Plowing of the Earth: Step-by-step instructions Plot.

Owners of suburban land plots, summer houses are treated every year, they plow it in order to achieve as much harvest as possible.
Plowing is needed for:
- oxygen saturation;
- mixing the elements from which the soil consists;
- improve the structure of the soil (it becomes crumbly and smooth);
- the destruction of weeds.
But not everyone knows how to do it right: for beginners it is necessary for information about how the plowing of the Earth should be performed.
Plot preparation: Align the Earth
No agricultural instrument for plowing the earth will be able to qualitatively perform its functions if there are many bugs and pit on the site. Therefore, before proceeding to plowing, the land should be aligned. Do it as follows.
- Stumps are hardened, the stones are cleaned, shrubs eliminate and stick to high grass.
- The pegs are harvested, on which there are several marks after 10-15 cm and stick to the ground at one level.
- With the help of shovels, the soil is removed in the most sublime places (on the bumps) and laid into the lowlands.
- Raisses and deep pits fall asleep specially brought soil.
- Check the level of the Earth: it must reach the spicks.
- The site is treated with robbles.
- After the perplex manual (cultivator processing) and the leveling of the Earth, the surface of the surface will satisfy the established requirements.
Land plots are very large areas aligned with a tractor. The slopes of more than 30 ° are advisable to plan in the form of terraces.
Plowing the earth Motoblock
In small summer cottages, where the plowing of the Earth is impossible (heavy technique will not be able to maneuver), rationally use of the motoblock. This unit is equipped with various attachments: plows, coffins, mills, etc.
The tool for plowing ground before plowing should be adjusted, for which they use such tips.
- Initially, the Earth must be treated with a dismissal plow. For this, rubber chassis is changed to steel wheels-primrates with a diameter of 500-600 mm, 180-200 mm wide. Preference should be given to non-free rims, otherwise the land and grass will interfere with the movement.
- The power of the motoblock should be such that there is no slip in the considerable weight of the unit: along with the primer, it can exceed 70 kg.
- Sets the depth of plowing. For this, the unit is installed on the bars with a cross section of 150 mm, and the midst should take a strictly horizontal position. The plow is fastened so that Lemeh fully sowed the earth with its edges.
- After the motoblock is prepared for work, you need to install it on one of the edges of the site approximately in the center. Slowing the first furrow, it is necessary to strive to make it as smoother as possible. At the end of the section, the unit unfolds and is installed in such a way that its right wheel stood opposite the first furrow. The next groove is cut. This technique is called "in the village": while the soil moves from the edges to the center.
- Working with a motoblock, should not be faltered on the handle and push the unit forward.
- To reduce the load on the engine and save fuel, and most importantly - get a high-quality plowed area, the right wheel of the motoblock should be conducted on the ridge, by its edge or center.
- During the plowing, the plow stand should not deviate from the vertical. This will obstruct the special design of the plow hitch: arcuate grooves allow you to compensate for the deviation of the angle of inclination using a plow inclination in the desired side.
- In the event that the motoblock bends right, you need to turn the plow lemeh counterclockwise, weakening the nuts in the adjusting groove. After that, the nuts on the bolts should be tightened again.
- In order to adjust the slope of the plow rack (it is necessary to install it in the width of the rut), it must be combined with the inner side of the right wheel.
- The plow should be installed so that its sock and heel occupy a horizontal position. Then, at the entrance to the ground, it will not be buried too much and it will not push it.
- To compensate for the asymmetric load acting on the plow during the package (it is deflected on the right side), before passing the first furrow, it is recommended to pull the cord for the reference point. The first groove should be no deeper 120 mm: it will continue to go the right wheel and set the direction of the unit.
- In the case of the use of a long arridge, the clutch is recommended to use a support wheel. In this case, the depth of the input of the plow to the ground will be fixed. A supporting wheel was installed on any side, while on the right it will roll on the furrow, and on the left - on the untreated land.
- Plowing of land for autumn should be produced into the collapse. At the edges of the site and in the center of the furrows should be separated to create prevent the delay in unnecessary melt water during the flood. As a result, the soil will dry faster and will be ready for plowing.
How to plow a motoblock with turned handles
The work will be done easier, and productivity will be higher, if you follow the following rules.
- Plowing the plot is better along its long side: thus you can minimize the number of reversals.
- It is necessary to change the trajectory annually to avoid the gradual movement of the fertile layer of soil beyond the site along the long side and on the edges of the short sides.
- Slobing a motoblock when plowing a virgin land can be prevented if you pass the site twice: first with a smaller blowing of the gun, and then with the maximum.
- The hardened soil is easier to process after its moisturizing (after the rain). Cutting processing should be carried out in several steps.
- Installing a motoblock knobs need to be left with some shift to the left: it will be more convenient to follow the untreated land.
Important: The engine temperature should not exceed the established limits. In the process of plowing, the Earth is required to monitor this parameter and, if necessary, take breaks, allowing the aggregate to cool.
Usat Earth Motland
In small areas, the motorcycle for plowing land has been successfully used. The plow is plunged with a paham, and a gasoline engine with a drive is used as a driving force to which the cable is attached. Such an aggregate can be made with your own hands. Your attention instructions for the manufacture of guns for plowing.
- Engine should choose a motorcycle, from Minsk. Suitable from chainsaws. The main condition - the power must be at least 3 hp. The electric motor is not suitable for this: its power is less than necessary.
- The drum for the cable can be made it from the hub of the rear wheel of the motorcycle. In the absence of such a detail, you can use the pipe.
- The diameter of the gear and the drum is chosen so that it can provide the movement of the plow at a speed of 5-7 km / h (on the 1st gear).
- A benzaw tank is suitable as a fuel tank. Its volume will be enough.
- The soils will serve the pins, welded to the lever in the form of the letter "P" (it is necessary as the foot platform). It is recommended to shoot them - it will be more convenient to work.
- To the top of the plow fasten the saddle and a long lever so that you can sit while plowing the site.
The photo contains all the basic details from which the motorbage is going.
- drum (manufactured from pipes welding two flanges);
- the flange that an asterisk is satisfied;
- led asterisk, shot from a motorcycle;
- fasteners for installing an asterisk on the drum;
- the washer required for fastening the cable to the winch;
- bolt for fixing the cable to the winch;
- bearings on which the winch drum rotates;
- spacer sleeve installed between bearings;
- the axis of the drum on which the details are planned;
- engraver and Axis Nut;
- fasteners for installing a drum on the frame of the winch;
- spacer sleeves, welded in the rack;
- racks to which drum is attached to the frame.
At the end of the story about how plowing of the Earth is performed - the video demonstrating the process clearly.