Balcony insulation with her heated floor Insulation,Floors

In recent years, insulation of the house becomes an increasingly relevant issue. This is really important, given the rapid rise in energy prices. It is worth recognizing that today there are all the conditions for ensuring high-quality insulation of almost all components of a residential building, starting with outer walls and ending with the floor of the floor. Moreover, all these issues related to insulation are becoming so versatile that the usual person who does not work in this field, understand all the intricacies of insulation and heating the premises is almost impossible.
Often, experts advise to begin the insulation of the apartment from the balcony. This really makes sense, since it is through this space that the most cool air come from the street. It is extremely important to high-quality insulation of space, since the hosts often, or other process performers, are not very serious about these work, therefore, various errors appear that can significantly affect the effectiveness of insulation.
If we talk about the works related to the balcony, it makes sense to consider not only the usual warming, but also heating the floor, which significantly increases the comfort of space.
In this article, we will consider the features of the process of insulation of the balcony, as well as the specific specifics of the floor heating system. It must be recognized that all these events have many subtleties, so inexperienced people should carefully study the technology of the process to prevent annoying errors.
Features of insulation balcony
First of all, it is necessary to carry out the insulation of the balconies in old houses where the microclimate question is really sharp. High-quality insulation allows not only to enjoy warm inside the apartment, but to save on energy resources. As we have already spoken, in conditions when everything is insulated, sufficiently minimal heating so that comfort is felt. Practice shows that after the insulation of surfaces, saving on energy resources is quite large. Accordingly, in a short period of time, you can completely recoup all those measures that were aimed at insulation. Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally talk about it for all apartments and conditions. In some cases, mapping the funds that were invested in insulation, and it does not work at all. This may be associated with the specifics of the initial insulation of the house, as well as with some external aspects. Thus, it is necessary to fully analyze the situation and make certain conclusions that will allow maximum benefit from thermal insulation materials.
The balcony warning immediately occurs extremely quickly, as often this space has a small area. But it is worth navigating that the balcony is, most often, a narrow space in which some repair work is not so comfortable.
The process of insulation balcony
First of all, it is necessary to understand that the insulation of the balcony is not only the use of insulating materials, but also some basic actions. First of all, we are talking about high-quality glazing balcony. Practice shows that if you qualitatively carry out this process, you can significantly save not only on energy resources, but also on thermal insulation materials. Accordingly, if everyone is used in the complex, it will turn out to be an extremely successful mixture of insulation and comfort within the balcony.
After that, you can proceed to the usual insulation, and to carry out this process, a sufficiently deep analysis must be carried out, which allows you to extract the maximum benefit from available resources.
Preliminary actions
Before spending high-quality balcony glazing, you need to understand that there is often a problem associated with the common state of the balcony. First of all, we are talking about plates that make them a balcony. It is often happening that there are gaps, cracks and many other disadvantages that make space simply unsuitable for high-quality insulation. Accordingly, at this stage it is necessary to do everything possible so that the balcony corresponds to the basic requirements associated with the process of insulation.
Thus, it will require a cement mixture, which will be filled with all the flaws of the design. It should be borne in mind that today there is a tremendous number of balconies of old houses that are practically in disregard. Such structures should be treated simply radically, since at one moment the balcony may simply roll apart. Accordingly, it is often useful to be the very services that will dismantle the old balcony and create all the conditions that the design serve as longer as possible.
As we said, without glazing the balcony is not a space that can be highly insulated. In this case, we can say that for high-quality glazing it is best to pay attention to the finished windows. In some cases, we are talking about simple windows that look great as part of the balcony.
It is best to contact the companies that are engaged in the installation of double-glazed windows, and it is they will hold the entire amount of necessary work. It is important to pay attention to the fact that such work includes not only the correct placement of the window design, but also the sealing of the structure. Accordingly, if the balcony has a good condition, and the windows are fully sealed, then the speech is already about a good level of heat insulation.
It is obvious that everything is not always going as much as possible, so the quality of work that specialists conduct, still be checked. It should be borne in mind that the balcony is a limited space, so it should be paid to even small flaws. They are able to significantly affect the situation associated with insulation.
Insulation with insulating materials
Well, now begins the most responsible event associated with the insulation of the balcony. In this case, we will apply thermal insulation materials that will allow to preserve even the minimum amount of heat available in space.
First of all, it is important to pay attention to the fact that not everything depends on which insulation material was used for insulation. Experts note that considerable part of success depends directly from the thickness of the material, as well as on its thermal conductivity. The last characteristic often turns out to be decisive, as the most materials that have been on the market for many years, differ in high thermal conductivity, and this is not the best reflected on the efficiency of resources. It may be cheap material, but its effectiveness will not be better reflected in operation.
In addition, if we are talking about a limited space, then obvious is the inexpediency of using massive materials. The large thickness of the insulation will negatively affect the space, especially if it is more than necessary for the owners.
- Paul insulation is often based on the use of clay. Surely, many know that the ceramzite is far from the most modern material that demonstrates not better efficiency. However, the practice shows that within the framework of the balcony, this is a good decision, especially considering monetary savings and many other aspects. As for directly using clay, then often experts are advised to make a choice in favor of two fractions of this material at once, which makes it possible to obtain good thermal insulation efficiency. Obviously, the ceramzite itself is unlikely to be effective, so together with other resources it will be a good solution.
- In addition, the floor is often insulated with extruded polystyrene foam. This is a fairly modern resource that demonstrates really excellent efficiency in many situations. Often the process of insulation begins with styling foil foam. It is important that the foil is on top. This will reflect heat, as well as create excellent vaporizolation. Next, you need to secure wooden bars every 0.5 meters (the bars themselves must have dimensions of approximately 40x40 mm). Accordingly, peculiar cells appear, which must be filled with insulating material. It is advisable to do everything possible so that the material of the material perfectly corresponded to the free space of the floor. Of course, it is not always done, so all the slots and other voids present at the floor level should be filled with construction foam. Also perpendicular to the bars can be fixed by the second layer of wood material. A certain airbag should be obtained, which allows you to slightly improve thermal insulation. From above of such a floor should be moisture-resistant plywood. And on top of this material, it is possible to place, for example, laminate. It should be borne in mind that the balcony is often limited space, so you can not save on such materials.
As for the fixing of polystyrene directly, it should be paid to the glue and dowels. Both options have some advantages that should be analyzed. For example, if you make a choice in favor of glue, then there is no deformation of the material. The glue is applied using a spatula, evenly distributing the material over the entire surface of the polystyrene. It is important to prevent excess of excess glue to the joints. If we talk about fastening the polystyrene foam of dowels, then you should purchase fasteners with large hats. It is known that 1 square meter of material requires approximately 6 dowels. Interestingly, in practice, experts often use simultaneously 2 methods of fastening of material.
When using expanded polystyrene, it makes sense to close the joints with a special vaporizolation tape. Practice shows that it often allows you to get rid of mold and fungus.
Wall insulation
It should be borne in mind that the insulation of the walls occurs in about the same way as in the case of the floor. However, experts focus on how to use mineral wool and similar resources should not be. The problem is that porous insulation absorb moisture, and a certain period of time give shrinkage. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in case the material still be used, you need to use a vapor barrier layer, which is often just extremely important.
Heated floor on the balcony
Recently, the system of warm floors received a considerable prevalence. First of all, this is due to the effectiveness of this system, as well as with the possibilities that represent producers of this product.
If you say briefly, the heap system is a fairly simple idea, which is to use heating elements at the level of the lower surface of the house. As part of its own dwelling, it really makes sense to use such a system, since in the winter, when maybe there is no heating, the warm surface creates real comfort.
Often, the installation of a heap system is carried out directly by specialists who have enough experience for such events. Practice shows that there are no special difficulties in the arrangement of equipment, but there are quite a few subtleties, which for an inexperienced person may not be the simplest. Accordingly, if an error is allowed, these are big problems.
In this article, we will look at the specifics of the installation of a warm floor based on the water system. It must be said that the essence of this system is to use small tubes through which hot water circulates. Accordingly, the surface of the floor will always be warm.
- First of all, you need to use a heater or reflective material that will be located under the heat-mall system. It is worth paying attention to the fact that often experts use folgized material, which retains even the minimum heat available in space. Take this resource in such a way that there are no gaps and other shortcomings of the surface capable of affecting the effectiveness of insulation.
- A warm floor collector is a serious equipment that often requires fine tuning. Practice shows that precisely specialists are involved in the configuration, as this is really a difficult thing. Already at the stage of the work on the arrangement of the warm sex, you will need to select the most good place for the collector. It can be placed almost anywhere, but not too far from the very floor where the tubes will be placed.
- Also, to the collector you need to connect the tubes that will warm the floor. In this case, it is better to place the handset first on the surface, and after that it is possible to connect. Immediately the location of the tubes on the floor is a fairly simple process. Here you will need to evenly distribute them on the surface. You can search the Internet images related to this topic. Often, the schemes are approximately the same, but much may depend on what space we have at the disposal. The balcony is a completely small part of the dwelling, where to realize something full and sweeping - it will not work.
- It will also be necessary to secure the tubes so that they always be in the right place. For this, the slats with locks are often used. It is important to remember that, despite the rigidity of the pipes, they can not be excessively bend. Otherwise, this may adversely affect the operation of the system.
- The collector will need to attach directly to the riser, which will allow using the desired volumes of water for the system. Immediately after that, the system is testing. This is an extremely important stage that requires as much concentration as possible. It is necessary to check whether the floor heating really occurs, is there any interruptions, etc. Testing can continue long enough, and in this matter should not be hurry, as it will be almost impossible to fix something in a short period of time.
- Now, when testing has shown problems, it is necessary to place the reinforcing grid on top of the tubes, and then pour all the screed. It is important here to keep in mind that the screed must have special additives in its composition, which are best suited for heat propagation on the surface. Dress the screed will really long, and often it takes at least 2-3 weeks. It should be understood that during this time it is impossible to use the floor heating system. Already after the screed has dried, it is possible to lay the flooring and activate the system if necessary.
Finishing of the room
After universal insulation of space, the most important thing is the finishing process. It should be borne in mind that a considerable finish depends on the finish, because it also significantly affects the thermal insulation of the room. It should be borne in mind that today there is a huge selection of finishing materials, so it is quite possible to make a good choice in favor of a material that is not bad insulation and a modern appearance of the surface.
In some cases, it makes sense to use plasterboard or other materials that are attached to the surface. After this choice, you can easily hide all the shortcomings of the space that appeared after the insulation process. Accordingly, sometimes it makes sense to create a high-quality crate, already on the basis of which the finishing process will occur.
If the ceiling insulation occurred, then experts are advised to make a choice in favor of suspended material under which various communications can be hidden. In the case of plasterboard, this is hardly able to be checked.