Installation of the floorboard Floors

Parquet as a floor covering is used for a long time. During this time he managed to establish itself as a practical and durable material. In addition to master the technology to install it does not need to have special knowledge. In the production of wood flooring wood is used only natural origin, which ensures excellent quality and durability of the coating. Consider all the features of the selection and the method of laying parquet in more detail.
styling options
There are two installation method. To make the right choice you need to focus on the desired result.
- With the help of a specific stacking direction can visually enlarge dimensions of the room. To this end, the board should be placed diagonally. Material thus is located at an angle of 45 °. But this method has a drawback - the overspending of the material, which will be 10-12%.
- If you need to save on the consumption of boards, then you should give preference to the second option, which involves the placement parallel to the wall. Laying is performed in the direction of the light flux.
Parquet board. Photo:
Determine the required amount of material
One of the priority actions during the installation of wood flooring is a calculation of the material.
- First determine the width and length of the room. It is also necessary to know the size of the board and they can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
- The method of laying is also taken into account. With direct placement, the material should be provided in 5%, with a diagonal location - 10%.
- Next, based on the parameters of the room and the size of the board, you need to perform calculations.
- Originally measured the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
- Then the required percentage is then added to the resulting indicator.
- The final result is divided into a single packaging.
- If the number is fraction, it needs to be rounded upwards.
- You can also refer to the seller that will help calculate the desired number of boards.
Preparatory stage
Installation of the parquet board is carried out on an even base. Delta per 1 m 2 should not exceed 2 mm. If the boards are laid on the uneven floor, after a certain period of time, they will fall out of the locks and come into disrepair.
Align the surface in two ways:
- with plywood;
- by means of a cement screed.
For laying a parquet coating, you only need to use even pellery. For this purpose, the material of the FC brand is suitable, the thickness of which exceeds 12 mm. It is also recommended to acquire calibrated plywood sheets. The entire batch of such products has the same thickness. In the market you can find polished sheets, but there is no particular need for their use. In addition, this material is more expensive than ordinary plywood. The procedure for laying plywood looks like this:
- Each sheet needs to be uncalled on 4 fragments.
- The selection of fasteners depends on the material from which the floor is made. The sheets are attached to the wooden base with nails, to the concrete surface - by means of screws.
- Between the sheets you need to leave space in 3 mm.
Before laying a parquet board, the floor can be aligned using a cement screed:
- Initially, since the base should remove the former coating and dust. In the presence of cracks, they need to be selected by cement mortar.
- The junction between the floor and the wall closes by a damper ribbon. This will help prevent the formation of cracks and the flow of the mixture. The tape must exceed the screed by 4-5 cm.
- In addition to the surface of the floor, a waterproofing composition is applied or a polyethylene film is placed.
- To determine the thickness of the screed layer and sections to which lighthouses will be installed, it is necessary to find the highest point. At a distance of the meter from the slab overlap put a mark.
- Next, around the perimeter of the room, a horizontal line is performed, which will perform the role of the base level.
- Then the distance from this line to the floor is measured and the highest point is determined. The thickness of the screed should not be less than this level.
- After that, lighthouses are installed - the guide elements exhibited in accordance with the initial level. It is impossible to use wooden parts for this purpose, because They in the process of drying the screed will absorb moisture. Lighthouses should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the wall and 30 cm from each other. You can fix them with the help of a cement composition. But in this case, before proceeding with the screed, you need to wait until it dries.
- At the next stage, a solution is prepared. You can purchase a special mixture or prepare the composition yourself. To do this, blend cement with sand in a 1: 3 ratio and add water. For stirring, a drill is used, equipped with a stirrer. The solution must acquire a consistency of thick sour cream. To check the availability of the mixture, you need to squeeze in the hand of a lump - it should not spread and disintegrate. If desired, plasticizers can be added to the composition - elements that increase the plasticity and elasticity of the solution.
- The mixture is stacked from the opposite side of the output. The composition is laid out between the guides by 0, 5 m, after which it is tightened with the help of the rule.
- For drying, the screed will take 3 weeks. Throughout this time, it is necessary to periodically moisten it with a roller. This will avoid cracking. Also for this, the screed can be covered with a film.
Laying Parquet Board: Technology Installation Floating Mode
A parquet coating in accordance with this method can be laid on a wooden base and a screed. The attachment of the boards is carried out by the spike-groove system. To the surface of the floor parquet is not attached. This method has several advantages:
- There is no need to acquire additional adhesive compositions, which reduces costs.
- Installation work does not take much time.
- The simplicity of technology makes it possible to accomplish yourself without attracting specialists.
- In case of damage to any element, repair can be performed fragmentary.
- The replacement of one or more boards is carried out without parsing.
Fastening on wooden floor and lag
- If you plan to mount the coating on a wooden base, initially it is necessary to eliminate all available defects - chips, recesses, cracks, space between the boards.
- Alignment of the old floor will require more time and effort. To do this, you will need a grinding machine, self-tapping screws, glue. The new floor boards are manually aligned with the plane.
- Installation on lags involves fastening to the base by means of nails. This procedure is performed through the ridges of the board connecting lock.
