How to choose a bedroom wallpaper Wallpaper

Everyone agrees that the bedroom is a special place for a person, this is a zone of privacy and tranquility, where we spend most of our lives. Therefore, the proper decoration of the sleeping area is extremely important for a relaxing existence. This room should carry comfort and comfort, to give mood and calm. When planning the bedroom design, think over and observe each trifle, every item. As a rule, the bedroom is rarely stuffed with furniture, so the main focus is always on the wallpaper. About what wallpaper is better suitable for the bedroom, we will talk.
Today, wallpaper manufacturers offer a rich assortment, for example www.oboi-store.ru.: The choice of color shades, textures, design, type and quality of material and other characteristics related to operational is huge. To understand how to choose a bedroom wallpaper, check out all types and find a better option for yourself, given all the advantages and disadvantages.
How to choose a bedroom wallpaper: Wallpaper types (photo examples)
Today on the market you can find the following types of wallpapers:
- Textile.
- Fliseline.
- Paper.
- Vinyl.
- Gymelomes.
- Acrylic.
- Wallpaper-silkography.
- The liquid wallpaper.
It is worth clarifying that the last type - liquid wallpaper is, a kind, option of paint, just with a certain texture. After such wallpapers were applied, a typical relief is formed on the wall. Therefore, just say, finding in this list of liquid wallpapers conditionally.
So, before you buy wallpaper, you must approach the choice rationally, and based on the three most important criteria - this color of wallpaper, material and its environmental purity, type of wallpaper and the possibility of its combination with other types or colors.
To begin with, decide what you see your bedroom, what kind of style you like, and just pushing out from it, you can select wallpapers, rightly regarding their pros and cons. So, consider what wallpaper is best to choose for the bedroom.
Paper wallpaper
This type is considered the most budget, and therefore accessible to everyone. From the point of view of pasting, they are applied very easily and even newcomers in this business can be punished. The main advantages of paper wallpapers are:
- airopropusability, so that the climate in the room will always be at a normal level;
- sound insulation properties.
Paper wallpaper is made to divide on 2 subspecies:
- Simplex. This is a single-layer type. He is the best, well, of course, it affects their service life, as they are very thin and harp.
- Duplex. This is a two-layer type. In other words, 2 layers of paper were taken and glued together with each other, therefore, two-layer wallpapers were obtained. Unlike the first option, their durability increases by 2 times. Such a subspecies is more diverse by the fact that due to its density, manufacturers sometimes use an interesting design, up to various embossed patterns.
Of course, for the bedroom, paper wallpaper is not the most suitable option, if only because they quickly pollute and quite thin, it means that they will last long. Maximum service time - four years. But even this term, they are unlikely to serve, it is worth oriented for two or three years. As a temporary option is quite suitable.
Vinyl wallpapers
The basis of such wallpapers - paper that is covered with a vinyl layer. This layer is covered with a pattern or special embossed. Such wallpapers will indeed serve as faithful, their life is more than 10 years.
Since the wallpaper from a number of particularly durable, their thickness will be high, so the pasting of them requires skill and experience. After the glue is applied to the wallpaper, the coating stretches a bit, as the paper layer wureswards. After sticking on the wall, the layer will dry, and, accordingly, narrow. Thus, wallpapers can move away from the seams.
To date, manufacturers please their buyers. The range of vinyl wallpaper is really great. This applies not only to color solutions, then the variety of textures and certain features. For example, you can find special wallpapers, which, thanks to its unique additional layer of polyvinyl, are able to hide all the shortcomings of the uneven wall. Cracks, hillocks and other irregularities will not be visible behind them. The minus of the vinyl wallpaper for the bedroom is the fact that they are air-member. Thus, the room will often need ventilating.
Textile wallpaper
This type of wallpaper is customary to the elite. They have a paper layer, and the layer of natural tissues or threads is already glued on it. Wear resistance in such wallpapers is very high. In addition, they have sound insulation and thermalization properties. Often, cotton, flax or viscose are used for such wallpapers.
It is not necessary to talk about aesthetics of textile wallpapers, they speak for themselves. Even the most demanding buyers will be satisfied. Manufacturers offer a huge number of colors and structures. Wallpapers are endowed with reflective properties. For the bedroom, such wallpapers are the perfect option, they will create warmth and comfort in the room.
If you determine the shortcomings of such a coating, it will be the price. In addition, the care of such wallpaper requires permanent. They will be treated with dust, so they will have to clean them often, and it is necessary to do this with special means and very carefully. If we hate your hand to clean, it will lead to not very pleasant consequences. Dirt penetrates deep into textiles and falls between the fibers, which will lead to them.
Acrylic wallpaper
Acrylic wallpapers are considered an analogue of vinyl, but at a price much cheaper. The basis of them is paper, it causes a two-millimeter layer acrylic. Acrylic is a very wear-resistant material, to care for it is very easy, and he is harmless from an ecological point of view. Wallpapers have a porous structure, so the air is well through them. In the room will be maintained normal moisture and temperature, which contributes to a favorable microclimate. They are also vapor permeable, which will help to avoid humidity in the room.
Fliselinova wallpaper
Pretty thick wallpapers are well suited for uneven walls. The basis of such wallpapers vinyl, on top of it - Flizelin.
The most important feature of flieslinic wallpaper - they can be painted and repainted. Water-emulsion paint, latex and acrylic is suitable. You can paint such wallpaper up to ten times, they will not lose the pristine species. As for the price policy, the phlizelin wallpaper is quite expensive, but, nevertheless, the price is equal to quality, the shelf life of the wallpaper is quite large. The width of rolls to half the speech. Thanks to this, you can break the room much faster than narrow wallpaper.
Flislinic wallpaper breathable, so rationally use their use in the bedroom.
Wallpaper is easy to wash, while they do not lose their appearance.
Wallpaper silkscography
This type of wallpaper is attributed to vinyl, they use silk threads. It is they who give the wallpaper a beautiful, overflowing shine and radiance. All positive sides of the vinyl wallpaper took into their own silk-screen printing. To the touch, such wallpapers are very pleasant, they do not fade in the sun, they are not subjected to scratches. Manufacturers are manufactured both smooth wallpaper and textured.
Wallpapers have low vapor permeability, have the perfect look, the highest strength. But, like vinyl wallpaper, the air does not pass through them, so frequent ventilation is inevitable.
Glass equipment
This type of wallpaper is made of special material - fiberglass. This material is distinguished by high fire safety. After sticking, they hold firmly and is unlikely to come off the wall. For the bedroom is a good option.
Gymelomotts are not fulfilled by mechanical exposure, they can easily wash them, and their life is more than 30 years old. Glassy, \u200b\u200bas a rule, have a geometric pattern, often this "Christmas tree" or "Rhombik". Rarely, but there are original drawings invented by designers.
In environmental terms, glass windows are clean, high-quality, so they will not cause allergic reactions. The fibers of the glasses are passed by air, so the climate in the room will not suffer.
The liquid wallpaper
As we mentioned above, the name "wallpaper" in this term is quite conditionally. Liquid wallpapers consist of several components, of which the fibers of cotton, cellulose fibers, glue, dye. A mixture of liquid wallpaper needs to be dissolved using water, stir and apply onto the wall using a spatula. After the mixture is dry, a characteristic texture selected on the wall is formed.
In general, the use of liquid wallpapers in the bedroom is not a very good solution, but they can still be recommended if the walls of the bedroom are very uneven and abound in various protrusions and irregularities.
The positive aspects of such a coating that if the layer is contaminated or becomes unreasonable, it can always be updated, applying an additional layer on an existing one. If we consider from this point of view, the variant of liquid wallpaper is practical and convenient.
How to choose a color wallpaper for the bedroom
When you choose wallpaper in the bedroom, undoubtedly, you need to proceed from your wishes and preferences, but the highlights, tips, though, should be taken into account, they will help create a unique style in the bedroom:
- It is undesirable to use bright colors in the sleeping area or playing color contrasts. Do not forget that the bedroom is the place where you need to relax and find harmony. Wallpaper with a bright geometric pattern is also undesirable. Perhaps the first impression will tell you that it is a good idea, but later, a similar pattern will quickly get tired and wanted pastel tones, cozy and homely.
- If you really want to add a highlight to the interior, you can single out one wall under the photo wallpaper. Ideal will be an image of marine subjects, nature, forests, mountains. The best place for photo wallpapers - opposite the bedroom, especially this concerns the interior in which the minimum furniture is located.
- Before buying wallpapers, go to several stores, consider all options. Before buying, carefully measure the room that you are going to shine. Take into account the location of the windows, doors, in what condition are the walls.
Come to the selection of wallpapers with the mind and special responsibility, because the right choice will transform your bedroom, and you will not make doubts in the acquisition.
Design for bedroom
If you decide to make repairs in the bedroom, killing new wallpapers, then you can pick up furniture and attributes of the appropriate style. Let's consider the main stylistic directions that are acceptable in interior design, and the features of their creation:
- Gothick style. This style is minimalism. The spaces should be as much as possible, but the furniture and other things are not enough. No souvenirs, frames for photography, decor elements should not be. Wallpaper for such a style must be monochrome, without patterns and drawings. Tuck and brightness - not for this style. Most of all this option is suitable for people who appreciate and minimalism.
- Techno-art style. Honestly, style on an amateur, not everyone will like it. The focus of this style is the constructed bearing structures, different imitation of them. As for the wallpaper, light tones are suitable here, pastel shades with a barely noticeable, nonsense pattern.
- Modern style. An unusual style that carries chic and luxury. All in the interior of this style should be bright and combined with elements of the decor of the past centuries. The bedroom in such a style is more suitable for the dream queen. Wallpapers for such design are recommended with a bright, beautiful, even elegant pattern, wonderful if it is a flower topics. Gold elements are perfectly suitable, it can be reflected in both wallpaper and attributes. Stuchenina as never comes here, especially it is good to create on the ceiling and cornices.
- Style minimalism. This style denies the decor and encourages geometry. In principle, a good choice for the bedroom. If you wish to see patterns, then they must be unscrewed, barely noticeable.
- Art Deco style. This design is caused by ease and grace. Everything should work for it.
- Style romanticism. This style determines unity with nature. The interior of such a bedroom should be shot by various plants, natural stones. By the way, the forging here will also be appropriate. An interesting option will be the created decorative fireplace and a wrought lattice.
- Egyptian interior style. In such design, there must be stucco and decorative columns. Wallpaper It is necessary to choose a light sand shade, light gold and brown tones.
- Classicism in the bedroom. Pretty conservative style, carries a high cost and status. In this style there should be suitable furniture - expensive and massive. Wallpaper Choose brown, red shades, gold. Sometimes it is acceptable to use white color.
- Baroque style. Wallpapers must be golden. The ceiling is obligatory stucco, and in the room there are many mirrors.
How to combine wallpapers: design
Today it is very fashionable to combine several wallpapers in the same room. It can be different in color wallpapers, by texture, in drawing. Of course, if you can combine them, the interior will be unusual. But it is worth stuffing as the bedroom will look ridiculous and in it will be uncomfortable to live.
Consider several options for the correct combination of wallpaper:
- Whole color wallpaper to highlight a niche in the bedroom. Often the apartments of the old building are equipped with niches, and many of them deliver inconvenience when planning design. If you get a niche with wallpaper with a different color, then it is thus separating it visually from the main room. This place can be left for personal needs, for example, to make a workplace or a dressing room there, or a working corner.
- So-called patches from wallpaper of another color - fashionable solution. It looks particularly successful on the wall where the lady is located.
- With the help of other wallpapers, you can select a sleeping area. In this case, not only the color of the wallpaper should be different, but also the pattern, and texture.
- Blowing strips. This is a new feature in design. On the perimeter of the walls are covered with stripes. A successful option with stripes from colors.
People thinking conservatively, most likely, the method of combining wallpaper is not suitable, but it only seems absurd. In fact, a competent combination will task the bedroom unique style.
Little Bedroom Wallpaper
For some reason, it happened that the girl's favorite color is considered green. Probably because this color gives soothing and some comfort. Make out of the bedroom a kind of fishing line, and you will get tranquility, peace and positive mood. But this is absolutely not a recommendation for action, it is not necessary to do the bedroom exactly green, each has its own preferences, it is worth choosing that more like. But what if you are not sure that your favorite color is what is needed for the bedroom? Take a few tips on the note (especially these tips are suitable for a small bedroom):
- Light wallpapers are recommended to those who suffer from insomnia or those who often have nothing to do. If we decided on bright wallpaper, pastel shades are best suited.
- You should not use purple and its tones in the bedroom, experts claim that this color carries anxiety and anxiety.
- Warm shades of wallpapers with light floral motifs are suitable for those who wish to acquire peace of mind and equilibrium.
- If you are a lonely man, then better wallpaper than in a cage, you will not find. You can use both stripes.
- A married couple recommend the combined wallpaper option, given the wishes of each partner.
- If you spend little time in the bedroom and, entering into it, literally fall from the legs, and waking up, just as quickly leave, then you should not bother the color of the wallpaper, and just choose according to preferences.
Bedroom ideas with different color and texture wallpaper
- If one of the walls in your bedroom is red, it is recommended to make a stretch ceiling of the same color.
- With the help of wallpaper and decor elements, you can create a bedroom with a special style. You can make a megapolis or forest cleaner, solve you.
- Another new on the market, which would not like to say, but will have to, as the demand is great ... Of course, such a "highlight" on an amateur. The stores appeared wallpaper a la film horror. They depict various horror strokes, monsters and even blood splashes. Of course, the option for the bedroom is so-so, but some like some. You can arrange 1 room wall in such a style to be too shocking.
- If there is different wallpapers in your bedroom, the lighting should be carefully selected, it is best to use point lights. So the overall bedroom style will become fascinating and mysterious.