What crushed stone to use for foundation Building materials

When creating a durable and durable foundation, a number of factors should be taken into account that directly affect the quality of the base. Most often, people rely on the choice of specialists who are engaged in construction work, but it is also necessary to understand that the whole process can be taken in their hands, and for this you do not need any voluminous knowledge.
It is necessary to analyze the quality of concrete, features of the design, as well as the possibility of reinforcement. Despite this, many owners, as well as builders, do not pay attention to some details, which at first glance may seem insignificant.
In this material it will be about crushed it, which is used to create a concrete mix. It is worth saying that because of the wrong chosen rubble, serious problems associated with the strength of the foundation can begin. Thus, this issue needs to give special attention.
At first glance, it may seem that there is not such a large selection of rubble on sale, so it is extremely difficult to make a mistake in construction. However, the opposite is the opposite. The mining industry offers a colossal assortment of this product, and each type of rubble has special properties.
Main details when choosing rubble
First of all, you need to know that builders who are constantly engaged in the construction of structures, often use the same type of rubble. Of course, this is not always the best solution, especially if we take into account the specifics of each individual structure.
In addition, the hosts that carry out the construction of small structures within the framework of private territory, often use the existing construction resource, and this is also not always the right decision.
Most often builders classify rubble, based on the material fraction. For example, too small crushed stone is better not to use on large construction, and a large rubble fraction when erecting a miniature house - not the best solution. However, this is not everything worth knowing when choosing a better material. Next, we will consider in detail the classification of rubble and make some conclusions.
Classification of rubble by origin
First of all, it is worth classifying rubble by origin. Suppliers that implement this product most often provide a complete list of necessary information. Often, by origin, crushed stone is divided into:
- slag;
- gravel;
- limestone;
- secondary;
- granite.
It should be borne in mind that it is the granite crushed stone that is characterized by the highest strength. This should be known to those builders who want to ensure the high durability of the foundation. Experts also recommend using this type of rubble to create a basis. However, this is only if the building is a responsible project. If we create a foundation for a barn or gazebo, the strength of rubble does not matter much. At the same time, it is worth knowing that granite crushed stone is the most expensive solution, so it will not be possible to save here. On the other hand, it can be confident that the quality of the building material is really high, and the structure itself, built when using this rubble, is distinguished by durability.
Often, builders replace granite crushed stone on gravel, and won financially. Of course, there is no sense to go to such risks, but if the construction budget is small, it is quite possible and risk. In addition, gravel crushed stone is often used to build small country structures and similar buildings. However, there is still a sense to apply on this issue to specialists who will give their authoritative assessment about the use of a particular type of rubble in construction.
Exceptionally for light buildings, specialists recommend using limestone crushed stone. It should be borne in mind that this material is not the most durable, but to create a foundation it is not such a bad solution. For the construction of a small arbor, such a type of rubble is a remake choice.
As for the secondary rubble, its use to create the foundation is categorically not recommended. In many other construction related processes, this material is indispensable, as it includes two advantages at once - a low price and accessibility.
Strength rubble
When buying a rubble, many owners are primarily interested in the strength of the material, and that's right. It should be borne in mind that there are grades of rubble strength, which should be paid attention to.
The brand of the weakest rubble - M200, and the most durable - M1600. Of course, even to create a foundation there is no need to use the most durable crushed stone, as it will ultimately it will be just a waste of money. The stronger crushed stone, the less in its composition of low-stop breeds. If you firmly decided that to bookmark the base of the house you need a durable crushed stone, you should make a choice in favor of the M1200 brand (or higher).
Frost resistance material
In existing conditions, it should be borne in mind that low temperatures can have an extremely negative impact on the state of the foundation. In this case, we need to apply a frost-resistant crushed stone. As for directly the essence of this characteristic, this is a question of freezing / thawing cycles. If the crushed stone is really frost-resistant, then even dozens of such cycles will not affect its condition.
In this situation, there are also rubble brands, minimal - F15, and the maximum - F400. Again, granite crushed stone has a high level of frost resistance, so it is more expedient to acquire the owners working on creating a structure in Eastern Europe, as well as the central and eastern parts of Russia. In these areas, extremely low temperatures can be changed in the heat in record deadlines. Accordingly, an excellent frost resistance is required from the rubbish. You can choose some mean value (by material brand), and it will be the best solution.
