Cleaning the soot of the furnace and chimney do it yourself Useful advice

The furnaces used in country houses and dachas for heating water and heating always assume certain measures to properly clean. This will extend the service life of the furnace, as well as ensure the safety of the building.
Cleaning the chimney from soot is a very responsible process. The pipe must not only get rid of the carved on the walls of the soot, but also check the passability of the channel and eliminate the presence of unnecessary objects and other obstacles to the free passage of the pipe smoke.
Need to clean the chimney
First of all, such a need arises if the chimney is clogged with soot. It is fraught with the fact that combustion products cannot freely go to the surface, thereby they will poison air in the house or bath.
Despite the fact that the life of the chimney chimney is more than 10 years, the service life of the polluted chimney is significantly reduced. The entire accumulated garbage and compressed the "fur coat" from the soot reduces the clearance, which significantly prevents not only the release of combustion products, and it makes it difficult to warm the walls.
In this case, the efficiency of the efficiency and the thrust itself is falling, and this, in turn, can lead to an increase in the cost of heating and heating water. In addition, soot is very dangerous: it can be self-turn, and its burning will occur at a very high temperature - more than a thousand degrees. As a result of all these factors, the chimney wall will begin to collapse, cracks will appear through which sparks can fall into the residential premises. This can lead to the fire.
In addition to the above factors of the need to periodically clean the pipe from soot, there are a number of moments to pay attention to:
- Chimney channels can be clogged using domestic garbage as a firebox: packages, plastic bottles, films, rags. Such a garbage forms a lot of soot.
- With seasonal operation of furnace heating and furnaces in the bath, the chimney can be clogged by the web, there can be a poultry nests in it - these factors also affect the burning of burning products into the room.
In order to prevent such phenomena, it is necessary to regularly check and clean the chimney and brush the oven from soot. It is enough to perform prophylactic cleaning twice a year. But you should not hope for these recommendations, since the regularity of the chimney maintenance will depend on the design of the furnace itself, from high-quality materials and fuel itself.
How to clear the oven
The oven is not so fast and strongly "converts" the soot as the chimney itself. This is due to the fact that when firewood or coal burns in the bunker, there is a constant movement, so the soot do not have time to accumulate. When there is a need to flood the furnace, firewood or coal are laid in it, they periodically turn over with a long metal rod or a kocher, then the ash is removed from the furnace. All these actions and are aimed at keeping the furnace clean.
Occasionally, in addition to the standard cleaning of the stove from soot, there is a need for a deeper prophylactic cleaning: processing the grate grid, cleaning the inner walls, as well as the input and output to the chimney itself. All these preventive measures must be performed only after the chimney is cleared. Otherwise, a lot of garbage can be poured into the furnace.
How to clean the chimney
Currently, there are several methods for cleaning the chimney from soot. Cleaning soot is performed by the method used by our grandmothers. They fell asleep in the hot chop of dry potato cleaning. It was believed that one bucket would be enough to neutralize South. Located in dry peel of potatoes starch, when heated is able to decompose soot, which will turn from the walls of the pipe directly to the furnace itself. You need to perform such actions for three days, so potato cleaning needs to be kept very much.
This method of clearing the chimney is currently considered not the most efficient, as it is desirable to apply also physical cleaning. And this can be done with the help of metallic herox.
Classic cleaning
It implies the disposal of accumulated soot using a special construction - the hero with the load. This device is a metal brush with a rope, at the end of which the wire or cord with a load is attached. Any heavy metal object can be acting as a cargo: a weight, bearing or a piece of metal. The weight of the cargo should be at least three kilograms, and the length of the rope is equal to the length of the chimney pipe plus a little more, so that the end of the device takes to the oven, well-reading channels.
To independently clean the chimney from the soot, it is necessary to omit into the chimney of metallic ERS and rotational movements to clean the walls. It is necessary to do it as carefully. To prevent falling from a height, it is desirable to tie the torsch with a rope and tie it to a skate or a stream. You can also take a steady position on the roof and lower the ERS in the chimney. Just 30 minutes enough so that the chimney is cleaned of soot. But, if he is very bad, then the brush will have much longer. At that moment, when the Ersh rises and lowers, it will scrape accumulated garbage from the chimney walls and soak. All garbage and dirt are lowered down into the oven.
After the pipe is cleaned, it is necessary to return to the room and carefully remove the furnace from the garbage and soot, clean the windows (view) and the walls of the furnace.
This method of cleaning from soot is considered the most common and efficient.
Cleaning with high temperature
There is another way with which you can also clean the furnaces and chimney from soot yourself - high temperature cleaning.
Her features:
- Very dangerous method. Since you have to work at high temperatures.
- Suitable for very strong contaminants, when the furnaces and chimney did not succeed for several years in a row.
In order to clean the chimney and the furnace, it is necessary to prepare aspen firewood. Lena laid into the stove and set on fire. When the fire covers all the firewood, you need to open the flaps, thereby provoking the "squeak" of the furnace. Thus will be ensured by blowing the furnace with a hot smoke.
This method is considered effective only for good-quality furnaces. If your oven is old, cracks can be formed inside inside, and it is unsafe.
Chemical method
For the prophylactic purposes for cleaning chimneys and furnaces, cottage homes and baths are widely used by special soot cleaning. Chemical agents help to remove a thin layer of accumulated soot.
The sale presents a wide selection of chemicals that can be sold as complete with a set of brushes and without. A good recommendation was received by such funds: "Cominches", "Petrychil", "Polyenoye", "The chemical composition of the anti-chamber". All of these means can be used for chimneys that are not equipped with smoke. Otherwise, on the contrary, the soot can score all the channels.
Special popularity in dachnikov enjoys the powder "Pullen Pedochil". It consists of salt mixtures, which entering the catalytic reaction, cause a complete seal decay. Such a means is added to the firebox with firewood. The duration of the work is about crescent.
This figure shows the smoke-lifting schemes that can be cleaned with chemicals.
Important: You need to be extremely careful when working with chemicals. Work in gloves. It is also necessary to know that chemicals leave behind an unpleasant odor, therefore it is undesirable for five days after cleaning. Immediately after processing the chimney and the khimcomponent furnaces, you need to ventilate the room.
Useful recommendations
Under the concept, cleaning the chimney and the furnace is meant to clean from soot, but do not forget about other parts of the furnace. They can be washed with soapy water without alcohol, and then wipe with a soft cloth or an old towel.
If lime deposits were formed on the furnace or chimney, they can be removed by 10 vinegar percentage. After completing the work, all surfaces are thoroughly rinsed with clean water and left until complete drying.
Cleaning the stove from soot by calcination can be viewed on this video: