How to choose a mounting foam Building materials

Mounting foam (or polyurethane foam sealant) is currently one of the most commonly used types of insulation materials. It is a mixture of two main chemicals, which is made from crude oil. These substances are polyol and isocyanate. As a result of the reaction of these two liquids, polyurethane foam is formed, which is the basis of the foam of the assembly. The polyurethane base gives it excellent insulating properties. In the manufacture of this insulating material, various adhesion amplifiers with a working surface, catalysts, refractory additives, additives for low-temperature resistance and fillers gases are used.
Product specifications
According to its chemical composition, the mounting foam is distinguished:
- One-component.
- Two-component or structural.
Single-component mounting foam: characteristics:
- In the modern market of building materials, it meets most often.
- He has a small shelf life - this is its main drawback.
- The polymer, which enters its composition, when spraying from the canopy, reacts with moisture contained in the air. As a result, it increases in volume and becomes solid.
- Foam is hard for about a day. This affects the volume of material used and atmospheric conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to cover it immediately large voids, because the composition will not be able to harden due to the fact that the air reaction will not happen. To speed up the process of solidification of foam, it is recommended to additionally moisten the work surface.
Characteristics of two-component foam:
- This material is mainly used for professional construction.
- For a complete hardening, it is enough for 20-30 minutes.
- In the cylinder with this material, it is separately contained two types of actors. When activated, they are connected.
- In contrast to one-component foam, this material for a chemical reaction does not require contact with air when activated. At the same time, it arises much faster.
- In addition, this foam is characterized by a longer storage.
- Not suitable for repeated use. Therefore, it is most often used by experts who are engaged in roof or windows with large volumes of work.
It is believed that household foam is intended only for use by newbies, and professional - for real masters. It is true, but only partly. So, household foam is most often used for various draft and one-time work, which do not require special skills from man. To use professional foam, a special gun is used, which you need to be able to use.
There are other differences between household foam from professional:
- Household foam silent in packaging from 300 milliliters, and professional - from 750 milliliters.
- At the household foam, the output of the material is medium, and it can get out of the balloon not completely. The outlet of the installation foam professional is high enough. There is practically no material in the cylinder.
- Household foam marks an increase in volume (maximum twice), and professional - secondary expansion is practically absent.
- Household foam shrinkage is approximately 5-7%, and this indicator has a professional - from 0 to 3%.
- No tools are required to use household foam, and for professional need a special mounting gun, which costs more than the balloon itself.
- A household foam balloon is usually used completely at a time, and a professional can be applied repeatedly.
Today, many companies that are engaged in the production of insulating materials are used by the fact that household foam is bought for use once. Therefore, they underestimate the requirements for quality in its manufacture. Thus, in a canister of such a foam, often due to the fact that the volume of the polymer is reduced, there is much more gas-filler. As a result, at the same size and weight of the can, the yield of such a foam is somewhat lower than that of professional. But it pays off by the fact that the pistol for household foam is not needed.
How to choose a foam
To properly choose the mounting foam, you must pay attention to some important details.
- Pay attention to the output of the material from the canister. This is an important characteristic when choosing a foam assembly. Manufacturers often use in their advertising the fact that someone is unlikely to measure the volume of foams that will be produced from one can. Therefore, the scores often write on the cylinders, not corresponding to reality.
- When choosing a foam, it is also necessary to pay attention to the shelf life, which is indicated on the cylinder, and on the appearance of the packaging. Storage for a long time and mechanical damage is able to lead to the fact that the air will penetrate into the cylinder, which will cause a chemical reaction. Foam will become more dense and it will be impossible to squeeze it.
- With a slight embarrassment, the contents of the canister should be dense and easily rolled in it. Therefore, in the store it is worth comparing two identical cylinders that have a different manufacturer and the price.
- For example, you need to consider at what temperature it is supposed to work. The temperature regime should be specified on each can. In total, three types of foam on the thermal regime are distinguished:
- summer - designed for use at a temperature of +5 to +35 degrees;
- winter - used at temperatures from -10 to -35 degrees;
- mounting all-season foam is designed for use at temperatures from -10 to +35 degrees.
Brand foam
Today in any construction store there is a large range of products. To make it easier to determine the choice, consider manufacturers who are considered leaders in the market in this segment.
Mounting foam macroflex
The price of this foam ranges from 149 to 471 rubles.
- This material is characterized by good adhesion and a homogeneous structure.
- The foam yield is as specified on the cylinder.
- Recently, the quality of goods has become worse, the foam during drying gives shrinkage.
- In addition, today there are a lot of fakes.
Moment mounting
The price range for this foam ranges from 142 to 244 rubles.
- It has a fairly homogeneous and dense structure.
- It is good painted and easy to find it on sale.
- When used, it gives a rather large secondary expansion. Therefore, it should be used doses.
- A year later, it can lose elasticity.
