How to equip a children's room for a boy Useful advice

A children's room is not only a separate room, but also a real little world, designed to fully reflect the individuality and character of the child. The right arrangement of children should take into account not only the age of a small tenant, but also his psychology.
A children's room for a boy has a number of specific features. It is not only a place to sleep and occupy, but also a sports field, a gaming room and a reliable shelter from all misfortunes. Here the child will spend most of his time. That is why it is very important to approach the decoration of children with all seriousness.
Selection of color gamma
When the furniture has not yet been purchased, but from all sides they look at naked walls, thirsting paintings, it's time to think about what color scheme the interior of the children's room for the boy will be decorated.
The most "male" color is traditionally considered blue or blue. If you stick to classics, it will be a great option for wall design. But you should not overdo it - it is not necessary to do all the walls in monophonic. "Be play" with shades, because with their help you can create real miracles - to expand and reduce space, share the room for visual zones and create the desired mood. In order for the interior to be harmonious, use decorative decorations or things of the same color with walls. It can be a vase, a chair, a carpet or a picture in a frame on the table.
Optimal color solutions for the room for the boy:
- blue;
- blue;
- green;
- orange.
Do not use "aggressive" colors. Children in their nature are very energetic and excited, and unnecessary irritants themselves. The ideal solution will paint the ceiling and wall of paint neutral shade and make colorful inserts - pictures, stencils, appliqués.
Room zoning
The convenience and functionality of the room rises several times if it is competently divided into the main zones. They are determined based on the nature and features of your child. Let's say if your boy is engaged in boxing, then there must be a plot with a boxing pear, gloves, and maybe even ring.
The following zones must be present in obligatory:
- The game zone - all children are carried out the bulk of their time for games. Make a gaming area with a special storage cabinet books and toys, soft warm carpet and safe furniture. The child will sit on the floor, so the carpet should be warm and dense. But you should not buy models with a long pile - this is an excellent magnet for dust and small sera.
- The zone of creativity and classes - the place must be equipped with safe and functional furniture. If your boy has a tendency to the pictorial arts, select the part of the wall for its work or hang a special "Honor Board" for the best works. It would seem that elementary things, but they are able to strongly affect the self-esteem and the formation of the psyche of the child. The more comfortable and more confident, the baby will feel in the working area, the higher it will be its productivity and learning.
- Sports zone - Even if your child is not interested in sports, equip a special space. A small horizontal bar, a ball, a rope or a couple of elementary simulators - the child himself will sooner or later plunge into them to warm up or take himself when it is not enough to do.
Furniture for children's room
If earlier children's furniture differed only smaller sizes, today it is a separate direction in the world of the furniture industry. Furniture for a children's room for a boy must comply with the most stringent safety standards, strength and functionality. Unlike calmer girls, small tuventants constantly bother, fall, get abrasions and crawl everything around. Even if they do not want it.
In addition to smoothed angles and soft coatings, the furniture must be made of natural materials. It is important to exclude even the most meager radiation background from synthetics, because the children's body is susceptible to any oscillations. In addition, natural wooden or metal furniture is distinguished by enviable strength and durability, so your fidget will have to try to break down a piece of ...
So, what you need to remember when choosing children's furniture:
- Naturalness.
- Security.
- Durability.
- Moderation.
Do not get fond of furniture, no matter how natural it is. Too many lockers and bedside tables will only interfere and clutter the valuable space and collect dust. Especially if we are talking about an apartment, where there is always a free space.
Children's room for two boys
Designing a children's for a boy is a whole art, and space planning for two boys, especially if they are one year old, can take a bunch of time, money and nerves. So it will happen if you do not know the win-win design options for two children.
The first and most importantly rule that should be remembered throughout the repair is that even the smallest children are independent personalities. And in most cases, native brothers are fundamentally different nature. Consider this when creating space for recreation and children.
Several secrets with photos, how to equip a children's room for a boy:
- If you bought two separate beds, place them nearby, in parallel to each other. An ideal option will divide bed bedside table, on which the alarm clock or night light will stand.
- Bunk bed more than once rescued parents with two children. It saves a great place and is very convenient to use. Let the kids themselves choose who will sleep. If it was not peaceful enough to resolve the issue, agree that they would change in places after a certain time, for example, once a month.
- Equality policy - when a child in the family is one, all attention is paid to him only. But when the kids are two, they unconsciously compare themselves with each other, trying to surpass a competitor in all, ranging from maternal attention, ending with success in society. In creating a children's room for 2 boys, a factor of subconscious rivalry should be taken into account, bringing it to "no". This can be achieved, drawing up beds, tables and jobs almost the same. Why "almost"? Remember the basic rule of creating the interior of the children's room: "Even the smallest child is an independent person." And then there are two such people with their tastes, needs and desires!
The main task of parents in such a situation is the creation of a peaceful situation and minimizing the slightest reasons for thought, who has better and more beautiful. So you are guaranteed to create a favorable atmosphere between the brothers.
Frequent errors when making a children's room
How to equip a children's room so that the kids are comfortable and safely, and the parents could save strength and funds? This is a very difficult task, ideally cope with whom or professionals, or lucky. Most people allow fatal errors when creating a children's room for a boy or for two children.
We will help you to avoid you at least five major errors:
- Furniture clogging furniture. Do not buy too many furniture for the children's room - she is there anything. Limit the most necessary and functional - a wardrobe for things, a chest of drawers, a table, a chair. Child more and not necessary! Think how you can beat the space and use window sills, niches in the wall, shelves, etc.
- Do not use complex interior elements. The design of a children's room for a boy must be simple and concise - walls, floor, ceiling. Leave multi-level ceilings with complex living room lighting, ornamental niches - for the bedroom, arched vaults for museums. Only functionality, only practicality. Besides, why do you need extra places to collect dust?
- Do not buy too expensive furniture for children. This is a waste of money, because in any case the corners will assemble, and the upholstery is scratched and covered with stains from juice, ice cream or chocolate. It does not mean at all that you save on children. Think to whom in the end it will be worse from expensive furniture when the child will constantly hear from the parents "do not get along with his feet on the sofa!", "Do not scratch!", "Touch only clean hands!". Children's room is not an exhibition of parent welfare, but a small world of a small child.
- Do not buy furniture "to grown". Yes, it is economical, because you do not have to change the interior for school or after. But will such an idea like the child, the needs and desires of which vary almost every month?
- All the ideas of the children's room for the boy must be coordinated and approved by these boys. The opinion of the child regarding its future housing is extremely important! This does not mean that you must provide him with complete freedom of choice - child fantasy is limitless. Let the child choose from several options. For example, what chair he liked more or what picture of wallpaper he wants to see on the walls.
Adhering to these simple rules, you can not only use the finished projects of the children's room for the boy, but also create your own unique masterpieces of design art.