How to get rid of the fungus in the bathroom Climate

The bathroom is such a place where the humidity is constantly increased. And if it is also combined with poorly functioning ventilation, then the appearance of fungus is inevitable. It is necessary to take urgent measures, otherwise his disputes will be separated throughout the apartment. After all, the fungus is not only black dots on the ceiling and walls that in itself is unpleasant, but also a big threat to health. In this article we will tell about the ways to get rid of the fungus in the bathroom.
Causes of the appearance of fungus in the bathroom
The reasons why mushroom may appear somewhat:
- high humidity;
- heat;
- bad ventilation;
- cold walls;
- faulty plumbing.
Fungus in the bathroom. How to deal?
If a fungus appeared in the bathroom, then fight it so that he never appeared there. So, we carry out the following activities:
- We are freed from the plots on which mushrooms started. Clean them, dry, coated with preventive tools.
- We increase ventilation efficiency. To do this, first check whether the ventilation mine was clogged. If so, I will be remarkable, and when everything is in order with the mine, but the fungus still appeared, it means that this ventilation is not enough. Add fan.
- Throw old bedside tables from the bathroom - they probably settled there.
- We check a carefully washing machine - for reproduction, the fungus is also a suitable place.
- We inspect the pipes. If a large amount of condensate accumulated on them, then they are poorly insulated. It is best to replace metal pipes on plastic - there will be no condensate on them.
- We give in proper condition the entire plumbing. None of the soul, or from the mixer should not drip.
- We establish a good heated towel, and if possible, a warm floor.
- Warm the outer wall of the bathroom, if anyone is available.
- Perform a new finishing of the room.
- We buy and place in the bathroom moisture-absorbers. In extreme cases, their function can perform containers with salt placed in different places.
Advice: There are doors with ventilation on sale. They are suitable for the bathroom, as it is impossible. If the door replacement is not planned, do the hole in the one that is.
Get rid of fungus in the bathroom
Attack on fungus should be carefully prepared:
- stocking rubber gloves, a marlevary bandage or respirator;
- buy a spatula;
- prepare means for combating fungus.
Forms from fungus in the bathroom
There is no other way to remove the fungus in the bathroom, how to deal with it with all known ways. There are many of them, for example, the use of primary means. These include:
- bleach dissolved in water;
- copper vigor.
Industry also produces a variety of antifungalic drugs. Consider everything in order:
How to remove the fungus in the bathroom with a solution of copper sulfate
So proceed:
- We protect your hands with rubber gloves, and the respiratory tract is a respirator. Remember - this substance is very toxic.
- Cooking mortar. We take 1 water bucket and add 100 g of copper municipal.
- We apply a solution on the affected surfaces with the brush. For prevention it is better to process and those places where the fungus is not observed.
- We leave the bathroom for several hours.
- My all that was subjected to processing, clean water wipe.
- Open the door to ventilate the room.
Bleach and water will help
The use of a bleach to combat fungus is also an effective method, however, the smell of this tool is very caustic, so gloves and respirator is the attribute mandatory. The order is:
- prepare a solution in a ratio of 1:10;
- apply it with a sponge, rags, brushes or sprayers;
- control room.
Note: wash this tool is not needed - it is not visible on the surface, and the presence of the bleach does not allow the fungus to develop subsequently.
How to remove the fungus in the bathroom using antifungicides
All industrial antifungal agents are divided into 2 types:
- Professional - they use the builders, performing protection from biocorrosion.
- Household - eliminate the black mold at home.
In addition, they are considered like those:
- destroy fungus;
- prevent his education.
Destroy the fungus such drugs like:
- TIKKURILA-HOMEENPOOTOVO 1 (Ticurila Homeenpoysto). Made in Finland. Divorced in water in proportion 1: 4. In the air for 20 minutes loses properties. Therefore, if the mold was deeply entered, apply a remedy. In Finland, another effective anti-grab agent is produced - Pinotex.
- Antigribal. Excellent means of domestic production.
3. HG from the Dutch company HG International B.V. Designed for the processing of seams filled with cement. The tool is very effective.
4. Hydrothex from the domestic manufacturer. Significantly cheaper imported, but only a little inferior to them in quality.
5. Renogal (Renogal) from the manufacturer from Germany - SHOMURG. Economically spent. For the processing of the entire bathroom, there is enough 1 liter of the can.
Folk remedies for removing fungus in the bathroom
Not all use chemicals. Someone fundamentally does not recognize them, but for someone it is allergens. Not trouble, there are still funds are completely harmless to health, but no less effective:
- soda food and vinegar;
- tea tree oil;
- hydrogen peroxide, boric acid.
It is used like this:
- On the surface in the bathroom, the soda is applied with a layer thoroughly and from above watering vinegar. After sediment, the foam goes warm water and soap.
- 2 teaspoons of a tea tree oil in 2 glasses of heated water are dissolved. The solution is poured into a bottle equipped with a sprayer. Surfaces are processed. Washing is not required.
- A solution is prepared:
- hydrogen peroxide - 2 parts;
- water - 4 parts;
- boric acid - 1 part;
- vinegar - 2 parts.
4. Surfaces surface.
Healthy: Leave an open pack of soda in the bathroom, it will absorb unpleasant odors.
What to do if a fungus appeared on a tile in the bathroom
The choice of a method of combating fungus on a tile in the bathroom depends on the degree of propagation. If mold is only on the surface, then:
- we dissolve any of the selected funds in water;
- take a sponge and wash the mold. If the microspores do not penetrate deeper, then this is enough.
When the fungus is observed in the creams between the tile, the measures are more radical:
- we remove the existing grout by applying a spatula;
- we dry the walls using a hairdryer;
- we process joints with a special antiseptic 2 times;
- i rub the seams with a new material by adding an antiseptic to it.
This is how this procedure is performed:
If the mold settled so thoroughly that he penetrated under the tile, then nothing else remains, how to remove the fungus in the bathroom time-consuming, but in a right way:
- remove the tile;
- take a metal brush and clean the open surface;
- apply an antiseptic;
- give dry and once again to cover the antiseptic agent;
- perform the walls of the wall again.
Note: If the fungus struck most of the surfaces in the bathroom, then invite specialists. They have the opportunity to determine the fungus strain and choose the means most suitable in a particular case.
More advice: Effective in the fight against the fungus in the cracks between the quartz tile or the soldering lamp.
The question is how to bring the fungus in the bathroom, this video is dedicated to: