Reinforced concrete fences. Characteristics, advantages and installation of such fences Plot.

Any owner of a private house for security purposes, as well as wanting to hide from prying eyes the adjacent territory, as a rule, makes it a fence. Fences are different. They differ between themselves by the appearance, the installation method, as well as the material from which they are manufactured. Reinforced concrete fences are very popular in our country.
Reinforced concrete fences are used to fencing country and country sites, public institutions, enterprises, private houses, etc. This distribution can be explained not only relatively due to the available price of reinforced concrete structures, but also weighing other positive moments.
Advantages of reinforced concrete fences
Reinforced concrete fences possess the following advantages:
- available cost compared to other types of fences;
- high strength and durability of such a design, resistance to various mechanical stress and weather phenomena. Reinforced concrete fences are not afraid of shocks, strong winds, temperature drops, etc.;
- thermo and moisture resistance;
- simplicity of assembly and disassembly of such a design, which for the most part reminds work with the designer;
- lack of need for additional service, except for a subcrace fence as needed;
- a large selection of various shades, as well as forms, design, textures and a style of such a hedge. Reinforced concrete fences can be solid or combined, that is, combine reinforced concrete and metal elements.
At the same time, the reinforced concrete fence has one, but a significant drawback is a large mass of such a design, so its installation, dismantling and transportation requires the use of special equipment.
Types of reinforced concrete fences
The wide demand for reinforced concrete structures contributes to the fact that their manufacturers constantly improve their products, seeking to diversify design and forms to satisfy the requests of each buyer.
To date, all reinforced concrete fences are customary to divide into two large groups:
- Camping fences are massive reinforced concrete structures, the main function of which is to protect the territory from the penetration of unauthorized persons. They do not differ attractive appearance and for the most part used as temporary fences for construction sites, various industrial facilities, military units, warehouses, fleets, etc. Such a fence consists of individual sections that are installed in special platforms performing the role of the hedge;
- Decorative fences are precast concrete structures that, in addition to strength and durability, have an original design. They consist of separate sections, which are installed in special glasses, resulting in a single solid canvas. Decorative fences are used to fence private houses, country cottages, parks, squares, various administrative buildings and other objects.
Installation of reinforced concrete fence
The process of installing a reinforced concrete fence, although at first glance can seem to be difficult to many, in fact, it does not require special knowledge and skills by the Contractor. All actions can be carried out intuitively without any help. The only thing that may be needed for this is the presence of a pair of assistants and a crane installation, which should raise fairly heavy sections to a height of more than two meters.
- To begin with, we make marking of the territory where our reinforced concrete hedge will be in the future, pulling the thread in her place.
- After that, we go to the arrangement of special glasses, if it is a decorative fence. To do this, dig a hole with a depth of about 65 centimeters. Insert the first pillar into it, without forgetting the level.
- Then measure the distance to the middle of the next pit, given the length of the plate plus five centimeters.
- The next stage involves the installation of a reinforced concrete plate. This can be done only with the help of a crane. With the help of cables, hry the slab of the fence and the crane will raise it to the height.
- Next, neatly omit, holding the trajectory, so that it enters the grooves, and on the other hand, substituting the level of bricks. If during the installation of the fence, it will be necessary to correct the height of the poles, you can use a sledgehammer or a large hammer to drive them to the desired depth.
- Next, they dig in the same way a second pit and install a pillar into it.
- For greater stability, each pillar concrete.
- Go to the second plate, which we put on the first, moved it close to the post.
- To squeeze the plates score chips between the first post and stove.
- Then omit the second pillar into a predetermined pit and bring the groove in the stove, after which they knock the bricks previously installed under the stove.
- After that, check the level and remove the choppers.
- Installation of the remnant of the fence is produced in the same way.
- For wicket or gate, mount additional supports.
- The final stage is painting the finished fence. So, everything is ready, you can enjoy the result of your efforts. As can be seen, in the installation of decorative reinforced concrete fence there is nothing complicated.
To learn more about the installation of reinforced concrete fences, you can view video: