Paul on loggia - floor insulation on loggia, design ideas Floors

Each owner wants to make his apartment as warm, cozy and comfortable, so when you have to look for slippers or warm socks to get out in winter to the balcony, it makes you think about the repair. The insulation of the floor of the loggia is not a particularly difficult task even for those who do not mean anything in construction. After reading this article, you can independently make floors on the loggia with your own hands and forever forget about inconveniences.
Criteria for selecting materials for flooring on loggia
How to cover the floor on the loggia? There are several options for answers to this question, but in any case the coating must meet certain requirements:
- wear resistance - on the floor should remain scratches, scuffs, chips, etc.;
- good moisture-repellent properties - spilled liquid should not be absorbed into the floor;
- durability - the perspective of changing the coating once in a few years no one imposes anyone;
- beautiful appearance;
- low cost - reasonable savings did not harm anyone.
Under this list of requirements, several floor materials are suitable for loggias, however, we will look at the most common options - wood and tile. Wooden floors usually put on glazed floors and loggias, and a tile will be suitable for open options.
Wooden floor on loggia
If you decide to put a wooden paul on loggia, First of all, it is necessary to calculate the share of the material in order not to allow an excessive load on the balcony slab. Also, it will be useful to find out the amount of wooden boards in advance so as not to buy more than it will be needed.
Working with wooden floor covering materials has its own characteristics, so it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the elementary rules and adhere to the sequence of laying.
- At first it is necessary to align the floor. Even if it seems to you that he is even, it is not. In the depressing majority of cases, a number of symbols are allowed in the process of large-scale housing construction, as a result of which the wall curves, floors and ceilings are obtained. Floor alignment is necessary to ensure that during the installation of the floor, all the boards fit clearly and tightly, eliminating the possibility of forming cold bridges. Also, the bulges and depressions on the floor will create a different degree of load on the plots, and contribute to the deformation of the floor. If the fortress of the concrete slab of the loggia allows you to make a screed.
- After aligning the floor surface, it should be cleaned of dust and install waterproofing. To do this, it is necessary to add a special waterproofing film. It will protect the wooden coating from moisture and not to give mold and fungi. It is very important to evenly put waterproofing and trace so that the film is damaged.
- When the waterproofing film is securely installed, it is necessary to fasten the lags perpendicular to the loggia entry. If you want to make good sound insulation, at this stage you can set the gasket and layer of frustration under lags. Between the walls and lags, you should leave small gaps into a couple of centimeters needed for a normal shrinkage of wooden materials.
- Between lags, route the selected insulation layer at least 3 cm thick.
- Installation of the draft floor is carried out after laying the heat-insulating material. For this, as a rule, solid wood rocks are used, which, although not very beautiful, are distinguished by canceled operational qualities.
- And only after all these actions can be engaged in the finish finish - to carry out the flooring. It can be both ordinary wooden boards, opened with varnish and laminate.
Popular floors are very popular. The plug is a natural porous material that preserves heat perfectly, and in the summer it gives coolness. Walking through the cork floor is nice because it softens blows and vibration when walking.
Loggia Tile floor
Many choose tiled floors for the loggia, because they are easy to wash, they are unpretentious and aesthetic. Today in stores you can choose a tile for every taste and wallet, make a mosaic composition or a fancy three-dimensional print on the floor. But, in any case, the tile is much colder than wood, so such a floor must be carefully insulated.
- You should prepare the floor in the same way as in the case of installing a wooden coating, that is, align and clean.
- Since the tile is colder than wood, the layer of the insulation must be made twice as thicker - approximately 5-6 cm. Save on the heat insulation is not worth it, because ultimately you will spend less money for heating and treatment of colds, picked up on the cold floor.
- Next, it is necessary to pour the floor with a cement screed to form a reliable and even foundation for laying tiles. It also plays the role of additional heat and waterproofing.
- After drying, the screed can be started to install the tile. It should be attached specially intended for this glue (for floor tiles). Do not forget to use construction crosses to ensure a smooth pattern.
- When the glue hardens, process the seams by grouting.
Healing floor loggia
Selection of floor materials on loggia
The modern building market offers a huge selection of thermal insulation materials, however, the most popular for insulation of floors are the following:
- penofol is the newest insulation, which is manufactured from foamed polyethylene and aluminum foil. It provides not only reliable thermal insulation, but also protects against moisture and extraneous noise outside. There are several species depending on the thickness (3, 5 and 10 mm), sold in rolls. One of the most important advantages of foam is saving space and simplicity of installation. To glue pieces of foams using aluminum tape;
- foam - insulation proven for years, widely used in the construction sector. The main dignity is low cost. There are different thicknesses - from 2 cm to 10 cm. The sheets of foam plates are placed in lags on the floor, and the spaces between them are filled with mounting foam, after which the finish coating is placed;
- penoplex or extruded polystyrene foam is one of the best thermal insulation materials, the main advantages of which are vapor permeability, lightness and complete chemical inertness. It is more expensive than all other insulation, but compensates for it in full;
- mineral wool is a synthetic porous material made of molten basalt or glass fibers that are subsequently stretched, cooling and crushing. Such a heater is not afraid of dampness, it's great to keep warm, however, it is necessary to work with it neatly and in thick gloves - mineral wool is very sulking and irritates the skin. The main advantage - even the smallest slots can fill.
Before putting the floor on the loggia, it must be as followed. Make it is not so difficult, especially since we have prepared detailed instructions.
First prepare the following tools and materials:
- drill with a set of nozzles;
- perforator;
- mounting foam;
- electric jigsaw;
- waterproofing film;
- thermal insulation material;
- pencil;
- construction knife cutter;
- self-tapping screw;
- bars;
- plywood / chipboard;
- roulette.
How to make floor on loggias warm and cozy:
- Clear floor from dust.
- Stop the floor with a waterproofing film (preferably solid piece).
- Stools along the walls of the mounting foam throughout the perimeter.
- Put the second layer in the same way.
- Change the width of the loggia and cut the bars on the part. To put them at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and the first and the latter should be 5-10 cm from the wall.
- Secure the bars on 4 self-proofs each, retreating 7-10 cm from the ends.
- The openings between lags fill in thermal insulating material, laying a layer from 3 to 5 cm (depending on the thickness of the bars). Try to prevent the formation of cracks, but if it fails, you can fill them with the mounting foam.
- If it is possible, then it is better to lay a layer of foam foam up to provide additional waterproofing and enhance protection from cold.
- After that, the floor should be aligned, putting longitudinal bars on it, installing a sheet of plywood or chipboard.
A more clear process of floor insulation on the loggia is shown in this video material:
Floor laying on loggia is a mandatory procedure for any conscientious owner of the apartment. Not only the aesthetic appearance of your home, but also the health of its inhabitants. With the help of modern materials and tools to make such a repair will not be difficult.