Installation of ventilation valves Window

Metal-plastic windows have always been considered a reference standard and high tightness. This is the main advantage of window PVC designs. When installing metal-plastic glass windows, you can save more heat in the room and protect yourself from the penetration of street noise. Is it so good? Most consumers complain that hermetic windows lead to an increase in temperature regime in residential premises and condensate accumulation. If you regularly do not venture the rooms where modern double-glazed windows are installed, then as a result of glass "fogging" and the level of humidity in the room rises. This may lead to the fact that in a few years the windows will come into disrepair, and the mold may appear in the room with high humidity. To get rid of such troubles, you need to install a vent valve.
If you solve the problem of glasses of glass with banal ventilation, then the windows will not work for a long time, as it becomes quickly cold in the room, besides, the draft will not always help cope with the task. In addition to reducing the temperature regime, a lot of garbage falls into the room, and it is impossible to get rid of noise. How to let the fresh air into the room, but at the same time save comfortable living conditions? Installing ventilation valves will solve the problem. These small devices are often called window ventilation or ventilation supplied valves. You can install such a system not only on modern plastic double-glazed windows, but also on ordinary wooden windows.
Advantages of ventilation valves
A great solution to the problem of fogging windows is the installation of the ventilation valve. A small device will provide comfortable accommodation conditions, even when the windows are completely closed, the air flow comes from the outside and only in this way you can solve the problem of appearance on condensate glasses.
What are the advantages of the ventilating valve:
- Creating comfortable living conditions.
- The life of the premises can be increased, since the mold will not form on the walls, which is very important for maintaining the interior items. This is especially true of premises with high humidity - glazed balconies, loggias and kitchens.
- Due to the controlled air inflow in the room there will always be a comfortable temperature, heat loss is not marked.
- Operating safety - completely eliminated penetration into the dwelling of intruders, since the ventilation occurs exclusively with a completely closed window.
- Easy to use will save the family budget and set the design yourself.
What valves are valves
All valves for air ventilation are conventionally divided into 2 types:
- Window (installed on the window structure).
- Wall (installation is made on the wall).
Each type of valve may differ not only externally (dimensions and design), but also throughput. So, there are structures in which the air flow is adjusted and the filter has a filter. You can choose a device for venting the room, based on personal preferences. In this case, it is not necessary to choose expensive models of ventilation valves.
Let us dwell on the types of valve valves:
- Slitual type devices. Such valves can operate both from mechanical exposure and completely independently (automatic). The air flow into the room enters through a small hole, it is a channel, sizes from 400 to 170 mm x 12-16 mm. The valve can be equipped with two blocks: graduation or exterior, as well as internal, it is also regulating. You can purchase a universal model equipped with 1 block. Such valves provide a stable air flow and are simply installed. Disassemble the window blocks is not necessary.
- Folder ventilators also provide a sufficient influx of air from the street. Install in the cutout of the window block. They differ in small bandwidth, retain the sound insulation properties of window blocks and have a relatively low cost. In order to establish a similar device, the window blocks dismantle is not necessary.
- Overhead valves are popular models of ventilation devices, differ in high bandwidth of fresh air. One significant disadvantage is the need to dismantle the windows. Therefore, the exhaust ventilation valves are widely used for installation at production facilities.
Features of the choice of ventilation valves
In order for the ventilating valve on the metal-plastic or wooden window with the tasks set, when choosing devices, it is necessary to be guided by such criteria:
- choose a valve operating on the air flow from the outside. At the rate of 1 person, the inflow should be at least 30m 3 in hour;
- the valve must provide the required noise level. If we consider separately metal-plastic window structures, then the noise level indicator should not exceed 30-35 dcs;
- operation in the cold season - When choosing a valve model, you need to consider the material from which the valve is made, as well as the difference in the inner and outdoor temperature, plus the power of the air flow. To achieve the high efficiency of air ventilation and in order to prevent the instrument icing, it is necessary to think over the thermal insulation of the valve and take into account the "thermal gap" between the plastic coating and the metal surface;
- ways to adjust the valves. To install a plastic ventilation valve, you need to consider the type of ventilation of window structures (automatic, manual, mixed);
- valve mounting place - installation in the window frame or on the wall. When installing the ventilation valve on the wall, you will need to drill a hole in the wall, and this is already extra labor costs. By installing the window valve, you can cope with the work twice as fast;
- on the installation of the design: the ventilation valves can be installed directly into plastic double-glazed windows or when changing the window block, slightly reducing the glass in size.