How to put a parquet board on glue
This method is used primarily in large rooms. It allows you to provide a solid clutch of the parquet coating with the base. Choosing this method, it should be remembered that parquet boards by means of glue can only fit on an absolutely smooth surface. This is the most common way now. But it is also sufficiently costly, since it will require additional materials to purchase it.
For laying parquet boards, you will need it with your own hands:
- hacksaw;
- corolnic;
- a bar of 30 cm sizes;
- pencil, roulette, ruler;
- stubborn bracket;
- wedges;
- drill.
First consider important rules for the preparation for the process:
- During the work and after their end, the temperature indicators in the room should be at the level of + 20 ° C, the humidity should not exceed 60%.
- If the installation is carried out on the heated basis, then pre-48 hours before the start of the laying, you need to set the temperature at the level of + 18 ° C.
- Wood from which the coating is made, has a compressive property and expand depending on changes in the humidity level. For this reason, there is a space of 10 mm between the floor and the walls. A similar clearance will be needed in the field of pipes.
- Do not open all the packaging of the material immediately. This should be done as work.
- If the room in the width exceeds 8 m, the coating is separated by free seam. The same operation is carried out when moving to another room, in the location zone of the door design and in the corner area. The longitudinal seam is not sinking, it is closed with a separate plank.
The installation process is performed in such a sequence of actions:
- First, the boards are checked for defects. If you are presented, only intact part is used. Install such parquet in inconspicuous areas. Setting the first row, you need to make sure that it turned out to be smooth. The entire subsequent process depends on this.
- If the surface of the wall, from which the laying is uneven, then the board is cut according to its bend with a hacksaw. Pre-pencil need to draw an indicative line.
- Styling the second row starts from the fragment remaining from the previous board. Transverse seams should be located at a distance of 50 cm.
- The adhesive composition is applied to the upper and lower edge of the groove with a layer of 2 mm. Surplus glue should be removed from the surface of the coating using a wet veto. One liter of composition can be treated 15 m 2 Square.
- Connect the boards by means of a bar.
- If in the room where the laying is performed, pipes pass, then you need to cut off the fragment from the board, which will be laid for communications.
- Next, with the help of the carbon on it, two lines corresponding to the diameter of pipes are noted. From the middle of the communications to the installed board marks the distance.
- Then you need to drill holes, the diameter of which should be 20 mm to exceed the size of the pipes.
- Using the hacks, the passes are cut through the lines, after which the board is installed.
- A glue is applied to the edges of the filmed fragments, and they are installed in the zone of propyl.
When installing the parquet board often arises the need to shorten the door frame and platbands. To do this, you need to put a separate board with a substrate next to the box. Next, the platbands and the box are cut off with hacksaw. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe threshold, special linings set. The width of the last board does not always match the desired size. In this situation, it must be placed on the previous panel (their edges must match) and cut. You can pre-make indicative marks.
A disconnected fragment is mounted using a bracket. Wedges are installed for fixing. Seams can be treated with mastic. To dry the glue, it will take 4 hours. After this time, the wedges need to be removed and installed plinth. This coating can also be laid on carpet or linoleum. But in this situation, the mount can only be performed by the floating method. As a result, you will get an excellent and reliable coating from an oak parquet board that will profitably fit into any interior.
Grinding treatment
Grinding allows you to hide all coating defects. After this procedure, a parquet board of ash, larch, etc., breed acquires a more attractive look. To work, you need to prepare:
- special machine;
- emery paper of different graininess;
- vacuum cleaner;
- putty on a tree;
- varnish, roller, brushes.
The processing process looks like this:
- Abrasive №40 is installed on the car.
- First, the grinding is performed, tilting the drum at an angle of 45 °.
- Then the procedure is reused, but already in the direction of laying boards.
- Work should be performed until the complete disappearance of irregularities and roughness.
- To process various hard-to-reach areas, the "boot" device is applied.
- At the final stage, the surface is treated with fine-grained abrasive.
- To check the quality of grinding you need to spend your hand over the coating and check - it should be perfectly smooth.
Parpet manufacturers
Tarkett parquet board is made of pine, oak and other breeds of natural wood. The manufacturer offers a wide range of this product. The consumer has the ability to choose a suitable parquet coating from a wide variety of colors. The most popular view of the company Tarket is a three-band board, a thickness of 14 cm.
The high quality of this material allows you to use it in the premises of any destination. Castle board connections are a thorough check and meet all quality requirements. The manufacturer provides a fifteen-year warranty on its products. At the same time, Tarkett boards differ available.
Polarwood parquet board has a multi-layer structure. In each layer, wood fibers are located in a perpendicular direction, which increases the strength of the material. The middle layer that takes on the bulk of the load is made from coniferous rocks. And the base of the board, acting the role of the stabilizer - from birch. 5 layers of varnish are applied to the outer side of the material.
For the manufacture of its products, Polarwood uses exclusively natural materials. Parquet coating of this manufacturer has resistant to high temperature and ultraviolet rays. Polarwood boards retain their performance characteristics for 20 years.
Laying the parquet board can be performed in several ways, each of which has its advantages. The technological process is characterized by simplicity and does not require special training, and a wide variety of materials will allow you to choose the optimal option for your interior.
Laying parquet board. Video: