How to choose electroplane Instruments

Today in the store such a huge selection of electric copies, that even professionals sometimes have to be not easy. And then what to talk about beginner masters. How to choose the power to electrolyol, so that it worked well, and served a long time. To do this, you need to explore their main characteristics.
Chain empty
Electronical chain applied primarily in such cases:
- Indoors (house, garage).
- In places where there is a socket for acute lack of time, which is needed to prepare the fuel mixture.
- For large amounts of work and when the accuracy of the cut is necessary.
Scope Electric Covenses Chain:
- in the garden;
- under carpentry;
- in construction;
- during forest workers.
In the garden and for carpentry, it is enough to purchase household electropolis, in other cases you will need a professional tool.
When choosing a chain electronicle, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the model:
- Power is the main characteristic of the tool. It affects the weight of electric saw, during operation and cutting speed. If the power is large, then the saw is not so sensitive to the testing of the voltage in the network and tolerates the overload in operation well. Select the tool with a power of 1500 to 2200 W.
- Chain thickness - the quality of the cut depends on it. Standard step - 3/8 ". The thicker chain, the more powerful the engine should be. If you are going to carry out carpentry work, before you choose the electronized chain, you need to pay close attention to this model characteristic.
- The length of the tire is the optimal option - 40 cm. If the tire is longer, the power will increase and the power will increase, and this means that it will be harder, and it will become inconvenient.
- Chain brake. In all modern electric copies there is a system of automatic brakes, it protects against the opposite strike. If there is automatic chain lubrication, then the care of this tool requires only tracking of the oil level using a special window and timely refueling through a special hole.
When working with an electron, you should remember the one rule: 40 seconds tool is turned on, 20 seconds - resting.
- Chain electric copies can not be harvested or sawing the age-old trees. If you do not have a choice and make such work, you must certainly have a chain electron, then work with it in a gentle mode. You, of course, spend a lot of time, but the tool will remain in working condition.
- Follow the chain sharpening in order. Electric saw very thinly reacts to elevated loads, and with a stupid chain, it will not last long.
- Before you decide which electrical saw chain to choose, pay attention to the presence of a system of protection against the electric motor overheating. With her, the tool will serve much longer.
- Choose a tool with an engine that is located longitudinally. You can find it in a long and narrow body.
Disk electric saw
Disk saw, as a rule, saw various materials from wood, plywood, polymers, metal. Special disk is selected for each material. Manual electrolysed disc is divided into household and professional.
Before selecting a disc electronicle, you need to explore the main characteristics:
- Power - disk saws are low-power, medium-terrestrial and high-power. Select the tool based on what work is to be performed. But choosing a drink better with an additional power reserve, then it will last longer.
- The depth of the cut - it depends on what the diameter of the saw disk is. A tool intended for household works can perform a depth of reduced to 65 mm, and professional electric saw - up to 130 mm. The model for everyday use is easier, which means maneuverable, and work with it is much easier.
- Rotation speed - turnover, which develops a disk saw. Their range from 1800 to 5200 per minute. From how much drank does turns, it depends on what material it can process. The higher the turnover, the harder the material.
- The base or support plate - consists of a stamped steel sheet or an aluminum alloy. Steel tool is a bit cheaper, but otherwise, there is a big difference from what made basis. What is important is whether it is possible to fix the instrument to the bench, so that some models in the bundle includes a special frame, it is possible to buy separately. These devices help to make an accurate cut.
- Security system - a mandatory should be a button that blocks inadvertent operation. It is situated on the handle to turn on the electric saw and you have to press is not one, but two consecutive button. It is also important protection device is a safety clutch. If jammed disk it works and stops. A professional models integrated electronic braking system.
- Number of teeth on the drive - they can be from 12 to 110. In order to perform accurate cutting, you should choose a disc with the number of teeth of 36. Separate the wheels and the angle of sharpening the teeth. For wood and plastics suitable positive edge angle, ie, the tooth is bent on a course of movement of the disc. For working with sheet metal and nonferrous metals need negative edge angle, ie the teeth need to be folded against the motion of the disk.
Working with circular electric saw
Before you choose a power saw, note whether it has overload protection. In such instruments, after the engine reaches a predetermined temperature of the heating coil, a work stoppage occurs. With this system, the life of the saws is greatly increased.
Also pay attention to whether there is a pattern brush wear indicator. It will allow time to replace the old brush with new ones. To protect the motor must be provided for the system, which independently switch off the tool if the brush is too worn.
Be sure to check the tool before purchase, it should be assembled. Take a power saw in his hands and turn, it should be comfortable to hold, should not be at the same time strong vibrations.
reciprocating saw
Scope Electric edge is quite large. It can be cut like wood and metal. Most often it is used in hard to reach places.
Before you decide what to choose saber electric saw, you need to consider its basic characteristics:
- Power is the main characteristic of the operation of the tool. In domestic versions, the engine power varies from 1000 to 1600 W. It depends on it and how the material can work in a saw. The higher the power, the harder the material.
- Power frequency - For household models, the frequency of the course is usually not more than 2600 stroke / min. When choosing a tool, you also need to pay attention whether there is an electronic stroke controller, which provides a constant frequency of the web moves regardless of the level of load.
- Fastening of the hacksaw blade - the best electropolis should support the fast replacement of the hacksaw blade.
The quality of the cut in this type of electroopers depends on the system of adjusting the number of moves, because different materials it is different. It is also worth paying attention to whether there is a function of adjusting the depth of the cut, thanks to it, the canvas is not so quickly wearing.
If you still doubt your choice of electric copies, contact a specialized store, where the consultant will tell you which model to choose, based on your needs.