all the ingredients together. Due to its distinctive characteristics, crushed stone, river sand and the remaining ingredients of the asphalt mixture form a solid homogeneous mass.
The bitumen density shares it into two types:
- viscous,
- liquid.
Viscous bitumen is relevant as a binder for the construction or repair of roads. Liquid bitumen is used to increase the season of road cover.
The quality and durability of the road surface largely depends on the characteristics of the road bitumen and the degree of its compliance with the norms of the GOST. The use of high-quality materials significantly increases the deadlines for the operation of roads, avoids the appearance of cracks, chosen and similar defects. You can buy high quality bitumen from the manufacturer or direct suppliers.
Building bitumen
Without construction bitumen, no work is possible on the fill of the foundation, roofing or repair manipulations. Building bitumen is obtained in the process of oil refining and there are two types: solid and liquid.
- A firm variety of bitumen is convenient to transport, but it requires heating at the construction work site. The softening of solid ingots is carried out using special equipment - bitumens. The bitumen temperature should be quite high to successfully apply it for the construction of a roof or waterproofing.
- Liquid bitumen requires special conditions of transportation - it is delivered to the construction work in a special bitumoise machine, adapted to transport dark oil products. The peculiarity of the liquid variety of bitumen is that it must be used as a short time. It is used for sealing seams on buildings, manufacture of bitumen mastic and roofing works.
All types of bitumens are suitable for high-quality waterproofing of buildings, pipes or foundations. This is the cheapest, fast and convenient way to ensure a long service life. Bitumen consumption directly depends on the nature of the work and characteristics of the material. Before purchasing bitumen, read it carefully with its marking.