Mechanical cleaning of walls from paint with their own hands Walls

Removing old paint from the walls is a rather complicated process. This is due to the high adhesive properties of the material, which depend on the type of paintwork.
Nuances of mechanical cleaning of walls from paint
Immediately questions arise: Do I need to remove the old coating? Is it possible to do without it? The answer to these questions depends on what finishing coverage will be used to finish the surface.
With a new staining, the removal of paint from the walls is not necessary due to the characteristics of modern acrylic, water-emulsion and silicone paints and varnish products. They can hold on any surface.
The only condition is the presence of a reliable clutch of an old coating with a wall. Otherwise, the surface will be covered with bubbles and, over time, will begin to peel.
When used to align the walls of the spacing compositions, the old coating is removed in mandatory. This is explained by the fact that almost all mixtures for alignment are badly kept on the painted surface.
In addition to the type of finishing material, to determine the maximum efficient way to remove old paint are taken into account:
- the view and number of layers of the old coating;
- the material from which the wall is made.
What paintwork is covered with a wall to find out easy. You just need to remove the paint on a small area. It is clear that it is much easier to clean the surface of the water-emulsion material. Removal of oil paint is more complicated. Especially when only one layer is applied.
As for the material manufacturing material, it will not be much difficult to remove the paint from the sand plastering surface. A very complex process is the removal of the old coating from the concrete slab, which the plaster was not applied.
There are several ways to remove old wall paint. Let us dwell on the mechanical surface cleaning in more detail.
Preparatory stage
This process leads to a large amount of dust and garbage (concrete or brick, plaster and paint). For this reason, at the preparatory stage:
- from the room you should endure all the furniture;
- if this can not be done, then the objects are covered with polyethylene film;
- the film also lays a film with mandatory fixation of it to plinths with a tape;
- a respirator is purchased (you can rent), glasses, gloves and special clothes.
Special attention is paid to the proper selection of tools. Mechanical cleaning method involves using:
- construction dryer;
- manual scraper;
- bulgarian or puncher with nozzle.
The use of a construction hair dryer is an inappropriate occupation. Large laboriousness and long time to remove paint is characteristic of this tool (even in the case when the hairdryer is equipped with a nozzle). The use of a manual scraper is not very effective.
A more efficient mechanical cleaning occurs when a burgrage or perforator is used to remove paint. In both cases, the tools are equipped with special nozzles that are most popular among which are:
- brush with steel wires;
- grinding wheel;
- abrasive nozzle;
- boer;
- shovel.
The first three types of nozzles are used in combination with the grinder, the second two - with a perforator. The best option is to use a perforator with a shovel nozzle. You can use other tools (or nozzles). Moreover, in construction products, you can purchase a cartridge for mechanical cleaning and other devices.
Practical aspects of wall cleaning from paint
The procedure for mechanical removal of paint can be carried out using:
- hand tools;
- electrical equipment.
Hand tools
The best "Dedovskaya" technology is the use of an ordinary well-sharpened ax. With the help of the tool, a large number of notches on the wall are made. The surface will be rough. After that, it is abundantly wrapped with water. After water absorption, all paint is considered an ax.
The advantage of this method is the absence of a large amount of dust and minimum costs. Such cleaning of the walls from paint is used when the finish coating is a ceramic tile. The perfect adhesion of glue under the tile is achieved.
The hammer and the chisel is another "ancient" way of removing the surface from the old coating. But this process takes a long period of time. Yes, and you will need several chisels that will constantly fail.
Its use will reduce the timing of the work. The process of cleaning paint from the wall consists of such actions:
- a certain nozzle is connected to the tool;
- it connects to the electrical network;
- the nozzle is held along the painted surface;
- old coating disappears from the wall.
When working with a brush made of steel wire, the following points should be aware of:
- With large turns of the Bulgarians (over 10 thousand revolutions) sparks appear, which are flying out in different directions.
- It is impossible to use a brush with a large diameter. This can cause the failure of the Bulgarian.
When a grinding circle with several emery skins acts in Tandem with a grinder, then pay attention to the grain of the material. The minimum side of the skins should be 40. The grinding circle is removed without problems, even from concrete walls. The only drawback - with severe heating, the skins can ignite.
The abrasive nozzle has a rough surface to which round emeratic sheets are attached with the help of velc. Grinding works are well carried out by this nozzle. To remove paint, it is practically not suitable for 3 reasons:
- fast wear of the essay sheets;
- the greater chance of breaking the Bulgarian;
- too much time will leave for cleaning the wall.
The best productivity has a perforator with a "spatula" nozzle. For 7-8 hours of active work, you can remove paint from the walls with a total area of \u200b\u200b8-10 m². Moreover, the surface is cleared not only from paint material, but also from putty or plaster. Lack of tools - noisy work, which can create a problem in an apartment building.
Also mechanical cleaning can be carried out when the surfaces are heated. This uses a construction hairdryer and a spatula. The hairdryer heats up a small segment of the wall, and the swollen paint bubbles are filmed.
Both stages must be carried out by each other, since hot paint socks quickly and in this form it will be removed even more difficult. The only nuance lies in the fact that it is forbidden to heat the surface at the location of electrical wiring, sockets, switches and other lifelong fittings.
It should be noted that mechanical cleaning is carried out and the chemical cleaning of walls from paint. First, the surface is covered with chemical solution. After his absorption, wake-up old paint is considered a brush for metal or scraper.
Video about mechanical removal of paint from the wall: