Replacing pipes in the bathroom yourself Plumbing

Finishing work in the bathroom precedes the replacement of major engineering communications. For many years of operation, they come into disrepair and therefore the replacement of sanitary pipes (water supply and sewerage) is necessary. To fulfill this work, it is not necessary to invite specialists. If there are minimal handling experience with the tools, you can change the pipes on your own. The information set forth in the article will help restore lost skills.
Types of sanitary pipes
Pipes for water pipes are:
- metal (steel, steel with zinc coating, copper, stainless steel);
- metal plastic;
- plastic.
Sewer pipes are divided into:
- ceramic;
- cast-iron;
- asbestos-cement;
- plastic.
Connect pipes soldering, welding and using various fittings.
Cast iron and asbestos-cement are characterized by fragility and greater weight, in connection with which they are not currently not used. Steel pipes (both with a zinc coating, and without) are not sufficiently protected from corrosion. Copper and stainless steel are distinguished by reliability, long service life, but also high cost. In this regard, pipes made of plastic and metalplastic are most popular, thanks to such qualities:
- low weight;
- simplicity of installation and maintenance;
- long service life;
- corrosion resistance and influence of chemically active substances;
- a smooth surface that ensures the unobstructed patency of water and stocks;
- comparatively low cost.
What are you need to install pipes in the toilet and in the bathroom
For the water supply, it is important to choose the properly diameter of the pipes. Replacing pipes in the bathroom and the toilet should not worsen the bandwidth of the system. The following rules must be followed.
- Cold and hot water pipes for domestic wiring are selected with a diameter in the range of 15-20 mm.
- Water supply risers are mounted with pipes with a diameter of at least 40 mm.
- Cealing system risers, as well as a connection to the toilet with a riser, should be a diameter of at least 100 mm.
- Sun beds The drain system is mounted with pipes with a diameter of 50 mm.
Important: When choosing pipes from plastic for water supply, pay attention to the maximum temperature, which their material can withstand. The labeling of pipes for hot and cold water is characterized by an appropriate inscription or a color longitudinal strip.
Replacing pipes in the bathroom: phased description
To perform work, you must have at your disposal the following set of tools and devices:
- bulgarian with a cutting circle for metal and with diamond spraying (on concrete);
- gas key;
- hammer;
- perforator;
- truboresis or hacksaw for metal;
- roulette;
- soldering iron for plastic pipes.
IMPORTANT: In the event of replacing the risers, it is necessary to turn off the water supply. This is done by the service organization with the prevention of neighbors from the upper and lower floors.
Further actions can be described as follows.
- Dismantling of old communications. Metal pipes are cut by a grinder and then recycle.
- Drawing up the work scheme of pipe wiring. Distinguish between the serial scheme and collector. The placement of all plumbing devices and the remoteness of them from each other is taken into account. It is necessary to envisage the possibility of connecting mixers, toilet, bidet, washing machine. Before each device must be shut-off valves (ball valve).
- Installation of cold and hot water risers, sewage.
- Stroshings of walls: This will allow the hidden installation of the water supply.
- Installation and fastening of new pipes.
- Grinding.
- Replacing plumbing.
Important: Before the walls of the walls, it is necessary to turn off the old electrical wiring. Installation of new wiring in the strokers together with water pipes is not allowed.
Replacing water pipes: work technology
As practice shows the greatest reliability in its price category, pipes are characterized by polypropylene. They are connected by a special soldering iron with the help of various connectors, tees and other fittings and can be hidden in the shoes.
To your attention a bathroom pipe replacement: video with specialist comments.
Replacing metal pipes on polypropylene in the bathroom requires compliance with some rules.
- The lobes should be cleaned so that the possibility of mechanical damage to pipes is excluded during their thermal expansion.
- Cold water pipes should be protected with thermal insulation material. During the installation, cuffs of foamed polyethylene are put on them.
- To place accounting devices, filters and other equipment, it is recommended to provide a special cabinet (box) with a hatch. It uses a metal profile, moisture resistant plasterboard or plastic panels for its construction. There should be an opportunity for repair, and if necessary, dismantling the risers.
- It is necessary to securely secure all the pipes on the walls of the clamps: this will help prevent gusts from the domestic communications in the case of a hydrowarder. The mount should not be too tough so that the pipes can be freely expanding at the temperature exposure of water flowing on them.
- In places intersection of pipes for their distitation use special systems.
When working with a soldering iron, during the installation of polypropylene pipes, the following is performed.
- In accordance with the mounting scheme on the wall, the location of the main nodes of the system is applied to the wall or marker.
- Connection places are degreased and cleaned from contamination.
- The connected elements are worn on the hatch of the soldering iron and heated for 10-15 seconds. Pre-set the melting point (for polypropylene - 270 ° C).
- After removing the details from the soldering iron nozzles, the details are joined. During the connection, the parts of the pipeline must be stationary to the complete pouring of the plastic (a few seconds).
We choose the mounting scheme
The sequential (tee) circuit of the connection of the pipeline elements is most often used in ordinary apartments. This method of installation is less costly, since all plumbing devices are connected sequentially and the pipes are less consuming. Disadvantages of serial scheme:
- in the absence of shut-off cranes for repair or replacement of any plumbing device, it has to turn off the entire system;
- with the simultaneous use of several Santekhpribors, the pressure drop in the most remote from the risers is inevitable;
- for installation requires the use of a large number of fittings.
The collector system is convenient for installation and operation on large areas. Independent connection of sanitary pribers is carried out using collectors - special distribution devices equipped with shut-off cranes. Collectors allow you to turn off one or more sanitary pribers, which does not violate the stable work of the rest. The water pressure in all points of analysis will be the same. The disadvantage of such a system is the need to use a large number of pipes.
Replacing sewage pipes
The main complexity when replacing old sewage pipes is dismantling. It is important not to disturb the integrity of cast iron walls when disassembling sealyed gray connections.
Installation of a new wastewater drain system is performed in compliance with the following rules.
- The attachment of new plastic pipes to the old (cast-iron) is performed using special adapters.
- Sun beds must have a minimal bias to the side of the riser (within 1-3 degrees) to ensure normal drainage.
- The seal of the joints is carried out using rubber liners. The connection of sewage parts is performed manually, without the use of special tools. Before docking, it is recommended to apply a layer of soap solution onto the rubber liner.
Tip: It is necessary to accurately perform the supply of pipes of sewage to the installation places of Santechpribors. The parameters of the connected equipment should be taken into account.
Using the information set out in the article, you can independently replace the water supply and sewage.