If in your region throughout the year the temperature is practically not changed, then the question of frost resistance goes to the background. With this situation, you can safely take any crushed stone, which, by strength, meets all the requirements in construction.
Radioactivity rubble
There is a lot of not the most pleasant stories in which the radioactive crushed stone appears. The thing is that when building a house, such material is simply forbidden to use within the framework of security. In order not to become a victim of such a dangerous purchase, the relevant certificates should be requested from sellers. In the event that the seller does not have all the necessary documents, it is confident in sufficient material quality, and even more so in its safety, it is impossible.
Very often, people are conducted on a sufficiently low price of a material that can be 2 times lower than that of a similar certified. Many organizations engaged in selling rubble do not want to spend time and money for certification, so such situations arise. In any case, security is the most important thing, and in this business do not need to save.
Fraction rubble
It is the fraction (size) of rubble is the most important characteristic of the material during construction work. It is worth noting the fact that today there is a huge range of rubble, and above all it concerns the material fraction.
Builders divide rubble on:
- small;
- average;
- large.
As for small rubble, in this case the material is divided into the following sizes:
- 3x8 mm. This is the European Standard, which in construction every year is still applied more and more.
- 5x10 mm. Such a crushed stone is often used to bookmark the foundations, as well as many other building structures.
- 10x20 mm.
- 5x20 mm.
Practically the entire above faction is the best option for construction work, including to create slabs of overlapping and bridge structures. Accordingly, such a crushed stone is excellent for the construction of responsible structures.
Average fractions:
- 20x40 mm;
- 25x60 mm.
Often this crushed stone is used in most construction. As for the use of such products, it is most often this road canvas, railway structures, construction of buildings. In some cases, the average fraction may be a good option for booking the foundation, but it is still better to discuss this question with professionals.
Large crushed stone:
- 20x70 mm;
- 40x70 mm.
With the help of large rubble, the construction of huge industrial buildings, as well as other objects that differ in large dimensions occurs. Most often by buyers of such products are building companies that conduct building residential sets and industrial centers.
Also, do not forget about the crushed parts of non-standard fractions, which often acquire in a huge amount. Often, such material is activated for the decor (for example, for decoration of fences and water bodies). In decorative purposes, fine crushed stone is used, since this product has miniature fixed dimensions, due to which you can create an original design composition in almost any conditions.
Features of the use of rubble under the foundation
As it was already possible to understand throughout the information provided, choose some particular type of rubble for construction - not so simple. It's all about a variety of factors that in one way or another affect our choice.
It must be said that experts recommend using the average fraction of rubble to build the foundation of a small home. This will be enough to obtain excellent adhesion between concrete and rubble.
When buying, as already mentioned, at least an externally evaluate the quality of natural material. The fact is that many sellers do not plan to get regular buyers at all, thereby can offer secondary crushed stone under the guise of classical. At first glance, such a material may be the most ordinary, but in fact it has emptiness and various components that will have a negative impact on the overall quality of the concrete structure. If the structure is really responsible, then significant flaws of rubble will definitely turn out to be explicitly during operation.
Separately, I would like to say a few words about the lack of river gravel rubble. This material is often sold for construction, however, to create concrete structures, it is not the most successful solution. The thing is that this crushed stone has a smooth surface, due to which adhesion between it and cement is too low. Accordingly, concrete will be far from the highest quality, even despite the record strength of the products itself.
Accordingly, before choosing rubble, you need to remember that the material should have a rough surface, which will ensure excellent adhesion. If the crushed stone has chips, then it is also not the best option, since the strength of this material is under a big question.
If possible, there should be small consultations about the choice of rubble and the specifics of construction work. For builders, this topic is simply elementary, and on the basis of the available information they will give their authoritative conclusion. Often, such consultations are quite expensive, but this is certainly more profitable than the problems that can be encountered after construction. In a crisis, it is necessary to appreciate each ruble, and each unit of construction material. Well, ultimately will not prevent authoritative information about the best suppliers of rubble. To acquire this material "from the hands" - not the best idea, since there is simply no confidence as a product. And, as we have already spoken, product certification is the most important part of the entire building process, since the characteristics of the material may not meet the requirements, which means that the construction may be under the threat of an emergency, especially if the soil on which the house is built is problematic.