Skimmer for the pool: characteristics and installation Baths, saunas and pools

Skimmer for the pool - equipment calculated for complex water purification. In most cases, swimming pools are built under the open air. As a result, dirt, leaves and other foreign objects fall into the water. Some reservoir owners use awnings that protect water from pollution, but during swimming does nothing saves from clogging. The skimmer device for the pool effectively solves this problem.
Characteristics of skimmer
The equipment is a metal or plastic tank to which the water supply pipeline is connected. From the side surface you can see a window equipped with a floating flap.
The principle of operation of the device is quite simple:
- The clogged water enters the skimmer by means of a side window.
- The floating valve shares the upper water layers from the lower (only clogged water is cleaned).
- The liquid enters the filter where large fragments of garbage are delayed.
- Water passes through the heating system, after which it returns to the pool.
For more efficient operation, the water vacuum cleaner is attached to the device. It has an appropriate connector.
In addition to surface skimmers for pools there are deep and attachments. The price of equipment of this type is significantly different at the expense of another functional set. Attachment is used if the installation in the wall structure is not possible. For example, mounted skimmers are used for frame basins and inflatable tanks.
As for the depth type apparatus, its functionality allows the water to clean and serve as a drain mechanism. Despite the versatility of the equipment, several types of devices are often used simultaneously.
What is better: skimmer or overflowing?
The water purification process provides two main types of water intake:
- overflow;
- skimmer.
Before choosing, we advise you to deal with the nuances of operation and functionality of the devices. For example, the overflow system provides water intake in a specially provided tray. It is around the perimeter of the device. The process of cleansing is started at the moment when people are bathed in the tank, which huse water. From the tray, the fluid is transferred to the cleaning device. Dimensions tray depend on the dimensions of the reservoir directly.
The overflow system has objective advantages:
- Sensitive mechanism for controlling the balance capacity.
- Collection of sauards from all over the thick of water.
- Comprehensive water purification.
Nevertheless, the overflow system will effectively function only if the installation has passed according to the installation technology.
Skimmer pools can also boast a number of benefits:
- Quality multistage water purification.
- A simplified version of the cleaning equipment that does not provide for the mandatory presence of a balance sheet and overflow tray.
In order for the cleaning system to work without failures, it is necessary to have a perfectly designed and constructed reservoir. It is also necessary to correctly arrange the holes of the device. The unconditional minus is the appearance of a limestone frame formed on the line of the water section of the structure. At the same time, the precipitate is easily removed after detection.
Technical features of the installation of skimmer
Before assembling or installing a cleaning agent, it is strongly recommended to study the drawing. As a rule, the scheme comes complete with purchased equipment. In addition, it should be determined in advance with the number of required skimmers for the pool. You can find it, you can read the reviews on the net.
So, you carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer and the question of how to choose and install the skimmer in the pool no longer enters into a stupor. However, the installation of the device has a number of features, without knowing the knowledge.
For example, ducts for placement of devices should be integrated in the reservoir in step construction fill. And if the device is further equipped with an emergency water removal system, automatic movement ebb, the width of the figures will be much more standard equipment.
We give a strict sequence of operations during installation:
- Marking sheet of plywood. It should be cut approximately 5 cm from each side of the opening under the mortgage. Apply markup preferably on the front side. Alternatively, from the zero mark of the tank wall indent 5 cm and cause the horizon line. Then you need to pull back down from the incised lines on the 15 cm and put another line.
- Fixing the skimmer on a plywood board. This setup step is required only in the case of the device of the flange of the socket.
- Fixing of plywood board with a mortgage on the side wall of the pool. In this mounting location depends on the zero finishing tank. It is strongly recommended to arrange the devices at an equal distance on the same horizontal line.
Installation of the skimmer in concrete pool is to use the following tools:
- screwdriver;
- perforator;
- level;
- hammer;
- screws 5 cm.
Installing a Padlock skimmer for inflatable pools
Experts advise to carry out the installation of the equipment on the windward side of the inflatable structure. Its light wind in the reservoir will be created within small, which effortlessly chase water in the skimmer. In case of closed type design, it is necessary to fix the devices evenly across the board. bottom-type device mounted at the maximum possible depth of the water tank.
Advantages mounted skimmers objective:
- Versatility. As part of this equipment is a return nozzle adapter vacuum cleaner and filter large debris.
- Easy installation. Mounted device is mounted on any of the sides of the pool. No need for reworking of the finished pool shtrobirovanii walls. Simply install the unit on the bowl and attach the filter.
- The wide range of applications. Water inlet ideal for modular and wireframe models, as well as metal and plastic basins. In view of the minimal financial expenses often is the cleaning device can be found in the bath fonts.
Skimmer for the pool performs the function of water intake, followed by cleaning in the filter. Skimmer pools can be of all types - from inflatable to concrete. Equipment provides multistage cleaning, filtering and water circulation.
When designing and building the pool, it is necessary to provide for the installation of such equipment from the side. However, if the reservoir is ready and breaking, there is no desire to pull it, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of attachments of cleaning. In any case, water purification devices will forever get rid of garbage pool on the surface and at depth.