How to make the original mosaic for the bathroom with your own hands Tile,Walls

Finish using the mosaic is becoming increasingly popular in modern bathrooms. The main materials used in this case are the ceramics and glass. They are practical, presentable and have a wide range of color and design registration. With the mosaic can decorate not only part of the bath, but the room with high humidity from floor to ceiling.
Tiles in the bathroom: mosaic
Handwritten finish bathroom mosaic will require plenty of time and patience, as this work is painstaking. If you try, you can create a very original design registration in a short enough time. The main thing to take into account several important points when installing.
Tiles in the bathroom as a mosaic: the pros and cons
This type of material for the inner lining of the walls of the house has a lot of advantages. particularly important among them are the following:
- wide range of materials;
- strength;
- the possibility of registration of various surfaces, even irregular, as well as curved and concave portions;
- resistance to color fading;
- creating a variety of patterns and drawings;
- the ability to glue it on the surface of different types, for example, from wood, metal, concrete and even firmly positioned on the walls covered with plaster.
The only shortcomings of this type of finish are too high the cost of the material itself and painstaking work on its installation. But these minuses overlap the fact that the mosaic tile is almost durable, so in frequent subsequent repairs does not need such a finish.
Bathroom mosaic: Requirements
For the bathroom room, constant humidity and temperature differences are characterized, in addition, almost all the walls are easily exposed to mechanical damage. In such a room it is very important to constantly monitor the cleanliness, so the selected materials for trimming the bathroom mosaic should:
- transfer damage to the mechanical type;
- withstand frequent effects of chemicals;
- do not require additional care conditions;
- carry the effects of constant humidity;
- standing to withstand temperature drops.
Style features Mazaika in the bathroom
Bathroom design with mosaic
When placing a bathroom with a mosaic, you can use different styles. Consider the most popular of them with examples of using color mosaic solutions.
- For the design of the bathroom in the classic style, it is recommended to select light colors tiles. It is allowed to use marble texture and panels.
- For design of the room in ethnic style, you can use a stone or wooden tile of natural shades.
- Bathroom in style minimalism is best separated by glass, steel or plastic mosaic. It can prevail the main nonsense background, for example, white or metallic, with bright spots.
- For a small room, Modern design is most suitable. In combination with a sandy tint, you can use different types of illumination and mirrors.
- Provence style involves design in pastel shades, decorated with vegetable patterns.
- High-tech decoration will create a relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom. It uses predominantly coarse contrast of light and dark flowers, such as black and white or dark brown with dairy, and texture intersions are prevalent.
Bathroom Design: Color Mosaic Options
- Color has a sufficiently large influence on human well-being. It is very important to correctly pick up the color solution for the bathroom, as it is important to create an atmosphere for relaxation at this place.
- Warm shades will charge a person with energy, and cold, on the contrary, will reassure him. In the first case, you can make a choice in favor of yellow or orange, and in the second - blue or green.
- Color combinations are recommended to do from the shades of one tone so that one clearly prevailed in the area.
- In the design of the bath, it is not recommended to use a lot of stains of the tile mosaic of different colors, it is better to make one bright accent and supplement the solution with small splashes of this shade into the rest of the mosaic ornaments.
- The selected color and drawing of the mosaic should create an atmosphere in which a person will be cozy. When entering the bathroom, you should feel calm, seclude and comfortable. The use of a large number of bright elements will spoil the atmosphere of comfort, and instead of relaxing a person will feel the tension.
Mosaic in the bathroom: Views
- Mosaic is made from various materials, the most popular is the tile from:
- glass;
- metal;
- ceramics;
- smalts;
- stone.
- Mosaic made from any given type of material is great for trimming the bathroom. Beautifully looks to combine several of her species at the same time. For example, you can put a glass or ceramic mosaic on the walls, and the floor is separated by such a tile of stone.
- There is also plastic mosaic tiles for the bathroom. The plates for the original and cheap decoration of the bathroom are made even from such a light material. But since he himself is not an environmentally friendly product and extremely fragile, very few people use such a type of this material. In addition, mosaic design itself implies a special design, time and certain investments in the room design, so the savings are inappropriate here.
- Laying the sheets of mosaic from the bat tile should begin with creating a sketch. It will take a large supply of patience to do everything as needed. Each element of the pattern should be seamless in accordance with the texture and color tint. First, the mosaic needs to be applied to the template. Only after that it can be transferred to walls or gender.
- This type of tiles have several advantages:
- it is much cheaper;
- no special skills are required for styling;
- the figures obtained always look very original.
Features of mosaic
Each type of such a tile thanks to the variety of materials has its own nuances in both operation and installation.
- Metal mosaic is quite rare compared to the rest. But this kind is perfectly coping with focusing some individual details against the background of the general picture.
- From glass mosaic, extremely elegant panels are obtained. Today you can find the most different mosaic in color, form and texture. Glass for its manufacture is also used differently. There are options from transparent, matte and translucent material.
- Most often, pieces of mosaics are made in the form of gems or marine pebbles. Such types of design in the bathroom look beautiful and unobtrusively. Special building additives are also used to color, which make shades even rich, create overflows and many other interesting effects. Among them are also gradient fills, and color transitions and divorces.
- Mosaic from smalt - Material is extremely durable. Its unique feature is the glow from the inside. Bathroom decorated from this material looks fairly warm and alive, and drawings created by such technology, against the background of sofite light in the bathroom give the design of magic.
- Ceramic mosaic is the most common bathroom in modern design. It is usually used when finishing floors and walls. Very often it is used to lay out pools, baths, shower cabins and washbasins.
- The mosaic of stone looks the most rich and attractive. Many manufacturers make artificial tiles, which naturally transfers many features of the stone. Natural colors, transitions from one color to another and texture - everything looks real. Especially valuable is a mosaic of semi-precious stones. The decoration of such a plan is expensive and looks luxurious.
- Please note that it is very important to consider how the room will be covered. From the direction of light will depend on the beauty of the design of the walls of the bathroom and the manifestation of some properties of the materials used.
Bathroom with tiled mosaic
In the era of the development of the Internet, find many photos of the design of the bathroom, decorated with a mosaic tile, is not difficult. However, there is a question of technology and the ability to repeat the design you liked. Since the type of material was used, which was the planning of the premises and the skill of specialists, much depends on.
Consider the main stages of the process of finishing the bathroom with mosaic, and this is:
- preparation of the working surface;
- conducting markup on working surfaces;
- direct adhesion using special glue;
- removing the protective layer of paper;
- removal of seams between the stoves.
Surface preparation
Elementally paste the mosaic to the prepared surface, too, can be in several ways. The use of one or another method depends on what type of mosaic panel was selected. The main thing before the sticker mosaic is to prepare all the walls to this process. For this you need:
- process all surfaces with a special composition against the occurrence of fungus and mold;
- create layers of waterproofing on the floor and walls that fit to the bathroom;
- thoroughly align the working surface;
- make a primer, but only from light materials, it is especially important that kind of primer in the case of a selection of a transparent mosaic for design.
How to stick mosaic
After the preparation of the walls, you can proceed to sticking the mosaic itself. Consider the standard sequence of this section of the bathroom.
- Purchase of blanks for mosaic. Usually they have dimensions of 100x100 mm, 200x200 mm or 300x300 mm. Small pieces are glued much easier. In the event that the composition is complex, it is impossible to do without prior to creating a stencil and cuttings necessary for the form of figures. To do this, you can use special nippers. It is very important during the preparatory process not to harm the mosaic.
- When combining a mosaic with a tile of ceramics, a tile is first stacked with the fact that there should be a place to create a composition.
- Pieces of mosaic need to be checked for compliance with the location of their location before starting to fix them.
- All billets are superimposed on smooth surfaces. Using a spatula with cloths on the work side, glue is applied. The thickness of its layer should be about 1 cm.
- When overlapping pieces on the wall or gender they need to be pressed by a rubber spatula.
- The glue must be completely frozen. It will take at least 2 days, so have it in mind when planning the repair.
- After the image from the mosaic is fixed, remove the mounting paper, which is wetted before it.
- Then we drag intercutric seams using a rubber construction grater.
- The glued tile is rubbed with a sponge of foam rubber.
Please note that you can use the bathroom only after 20 days after the grout is performed.
Rules Application glue
When installing mosaic glue is applied in 2 stages.
- First, it must be applied as the basis. This layer must dry throughout the day.
- The second layer is applied already on the tile itself during its lining on the surface of the wall or floor. Keep in mind that as soon as you delivered a second layer on the element of the mosaic, it should be immediately glued to the destination. For 15 minutes, the glued composition will begin to dry out and if you redistribute, the mosaic will no longer be fixed properly.
- It is impossible to remove the remnants of glue using metal spatulas. They can scratch the surface of the tile. Therefore, this process is performed through the mounting paper.
Grouting mosaic
- Grouting can be done no earlier than after a day since the installation.
- Before applying the solution you need to clean the mosaic from the remaining glue. This will help the foam sponge.
- Then the grout is distributed over the entire surface of the tile using a spatula, and unnecessary surplus is removed.
- The applied composition will sink no more than 20 minutes. As soon as the time passes, the solution will darken.
- After that, with the help of a rag, we polished the surface of the entire mosaic.
Additional recommendations
To create original and unique design, it is important to take note of several design tips.
- If the drawing is put out of individual parts and fragments, the composition will look more effectively. But for this it is very important to have a rich fantasy, the ability to draw and be able to properly combine colors.
- Creating a sketch of the composition of the original size to allow you to calculate the required amount of mosaic in general and each of the necessary colors separately. This will avoid problems with insufficient material and make a small supply.
- Sketch on the walls should be drawn very accurately, given all the details. You can even use stencils.
- Each piece of mosaic should be well blurred with glue and tightly pressed.
- Starting the layout of the composition is needed on top and move down. The gaps between fragments should not be too big, for this you need to pick up the items that will fit together as close as possible.
- Larger details need to be folded smaller. So it will be easier to select the following fragments.
How much is the mosaic tile for the bathroom
- The cost of the mosaic depends on the color design of the tile itself and the material from which it is made.
- The richer color gamut, the higher the price. The most expensive mosaic is outdoor. Often there are complex drawings out of it, because of this, the price of its acquisition is higher.
- Also, the size of one plate has an important impact on the price. What it is more, the more expensive the price.
Working with mosaics is quite difficult, but a way to finish always looks nice and original. Of course, much easier to seek help from professionals in this business, but I make my own mosaics with your own hands is much nicer and more interesting.