Woodworking Foundation Construction

For the construction of small private houses, new types of foundations are increasingly used, which, until recently, were exclusively experimental. It is worth saying that a private house most often is a small structure, which is distinguished by the biggest pressure on the soil. In such conditions, the strength and durability of the foundation often goes to the background. More importantly for the owners - choose the simplest and practical basis. This task is not so simple, since the foundation for any structure must comply with certain requirements. Most often, specialists who give their authoritative assessment of the existing setting are involved in such events.
The wood-writing type of foundation is often used for small private buildings. Despite the fact that this foundation is relatively simple, it provides high durability of the structure, and this is very important in conditions when it comes to building a house on problem soils.
In this article, we will analyze the highlights associated with the device and the creation of a pile-scolding foundation, as well as consider its most important advantages and disadvantages. This information will allow the best way to navigate the subjects for small private structures.
The main features of the pile-screened foundation
The Woodworking Type of foundation is still used more often thanks to its practicality. It is piles that bind to each other with metal, wooden or concrete woodworks. Similar structures are created in those places where a large load is foreseen. Despite this, the owners often create a full-fledged pile-painted foundation, and with such a situation, they definitely remain in winning. The fact is that during the operation of the dwelling, the properties of the soil can change somewhat, and in such a situation, the foundation is needed, capable of helping almost in any situation. And it is the pile-scribe that is the best solution.
In any case, such a base will be an excellent solution for those who do not want to spend mad money for many classic foundations.
As for the dimensions of such a foundation, one pile reaches the length of up to 3 meters (the minimum one and a half meters). The choice of pile length depends directly from the conditions we have. If the soil is problematic, then the pile should be selected.
The step between pile is also an important feature of the foundation. For a small structure, it is safe to take a step equal to 1.5 m. In some cases, this value is 1 m.
Experts recommend using the pile-painting foundation on bubbly soils, but there are no serious restrictions and in this regard. Almost any soil will be an excellent basis for this type of foundation.
The advantages and disadvantages of the pile-headscreen foundation
Of course, it is most important to take into account all the pros and cons of the presented foundation type to fully assess the existing situation.
The advantages are as follows:
- Budget building option. Experts who regularly deal with fundamentals, note that it is the pile-scribed base that has a low cost. In addition to the fact that the materials themselves needed to create a foundation, inexpensive, so also the construction resources here are quite a bit. Such an economical option looks attractive even in the crisis period. But in such a situation it is categorically not recommended to save, since a little later such a decision will definitely give yourself to know yourself.
- Handy construction. Experts argue that the concrete needed to create a pile-scribed foundation can be prepared in handicraft conditions. Thus, the quality and dimensions of the concrete structure are completely in our hands. However, it is necessary to keep in advance that the quality of concrete should be high enough, since it is precisely from this that the base strength depends. If you are not sure about your abilities, it is better to purchase concrete from authoritative suppliers. Any problems with raw materials that are used for foundation are not allowed.
- The basis for problem soils. As we have already spoken, the silent foundations are most often used on problem soils. It is worth emphasizing that in modern conditions, any work related to the strengthening of the base differ in high cost. Large money on such events is not all ready to spend, the more you need to take into account the most favorable state of the economy. It is better to install a reliable foundation in advance in order not to regret later.
Disadvantages of the pile-scribed foundation:
- Lack of opportunity for the construction of the basement. For many people, the basement is a mandatory component of a private house. Of course, it can upset, but the groundrooms are not provided in the pile buildings. In any case, you can take care of creating additional rooms for storing all the necessary things and products that are often located in the basements.
- It is impossible to build heavy walls. Despite the high strength of the base, it is necessary to keep in mind that under heavy walls the foundation may begin to deform. Thus, it is best to create a lightweight design of the house. In any case, in such situations, the help of specialists, who will give their authoritative assessment of the specifics of the design of the foundation and the overall structure of the house are necessary.
- The presence of the most complex calculations. At first glance, construction seems fairly simpler process. However, in most cases, everything is based on the most complex calculations, on which not only the building process depends, but also the overall reliability of the design. In the case of the pile-scooter foundation, we have serious tasks that consist in detailed calculations of the strength and sustainability of the base. Again, it is followed solely in extreme cases. Once again, it is best to entrust this work to professionals. Experienced builders conduct an analysis of the soil, territory, and after that, they begin to work on the design of structures.
First of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the negative parties, since even one of the items presented may become a serious obstacle. Additionally, it is possible to discuss the existing situation with specialists, and only then make a deliberate conclusions about the construction of the foundation and the house as a whole.
Houses for Sailo-Rustling Foundament
As already mentioned, the pile-painting foundation is not used far from all buildings, and there are certain limitations.
Often, professionals in construction business are recommended to be limited to the following designs of houses:
- houses from glued bars;
- light brick buildings;
- houses created on the basis of rounded logs;
- houses erected on the basis of foam blocks and other lightweight materials.
In the event that the owners do not take into account such a restriction, then colossal problems are quite possible. With a large mass of the house, the foundation will begin to deform, after which cracks are formed on the walls and the entire structure may be at risk of destruction.
The device of the main components of the foundation
- First of all, you need to consider the welded device. These building constituents are often used in large-scale construction, but in different situations they have distinctive details. To begin with, the piles are created by holes that are attached to the rubberoid (for high-quality waterproofing). The base of pile will be an asbetic tube. Accordingly, the pipe is deepened into the hole. Armature is placed inside the design. You can use a rather thin material, as it will be the best link to the concrete mix. Do not fully fill the pipe with metal products. Often 5-6 units of fine fittings are enough. You can also pre-create a full-fledged reinforced design, which is just enough to fill with concrete. It is advisable throughout the parameter of the future foundation to use the same pipes and approximately the same number of reinforcement. Such equilibrium is of great importance. In addition, the reinforcement and pipe should be slightly tied up over the soil, as it will significantly improve the adhesion between the foundation components. After careful checks of the location of the building elements, you can pour concrete into the pipe space.
- Already after concrete gained strength, it is possible to continue the construction process, namely, to create a reinforced woodwork. Most often, the period that is needed so that concrete becomes strong enough (for subsequent construction work) is about seven days. To begin with, we need to make a formwork. For small country buildings, you do not need to build something too large. The height of the formwork can be half meter. As for the materials that can be used for formwork, then most often it is wood. Despite this, the material should be high-quality, since under pressure from the large weight of the concrete, the design should resist. Inside the formwork should be laid out polystyrene foam, as well as a bit of sand. Such a base will be excellent in order to raise the developed scolding over the Earth. In addition, we should not forget about waterproofing. You need to create protection for piles from moisture and water. After that, the rustling reinforcement is created. To do this, we will need to create a metal structure again, which this time will be located around the perimeter of the future foundation. At the same time, you should not forget that we need to tie the reinforcement of the frame with the reinforcement, which speaks from piles. It is best for binding reinforcement and other metal components to use the most ordinary wire. Most often it is enough to carry out similar works. It must be remembered that after the required set of concrete strength, the foster, which was mentioned earlier (polystyrene foam and sand) is removed, and then the woodlock will rise above the soil. Accordingly, all load will act on piles.
Already after concrete fully gained its strength (most often it is about a month), construction work can be carried out related to the construction of the house itself. Of course, the strength and reliability of the structure needs to be paid special attention.
Price issue and pile-painted foundation
As we have already spoken, when creating a pile-screened foundation, the owners can save a little (if compared with other types of foundations). However, it should be borne in mind that much depends on the design of the foundation.
First of all, you need to know how many piles will be required for the building process. In addition, their dimensions are important.
Surely the most of all means it is for the creation of a woodwork. It all depends on how much concrete is needed, as well as the number of reinforcement. Again, it is impossible to save on metal products, as the standard of strength should stand in the first place.
As for the quality of concrete, how we have already said, high material brands should be used, as the savings later can get out sideways.
Specific figures associated with the cost of building such a foundation cannot be given, but it is safe to say that such a building process is quite on the pocket of most owners who are planning to build. In addition, it is safe to say that when creating a full-fledged cottage house, the foundation will be several times cheaper than any other designs. In addition, as already mentioned, you can think about savings, by coating the concrete mix. Also as reinforcement, you can use fir-handed metal elements. However, on more responsible issues, it is best to consult from specialists.