Types of wallpaper and their characteristics Wallpaper

Today's market of building materials offers the consumer such a huge range of goods, which is sometimes it is very difficult from the whole manifold to choose something one thing. This also applies to wallpaper. To understand which species of these wall coatings are suitable specifically for your purposes, you should study information and find out how they are classified than different from each other and what are the advantages and disadvantages.
Types of wallpaper
Existing wallpaper on the current market are classified as follows:
1. By moisture resistance:
- not moisture-resistant. Such wallpapers can not be washed with water and brush. They are wiped with a dry cloth or treated with a vacuum cleaner;
- moisture-resistant. These wallpapers can be carefully wiped with a wet sponge or cloth, while not allowing the use of detergent chemistry;
- washable. This type of wallpaper can withstand cleaning with a wet rag and the use of detergent chemistry;
- high-resistant. Such wallpapers are withstanding not only the impact of moisture and detergents, but also cleaning with a brush.
2. According to the structure of the upper layer:
- wallpapers having a smooth surface;
- wallpapers for which the production is applied;
- wallpapers on which a small pattern is squeezed;
- multilayer wallpaper with a deep pattern.
3. Thick:
- wallpapers having a small density;
- dense wallpapers that are extremely difficult to glue on an uneven basis. But they positively affect the microclimate of the room.
4. Design:
- monophonic wallpaper with a smooth surface;
- wallpaper with a pattern.
The most common types of wallpaper, their characteristics and features
Among the variety of wallpaper species can be distinguished by several basic preferred by consumers due to quality, cost, beauty:
- paper wallpaper;
- vinyl wallpapers;
- fliseline wallpaper;
- textile wallpapers;
- fiberglass wallpaper;
- the liquid wallpaper;
- wallpaper from traffic;
- metal wallpaper;
- wall mural.
Paper wallpaper
Such wallpapers are made from different-sighted paper, water and air passes very well. They should not be glued in such premises as a kitchen, a bathroom or toilet, because there is a high humidity and there are constantly tangible smells. With the help of paper wallpapers, it is possible to quite successfully disguise the uneven surface of the walls.
By surface structure, paper wallpapers are divided into two types:
- simplex - paper wallpapers having one layer;
- duplex - paper wallpapers that have several layers.
The second option is considered the highest quality. Additional layers provide protection against environmental protection and even sometimes have a basic degree of moisture resistance.
Paper wallpaper happens:
- with a regular, smooth surface, made on a paper basis, to which the typography is drawing a drawing or pattern. On the wallpaper of a higher class decor can be applied to manual printing. Cheap paper wallpapers under the influence of sunlight very soon lose brightness, burn out. Those that are more expensive and shall be covered with primer and thus protect ultraviolet;
- also, wallpapers on a paper basis may have a bulk texture. A special paint is applied to the paper basis using a stencil. Most often, such wallpapers are left white so that the consumer, blowing them, makes painting on their own in accordance with its taste and interior;
- another option of paper wallpapers - duplex embossed. With their help, it is very convenient to mask the irregularities of the walls. Because of this property, they won great popularity. Duplex embossed paper wallpapers consist of a pair of layers, while embossing is applied to the top.
Vinyl wallpapers
These are two-layer washable wallpaper, the basis of which is paper either phlizelin, and the upper layer - polyvinyl chloride. Sometimes the composition of raw materials include antifungal drugs.
Polyvinyl chloride is resistant to mechanical damage and dirt action. Vinyl wallpaper can be decorated with embossed or pattern, differ in durability and reliability.
Vinyl wallpaper are two types:
1. Structural wallpapers on foamed vinyl are not embossed. They differ in a variety of structure, the uneven surface of the wall is very well masked, allow you to create an exclusive interior.
2. The vinyl wallpaper of hot stamping, which in turn is divided into:
- cD-vinyl. Durable and unpretentious material, resistant to mechanical damage. It looks similar to heavy materials - stone, textiles, textured plaster;
- heavy vinyl. It solves the walls very well, allows you to create spectacular scenery;
- silkography. This type of wallpaper has many versions. It is most often chosen for sticking in residential premises. They are distinguished by increased smoothness and beautiful glitter. But glued them only on perfectly smooth walls;
- vinyl wallpapers embedded in a chemical way. They are distinguished by increased strength and resistance to the sun rays. They are withstanding the washing with the use of cleaning products.
Fliselinova wallpaper
This type of wallpaper has two layers - fliesline and polymer, and the latter performs a protective function, allowing the possibility to wash the wallpaper with water. Fliselin wallpaper is well passed by air, so the smells are not entry into them.
They differ in durability and very well hide small wall surface defects. For phlizelin wallpaper, special glue is used, which is applied to the wall. Due to this, it appears the opportunity to most accurately docile the glued canvas. And during operation, the deformation does not arise and bubbles do not appear.
Flizelin wallpaper are two types:
- ready structural;
- wallpaper for applying dye.
Both of these species can have both smooth and embossed surface.
Textile wallpaper
These are multi-layered wallpapers, the front side of which is textiles, and the basis is paper either phlizelin. A cotton or linen fabric is applied to the base. From what material went on the front layer, the cost of wallpaper will depend on. Ecology, strength characteristics and appearance depends on it.
As used for the production technique, textile wallpapers are divided into:
- wallpapers based on threads;
- wallpapers based on a whole canvase.
Textile wallpapers, though very beautiful, but they play not only the role of room decoration. They are distinguished by high noise and thermal insulation qualities.
By material used for the top layer, textile wallpapers are divided into:
- wallpapers based on synthetics. In the production of synthetic tissue is glued to the foam database. Such wallpapers are well held warm and do not miss sounds. It is not difficult to care for them, even vacuuming is allowed. Only now the installation is desirable to carry out a specialist;
- wallpaper from jute fabric. Jute fabric has vegetable origin, is characterized by a characteristic structure, due to which the walls of the wall. The jute wallpaper is obsessed with burnout. They are colored and intended under painting;
- silk wallpaper. In fact, they contain only a small percentage of silk fibers, everything else is viscose;
- wallpaper with flaxed threads. To obtain them, the base of paper is covered with flaxed threads. These wallpapers have a beautiful view and pleasant texture, do not fade under the influence of the sun, but the cleaning is only dry;
- wallpaper from velor. The method of their manufacture is very complex and includes several stages. If in a nutshell, a nylon pile is applied to the paper base. These wallpapers are very beautiful, but it is better to use them where dry and dust missing;
- wallpaper from felt. They are divided into: wallpaper from natural felt; Wallpaper from the analogs of felt - microfibers, acrylic, polyester, polypropylene.
They are easy to use, withstand cleaning using non-caustic detergents, have good sound and thermal insulation qualities.
Fiberglass wallpaper
These are special wallpapers, wicked out of glass bottles of different thickness and impregnated with a special substance that gives the canvas stability. After the glass windows are pasted on the wall, paint them with a water-based latex dye or dye.
These unique wallpapers are fireproof - they are not susceptible to burning at all. In addition, when around the fire, under the influence of heat, they do not emit substances dangerous to human health.
Gymelomaces are 100% consisting of natural materials. Thanks to this feature, they create and maintain an environmentally friendly environment in the room.
Fiberglass, of which wallpaper are woven, have emergency strength. Pets will not be able to spoil them with their claws and beaks.
Also, this type of wallpaper is distinguished by durability - the service life of thirty years, while they can be cleaned and washing with the use of chemistry and rigid brushes.
Gymelomes are not electrified, so the dust does not stick to them. They also have a different structure and design, and allow for decoration of the room to show fantasy to the fullest. It is better to paint their water-based dyes.
The liquid wallpaper
This is a special composition whose components may be tissue and cotton fibers, cellulose. Liquid wallpaper make it possible to get a seamless wall cover, which can be either smooth or have relief. Before use, they are diluted with water-emulsion dye and are applied using a roller or spacing.
Corre them with special paints. The material is good because it can be applied on the surface of concrete and drywall, which do not have chips.
Liquid wallpaper is released as a powder or liquid.
Wallpaper from traffic
Such wallpapers are made of oak bark, so they are 100% environmentally friendly material. They are manufactured at a temperature of 360-400 ° with hot pressing method. Heating, the material itself highlights the adhesive mass, due to this, the use of any chemical adhesives is not required.
They have excellent breathability, as well as heat and noise insulation qualities. They do not need special care, while the service life is at least 20 years while maintaining all the above qualities.
Corkscreen wallpapers are suitable for rooms having a high level of humidity, only under the condition of applied to the surface of a special wax. They are also good because they do not absorb strong smells and have antibacterial qualities.
Metal wallpaper
This type of wall wallpaper is a two-layer canvas, which is made as follows: a sheet of thinner aluminum foil is superimposed on the bottom paper layer and is covered with dye. At the last stage, a drawing is applied to the finished web using the embossing method. Metal wallpapers are not afraid of moisture and easily withstand washing.
At the same time, they do not use air very well, which undoubtedly refers to the discharge of the shortcomings that must be considered before choosing the wallpaper. In addition, before sticking, you need to take care that the walls have a perfectly smooth and smooth surface.
Photo wallpaper
Wall murals occupy a worthy place among the most sought-after designers of wallpaper species. The photo, applied to the base, may be matte or glossy, can take all the canvas or a certain fragment. From above, a protective film that protects it from the action of negative factors is applied to the picture.
Quality wallpapers do not fade and are not afraid of mechanical damage. Their service life is rather long. At the same time, such wallpapers cannot be used in wet rooms, and it should be applied to a smooth surface.
It is very difficult to glue the photo wallpapers of large size to independently, because in this case they are applied with parts that need to be extremely accurate.
Of course, we have not listed all the existing types of wallpapers, but only those that enjoy the most popular among consumers. The modern wallpaper market is so diverse that you will definitely choose an acceptable option that matches your requirements and financial capabilities. But before making a choice, you need to know from which the price of a particular type of wall coatings depends and what properties and advantages are.