Calm of soil. Meaning of lime, time and method Plot.

The lift of the soil is a special processing process used to eliminate excessive acid content from the soil to improve the nutritional properties of the soil. Such treatment does not simply reduce the acidity that is harmful to most cultures, but the soil itself becomes more loose, as a result of this is better delayed moisture. There is another aspect of lime: Lime saturates the soil calcium, as well as magnesium, which often lacks grown cultures.
Loving Basics
The basis of any acid is hydrogen, thus, from a chemical point of view, lime is a substitution of hydrogen atoms to other chemical elements (most often - calcium, magnesium), followed by the decay of the acid and the formation of salt. The reaction catalyst is carbon dioxide, which is constantly contained in the soil. During the reaction, it forms a transitional calcium carbonate salt, which later reacts with acid. In this case, limestone and chalk make it possible to reduce the size of the acidity of the soil as loyalty as possible, and also create a feed for plant roots. It is worth noting that the larger the calcium in the ground, the more harder. This may result in the difficulty of growing plant roots (especially with a weak root system). Therefore, excessive limeting is not welcome. The rains of calcium from the soil is not washed away.
Substances similar in their composition with lime are also used for fertilizer. Lime fertilizers used for land reclamation:
- calcite,
- limestone,
- dolomitic flour,
- harated or smaller lime,
- shale ash
- lake lime,
- domain slag
- cement dust
- sugar waste
- peattooth.
In each case, its own tillage lime norms are calculated.
There is a misconception that limeting is good to make plaster. In fact, the gypsum is entered exclusively for soil aelioration with increased salt deposits.
Results achieved by calculating soils
The main advantages of the process:
- The soil is enriched with microelements that improve the development of plants.
- Organic fertilizers begin to give a return by 30-40% more.
- The activities of some useful microorganisms increases.
- Improve the structure and properties of the soil (waterproof, for example).
- In the grown plants, the level of toxic elements is significantly reduced.
It must be said that the results of the lime are manifested in progress. In some cases, improvements occur only in a few years. Therefore, the limestration should not be done annually.
But, if ammonia drugs are used as fertilizers, liming should be carried out regularly. Re-loving depends on the addition of these fertilizers. In case, for example, if the soil is regularly equipped with manure, repeated lime is recommended not to conduct.
Acidic soils and plants
Of course, different types of cultivated plants require different soils. Most plants love neutral soil. However, many cultures for which acidic soil is preferred:
- potato,
- aria or Lupine,
- tea,
- most of the varieties of wintering.
At the same time, acidic soils are completely unsuitable for legumes, on neutral or weakly acidic soils feel currants, cabbage, beets, mustard, clover and most vegetables.
From trees, apple trees, pear, raspberry and gooseberry, strawberries are growing on the weakness soils. Alkaline soils love cherry and plum.
What soils require lime
Before improving fertility on its site, it is necessary to find out whether the soil itself has acidity, and for effective fertilizer, it is necessary first of all the correct calculation of the amount of lime to the scope of a fertile soil complex. Yes, and the need for lime must be installed, in good, on the basis of special agrochemical analyzes. The calculated dose of limestrine will depend on the acidity of the soil and the having humus in it.
In general, to the question of which soils require lime, it must be remembered that an elevated level of acidity is possessed:
- redornar soils
- dernovo-podzolic soils,
- gray forests,
- peat marsh.
For acidic soils, a whoreish shade is characterized, and the layers of the same color are noticeable. At the same time, acidic soil is not necessarily uniformly distributed throughout the site, and maybe only in some places. Most likely, if mint and sorrel, field hand and plantain, Ivan-Da-Marya and Heather grow on the plot of buoyan, and soils with increased acidity predominate.
When to celebrate
If experimentally managed to establish that the soil needs to be limeted, it is necessary to perform the procedure in accordance with generally accepted requirements. First of all, this refers to the period of the work (performed in the fall, in front of the arable works). In terms of the site first, evenly scatter lime flour or other material used for lime, and then organic fertilizers, after which the soil is drunk. Autumn rains evenly distribute lime at a depth, where the roots of cultivated plants are located. Such a procedure will provide the soil and plants with the necessary substances for the period up to 10 years.
There is also a variant of the lime of acidic soils in small portions - it is carried out at the beginning of spring and has much greater efficiency, as a result of which is widely applied in practice. The limestation of the soil in the spring is carried out shortly before the first loosening of the soil. Loving is recommended to carry out before fertilizing the soil with various biological and chemical additives. Lime, in its kind, increases the absorbing properties of the soil, respectively, they are absorbed much faster. It is permissible to add chalk or lime into beds, very small portions, mixing it with a motor directly on the soil. In practice, it turns out that only 2-3 kilograms of lime, which are entered into beds with humus, in their effectiveness give the same result as 10 kg of lime flour, simply scattered over the site.
There is one important point: the lime changes the percentage of calcium and potassium in the direction of increasing the first, and therefore in the limestone it is worth an increase in the dose of fertilizers containing potassium.
Loving the soil at home
In order to independently without resorting to special research, find out the chemical composition of the soil, you need a couple of soil spoons to shake in a glass with water and leave for a while. When the torment falls on the bottom, several layers will be visible: the lowest will consist of pebbles and sand, slightly above will be a clay layer, and the particles of humus and plants will float on the surface, which over time, gaining water, will fall on the clay layer. To determine the level of acidity, it is necessary to find out which layer it takes the maximum volume:
- if sand prevails - Sandy soil,
- if the clay layer prevails - the soil is clay,
- if the layers of sand and clay are approximately equal, the soil is peepled or drum.
How to cook lime flour
The limestation of the soil at home is as follows:
- on a flat area with a dense surface, a smooth layer with a thickness of 8-10 cm scattered lime,
- then spray it with water,
- after 20 minutes before half an hour, part of the lime will be redeemed and dried,
- the resulting flour (the so-called fluff) is collected in the container, and the remaining lumps again moisturize.
Water consumption will be about 3-4 liters per 100 kg of negated lime.
By the way, if the next lime is stored for a long time in the air, it turns into a flock naturally, absorbing moisture contained in the air. Of course, this is a very long process.
The resulting powder (fluff) is brought into the ground. The depth to which lime is made is the depth of the soil layer in need of processing, usually about 20 cm. If the lime is entered into the soil in incomplete doses, the depth is very small, about 4-6 cm.
Naturally, the sourness of the soil, the greater the amount of lime it will be necessary to make.
The norms of the calculation of soil
The main and most used lime fertilizer is limestone, ground in flour. It is for him that there will be approximate calculations of the number in kilograms for making per quarter. m. Soils of different acidity:
- the most acidic (pH is below four): 0.5-0.6,
- strongly acidic (pH four): 0.4-0.5,
- sour (pH from four to five): 0.3-0.4,
- moderately acidic (pH from five to six): 0.25-0.3.
The size of the pH is indicated by acidity. RN:
- 3-4 soil is considered acidic
- 5-6 - weakly acid,
- 6-7 - neutral,
- 7-8 - alkaline,
- 8-9 - Eliminate.
In the case of using analogues of normal lime, we give the percentage ratio of calcium content:
- 135% - Lime shuffled,
- 75-108% - dolomite,
- 90-100% - chalk,
- 75-96% - limestone tuff,
- 70-96% - Lime Lake,
- 95-108% - Dolomite flour,
- 25-75% - Mergel,
- 10-50% - peat,
- 80-90% - leaf flour,
- 65-80% - Zola shale,
- 80% - cement dust,
- 85% - Marten Slag,
- 150% - burnt dolomitic dust,
- 120% - Lime Gas,
- 110% - subcasses of skin plants,
- 140% - lime carbide,
- 10-50% - peat ash.
To calculate the norms of soil lime, that is, the amount of calcareous waste that needs to be made, the dose specified for the ground limestone must be multiplied by 100 and divided into the percentage of lime given for the selected type of fertilizer.
How to celebrate
With the calculation of the soil at home, lime, contributed either by the harrow or a cultivator, while thoroughly mixing with the top layer of soil. If the plot on which the lime is made is small, the fertilizer is evenly crumpled on the ground and mixed with the earth with hands protected by rubber gloves.
It should be borne in mind that too frequent and excessive lime will lead to the disappearance of useful nutritional trace elements: an increase in the amount of cultivated cultivated plants is depleted, and lime fertilizers do not contain any feeding.
For different crops, there are nuances of lime. So, for potatoes, the deposits can become a factor that weakens his immunity against the past. Based on this, a normal chalk is used under potato seedlings. Wood ash is suitable, in particular from sunflower stems or from potato tops, but it should be used in a double volume, since the calcium content per unit of mass is not large.
Carrots, radishes and parsley will no longer give birth at strong lime. As for other cultures - the emergence of various deviations in the development of plants is possible, which inevitably leads to the appearance of diseases, will cope with which it will be possible only for the next year. It is explained simply - the more lime in the land, the less place remains for other trace elements. As a result, the roots of the plants remain without phosphorus, magnesium or potassium, the other elements are also present, but are difficult soluble compounds that are practically useless for the weak roots of most plants (exception - trees).
Lime is not recommended to add to the soil, which immediately before that has been filled with manure.
So, the limestation of the soil is an effective way to increase soil fertility with increased acidity. Natural lime is an environmentally friendly material, besides, it is widespread and very cheap.
Conducting acidic soils without using organic fertilizers leads to the degeneration of the soil, so it is necessary to apply it only if the earth is actually sour.