High-quality mounting foam. The price of this product is from 192 to 396 rubles.
- It is produced in summer, winter and in a special fire-resistant version (foam mounting firefare).
- This foam is not toxic and almost does not smell.
- She does not give shrinkage. Its structure is finely porous.
- It is difficult to find on sale, but it is one of the best mounting pen.
- She does not tolerate sunlight, because of what changes the color and crumbs.
- After working with it from above, it is necessary to apply paint.
Price: from 199 to 484 rubles.
- It is characterized by a fairly low secondary extension. At the same time she is bright white color.
- It has an excellent yield of material from the cylinder.
- It should not be used for outdoor work.
- At some high temperatures loses its properties.
Mounting foam titanium
Price - from 205 to 262 rubles.
- She has a small secondary expansion and dense structure.
- This product does not give a shrinkage.
- Most of all is suitable as thermal insulation of water supply and heating.
- The disadvantages include the average foam yield.
- Under the influence of the sun's rays, after one year, it loses its properties after one year.
Whatever the brand you have given preference, you need to understand what it is known to, the more more more than the packaging of the goods. Products of famous grades are sometimes unreasonably expensive, i.e. The price does not match the quality. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the products of manufacturing companies that are just starting to work in this market. To attract the buyer to themselves, they focus on the quality of foam, and not on a beautiful packaging. But you do not need to forget that any products must have a corresponding certificate.
How to use mounting foam
Basic moments
- Installation foam is not a universal material for insulation of surfaces. Its use depends on the size of the slots and voids that you need to fill. So, if you need to take cracks up to 1 centimeter, then it is better to do with sealants or putty. These materials are more plastic, and they do not give secondary expansion.
- Holes width more than 10 centimeters are best filled with static material. For example, a wooden bar, brick or any seal. Only after this additionally treat such mounting foam holes. The photo below shows it.
- It is best to close the slit using a mounting foam if they have an average size.
- Such a foam perfectly sticks to most building materials. But in some cases it is useless. For example, it will not stick to such materials as polyethylene, silicone, teflon and any fat and dusty surfaces. This must be considered if you want to get effective isolation.
- The main disadvantage of household foam is quite a large secondary expansion. When solidified, it can increase several times. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with all the conditions for its use.
Stages of working with household foam
- Before applying it, it is necessary to clean well and prepare the surface. All holes and gaps must be released from small garbage. If necessary, the surface is degreased.
- Then the surface should be moisturized using a spray gun. Chemical reaction foam need contact with wet air.
- After it is necessary to prepare cylinders with the material. So that it is better to bed, it is recommended to hold it in advance in water with a temperature of about 20 degrees. Also in order for all components to be thoroughly mixed, and to ensure the maximum output of the material, you need to shake the cylinder before work for one minute.
- Now you should attach a gun or a tuber to the cylinder. It is much easier for the case with the tube - it is necessary to simply burst on the valve.
- We proceed to work with foam. The material should be applied with small segments from top to bottom. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the gap is not filled in more than half, because foam during solidification increases in volumes. The material that is not yet dyeing, in no case can be touched, because with any violation of the structure and physical effects, it can be bad. In addition, it can negatively affect the volume and density.
- In order to ensure the most complete output of the material when working with foam, it is necessary to ensure that the balloon is always turned upside down. It is better to spend it right away. Otherwise, when stored, the composition will become unsuitable for use.
Rules for using a mounting gun
The principle of operation of this tool is quite simple. First, it is attached to the cylinder, then the foam passes through the feed valve in the barrel. There it is, until the trigger is pressed. By pressing the juro, the material is released. The volume of its feed can be adjusted using a special mechanism.
When using a gun, the following factors should be taken into account:
- It is best to choose pistols for the manufacture of which used solid metals.
- The collapsible tool during operation costs cheaper than monolithic. This refers to cleaning and replacing parts.
- Still in the store you need to check the working pressure of the pistol. It is best to purchase a tool immediately with a cleaner in a canister.
In order to install a gun you need:
- Unscrew the fastening screw.
- Carefully lubricate the tool socket using technical vaseline.
- Secure a cylinder with foam. An important nuance: the adjusting unit must be installed at the minimum flow rate of the mounting foam.
- Turn the ball up the bottom.
- Adjust the supply of the composition. To do this, make a couple of trial clicks.
- Professional foam is applied to the working surface similar to the household. During work, it is important to ensure that the balloon is not in a horizontal position.
- Before replacing the cylinder, you need to carefully clean the surface of the gun from the remnants of the material. For this you need:
- pull the pressure by pressing the juro;
- cleaner cylinder should be firmly fixed on the instrument;
- turn the balloon, click on the descent and keep it for ten seconds;
- repeat so few times while the pistol tube does not go pure liquid;
- lubricate the details of the tool using technical vaseline.
When working with foam, be sure to wear gloves and a special working suit. With long-term pistol storage, lubricate it once every 1.5-2 months.