Important Tip: When choosing a device for ventilation, pay attention to the models with adjustment. It is better not to acquire a woofer without adjustment, since then there is no possibility to adjust the air flow yourself.
What models of ventilation valves are popular?
Popular models of window air valves:
- Ventilation trim valve "Aereco". Equipped with an adjusting sensor, which consists of plates put in the form of a pyramid, they launch a mechanism to work. Installation is carried out in the prepared groove of the window block or directly on the wall in the room. The advantages of this valve are the remote location of the humidity level sensor from the valve itself. This will really evaluate air parameters in the room. In addition, it is worth noting the silent operation of the ventilator, it is not necessary to separately lay the air duct and carry out an electrocabel. Ventilation valves of the AERECO model are presented in several modifications that are characterized by parameters (noise level, degree of regulation).
- Window systems of air-box ventilation (production of the Russian company Matibek) can be installed on any windows (different designs and materials). The advantage of valve data is in a quick installation. Ventilation devices are almost invisible. Installation of the standard model involves the installation of the reverse ventilation valve and the feed (air flow from the outside). Such air valves cope with the tasks only if natural exhaust ventilation is adjusted indoors. The Russian company produces a series of ventilation valves called "Comfort". The user has the opportunity to choose from the presented models the appropriate option. For example, the popularity of the device that do not require preliminary preparation is only enough to remove the seal and install the valve. Work takes only 10 minutes. Such valves can be adjusted manually. And for ventilation structures with a milling method (in the window profile), a deaf window structure is suitable, then there is a need to prepare through hole in order to achieve direct ventilation.
Wall ventilation valves:
- The Aeropac ventilator is the development of the German company Siegenia Aubi. It is installed on the wall, through the prepared slot of fresh air enters the room. It is necessary to drill in advance in the wall with a hole, with a diameter of up to 80 mm. The air coming from the street is pre-clean. As a result, it enters the room in its pure form. From the street, the hole (duct) is protected by a ventilation grid. It prevents the penetration of atmospheric precipitation inside. Installation of the design requires special skills and the presence of a tool to preserve the finishing materials and repair indoors. Such a ventilation ventilator works from electricity (economical consumption), the device is almost silent.
- A trimmed ventilator "DOMZENT" is installed above heating devices, air supplies air to 13 m 3 in hour. If necessary, during the cold season, the air enters the rooms in the heated form. It is very convenient during operation, since the temperature regime in the house is not disturbed. The device works without electricity, in a natural way. To ensure a good air exchange, in each room you need to set 1-2 ventilators. Installation principle: It is necessary to drill a hole in the wall and install the pipe along which air passes. The ventilator provides air filtration, is equipped with a small grid from penetrating small rodents and insects, as well as large particles of dust and small garbage into the room. The peculiarity of this model is that there is no need to connect the device to the power grid: the air, passing through the labyrinth, falls into the room directly to the heating device (working radiator) and immediately heats up. Set this valve in the wall from any material. In order for the air to be heated, you need to install an air ventilator next to the battery so that the wet air entering the autumn-winter period is heated and dried.
Installing the vent valve with your own hands
Specialists are guided by two installation options for ventilation valves. In the first case, you first need to dismantle the old glass package and install a new, smaller size. The valve itself is installed in the resulting space. This method is too expensive, but completely justifies expectations, providing air inflows into the room.
The second option is suitable for those who want to install the ventilation valves on their own. To do this, you do not need to shoot windows, and the installation of the valve will take approximately 10-15 minutes.
Subtleties of the workflow:
- Prepare such tools: a screwdriver and a stationery knife, as well as a measuring metal line with division.
- On the windows frame, you must replace the seal (it is included with the valve). To do this, cut off the desired length and with the help of a sharp knife we \u200b\u200bopen the sash of the window. In the place where you need to install a vent valve, cut off the seal with a sharp knife and take it out gently remove this segment.
- Next, in the resulting space, we establish a new seal and proceed to the next step - installing the ventilation valve.
- Measure the distance on the folding flap and on the window frame. We get the digit - 5 cm, this is the first point of the seal seal.
- Cut a part of the seal on the folding sash equal to the length of the ventilating valve, armed with a sharp knife. The seal must be removed.
- A groove was formed on the sash, it is necessary to insert the plugs in it (3 pcs.) For fastening the valve. The plugs should move freely on the valve.
- Customize the plugs and insert the valve.
- Remove the protective film from the valve to glue the device to the sash.
- Screw the screws, securely fixing the device.
- It remains to insert the seal between the valves.
- Close and test the device. The position right means that the valve is open. If you need to close the valve, move the carriage device to the left.
How to install ventilation valve, see this video: