Wall paints: Tips for choosing paints and varnishes

Previously, when it comes to repairs in the apartment, everyone stopped on the wallpaper and tiles. Today, basically preferred paint - a huge selection allows you to replace it almost any finishing materials. With the application of paint, even a beginner will cope, which you will not say about the sticking of wallpaper and even more so about laying the tile. In addition to the ease of operation, paint for walls has high aesthetic and wear resistance. However, that the coating lasts for a long time and pleased the eye, you must be able to choose it correctly. It is about this today and talk today - how to choose paint for walls and ceilings.
Dye or not painting?
Despite the popularity of wall paint popularity in recent years, many still put themselves before choosing - wallpaper or painting. If such a dilemma arose before you, we suggest to consider all aspects of working with paint coatings for walls, as well as their operational characteristics.
Advantages of paints for walls:
- The huge color palette - you can realize any fantasy, depicting a luxurious sunset on the wall or a starry sky with overflowing galaxies. Even if you do not find in the desired color directory, you can create it, mixing several kernels.
- Paint gives a smooth and strong coating with proper surface preparation.
- There are washable compositions that can be cleaned with a damp cloth when dirtlessly damage the finishing layer.
- Pets (Cats mostly) do not show any interest in the painted wall and do not scratch it in contrast to wallpaper, which is pleasant to swing the claws.
- If an unwanted spot, chole or loss, is accidentally appeared on the painted wall, this place can be redesome, without making a large-scale repair. With wallpaper, this will not work. Thus, you save personal time and a lot of money.
- The paint is ideal for premises with complex elements (arches, protrusions, niches, etc.), since they are much easier to paint than to wake up.
- Painting of the walls occupies a much less time than sticking wallpaper.
Unfortunately, no finishing material is devoid of flaws. So that the paint kept well, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the wall. It should also be properly picking up paint depending on the operational features of the room in which the repair takes place. For example, in the bathroom walls painted paint with chalk, that is, the moisture-up, then such a coating will be lathe very long. By the way, almost all the colors, with the exception of glossy, absorb dust, so many are preferred by washing compositions (you can make wet cleaning). Despite these factors, the decorative paint for the walls is one of the most popular finishing materials for outdoor and internal work.
Types of paints for walls
All modern paints for walls and ceilings can be divided into two large groups, characterized by the base: paints on water (water-soluble) and paints on solvents. The latter are distinguished by high water resistance and unresponsibility to household chemicals. This group includes enamel, which can still meet on the walls in hospitals, on heating radiators (batteries), in bathrooms and kitchens of Soviet buildings. This testifies to the durability and enviable wear resistance of such compositions, but they have one serious minus - toxic smell capable of harming the body, and the same composition. In particular, it concerns oil paints. Many choose them due to low cost, but over time, such coatings are yellow and crack. Modern enamel paints are no longer the ones that were a couple of dozen years ago - they dry pretty quickly, they don't smell so much, they have good wear resistance.
Despite the strength of the paints of the above-described category, they are better not to use them for internal work or limit the permissible minimum. Water-soluble compounds are more suitable for painting walls in the apartment. First, their composition is not so dangerous as in the paints on solvents. Secondly, they almost do not smell, and if they have, it is not able to harm the respiratory system. Thirdly, the coatings are obtained by breathable, that is, they do not violate the natural microcirculation of air indoors. Such paints are completely fireproof, comfortable in work, and the color palette is much wider than enamel.
Acrylic paints
The popularity of acrylic paints for walls is easily explained - they are incredibly stable, can withstand light wet cleaning and universal (suitable for walls, and for ceilings). At first glance, it may seem that better acrylic for interior decoration is not found, but in the bathroom and in the kitchen it is better to cover the walls with something else. Yes, acrylic paint will not spinning from several drops of water, you can erase the stain from it, but if it is constantly (or often) in the room, it will quickly spoil and paint, and the wall under it. The exit from such a situation can be thorough preparation and processing of the surface and the use of special acrylic composition.
What are acrylic compositions:
- Water-emulsion - paints are passed by air, possess good adhesion, wide color palette (can be sprayed on their own). There are textured paints for walls that create a relief structure. Not intended for use in rooms with elevated moisture levels. A couple of times with them can be carefully erased by a stain, but the coating will deteriorate from frequent procedures. Such paints are suitable for repair in the living room, hallway, bedroom.
- Water-dispersion - as well as water-emulsion, are well passed by air, but it is not afraid of multiple wet cleaning. Typically, such paints are sold in white, but they can be painted on their taste with special concentrated dyes-additives. Such formulations are suitable for hallways, kitchen, toilet (but not a bath or combined bathroom).
- Acrylic - purely acrylic paints have high mechanical resistance, elasticity and gas-tightness. For these reasons, they are used for painting reinforced concrete (waterproofing). It does not fade under ultraviolet, helps to hide small cracks on the surfaces, does not let the water. The cost of good paint on acrylic resin is quite high compared to the rest, but it can provide good insulation.
- Latex - but the latex paint can be calmly painted the bathroom and the kitchen, even over the sink itself, because they are completely not afraid of high humidity. With all its wear resistance, latex formulations give a pleasant matte surface, and if they cover it a textured wall, it will be reliably protected for many years.
However, it is not necessary to expect that latex paint will be able to hide some defects - it is recommended to apply it on a thoroughly prepared wall. It is very popular to apply latex paint on top of textured wallpaper, creating an original surface. In this regard, the latex paint will be the best option, since it forms the thinnest waterproof film on the wallpaper surface, protecting their texture from damage. Products of foreign manufacturers can be divided into several species depending on the degree of gloss of dry paint (digital marking on the surface or the name of the paint). For example, CaparolsamTex3 is completely matte, and Caparol Samtex20 is glossy. The glossy coating is different from the matte not only appearance - it is more moisture-resistant and does not delay dust and dirt particles. But at the same time, the paint for walls with the effect of mattiness allows you to hide some wall defects, and the glossa emphasizes them, so it can be applied only to an ideally smooth surface.
- Polyvinila acetate - inexpensive paints, resistant to ultraviolet, environmentally friendly, are not afraid of fats and oils, but absolutely not moisture-resistant. The basis of their composition lies with all the acquaintances of PVA glue. Due to the inability to withstand moisture and washing such paints are mostly good to cover the ceilings in dry rooms. Another drawback is a small color palette. The mechanized method of polyvinila acetate compositions are not applicable, so this can be done only manually and get only light shades (however, only such and suitable for ceilings). The predominant part of PVA-Krasyok is represented by domestic producers. Due to the low cost and limited use, foreign concerns do not pay for the kind of paints of big attention.
- Silicone - distinguished by good water resistance and vapor permeability. When applied, the paint fills fine cracks and helps disguise the irregularities. Have excellent adhesion almost with all surfaces, well hold even on top of other colors, but the high cost does not give them popularity.
Adhesive paints.
As part of adhesive paints there are organic water-based polymers, which is why they have similar properties with water-emulsion. However, in contrast to them, glue paints are not for operation in conditions of high humidity and wet cleaning.
Depending on the components used for the preparation of adhesive paint, the following types are distinguished:
- Dexted - based on bone glue. Paints are suitable for internal works, but only in sufficient dry rooms.
- Caseinic is resistant to ultraviolet, abrasions, possess an attractive appearance, differ in good adhesion not only with concrete and brick, but also with plaster.
Silicate paints
Mineral-based paints with liquid glass in the composition. Due to the alkaline reaction when applied, all precautions should be taken (gloves, respirator, glasses). It also serves as a reason for limiting the scope of use of silicate paints - they are not suitable for glass, metal, stone and ceramics. Also, it should not be applied over alkyd acrylic coatings. But despite all this and a rather poor color palette, silicate paints are actively used due to their ability to withstand temperature differences, vapor permeability and moisture resistance.
Environmentally friendly paints
This type of paints by definition is best suited for interior finishing works. This is the optimal option for the children's room and for repairing indoors, where people who are prone to allergies. There is no one line of eco-friendly paints for walls. Since the subject of health has recently become more common, many foreign and domestic producers have appropriate products.
The environmental friendliness of such paints is explained by the use of only clean, natural and safe components to prepare them. They do not excrete toxic evaporation when applied and drying, and if it is not able to cause a hint of allergies on the skin (it is necessary to simply rinse with water).
Useful advice: If you want to buy truly high-quality eco-friendly paint, pay attention to the products of the Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian manufacturers. These countries have serious restrictions on the use of harmful components to create internal finishing materials.
In environmentally friendly paint, whether latex or water-free paint for walls are lacking lead, mercury, zinc, cadmium compounds and chlorinated phenols. To find out such products in the store, pay attention to the label - most manufacturers make focus on ecology. Caparol, for example, puts on its clean paint marking E.L.F.
In the video about paint for walls, all the problematic issues of choosing and using paint in the apartment are considered in detail in detail when repaired in the apartment:
As you can see, choose the color of the walls for the walls is not enough - you need to know the mass of the nuances. But only reading this article, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich products you need and with what questions should be addressed to the seller-consultant in the store.