Small-breeding tape foundation Construction

The guarantee of the long service life of any structure is the foundation. The design should correspond to the intended load and characteristics of the soil. For light frame and wooden structures, a small-breeding belt foundation is built: such a base will require smaller material and time costs. About how to build a finely breeding tape foundation with your own hands, you will learn by examining the material of this article.
What is based on the calculation of a small-breeding belt foundation
The basis of this type is not necessary to lay below the depth of the primer of the soil. But in order for its supporting abilities to be sufficient, it is necessary to comply with certain rules. The calculation of the foundation should be calculated:
- the properties of the soil;
- technical characteristics of the built building (floors, total weight, etc.);
- estimated operational loads.
The main parameters are calculated as follows.
- The properties of the soil: they need to know in order to prevent an uneven shrinkage of the foundation. Beyond the place of construction dig a well depth to 2 meters nearby. If the soil is rocky-sandy, no emptiness - no need to expect. In the case of construction on loose, clay bubbly soils, the support part should be at least a quarter from the depth of the foundation.
- Determination of the weight of the structure. To do this, summarize the mass of the main construction elements of the design: knowing their volume and share (reference data), make calculations. Consider the weight of wall materials, base, foundation, floors, roofs and rafters, window and door boxes and canvases, water supply and heating systems, hydro and thermal insulation, the most volumetric materials of the finish.
- Operational load: By weight of the structure, approximate weight of furniture, plumbing and household appliances should be added. It is necessary to consider the number of people who will be constantly in the house. 10% (to compensate for unaccounted materials and items) to the resulting value.
Table data for calculation
The information obtained is used to calculate the reinforcement frame of the foundation. Wherein:
- the total cross section of the reinforcement belt should be at least 0.1% of the base cross section;
- if the depth of fine-breeding belt basement is 0.5 m or more, the diameter of the reinforcement rod is selected from 8 mm;
- the proportion of cement, rubble, water and sand in a solution of concrete M100 - 1: 4: 2: 1.2, respectively.
Small-breeding tape foundation
The main condition for laying such a base - it should be located above the level of groundwater at least than half the meter. The following rules must be respected.
- It is necessary to build a system of removal of rain and melt water. This will prevent the accumulation of moisture near the foundation.
- Filling formwork concrete is performed in one app. It is important that between each kneading passed as little time as possible. Multilayer concrete will not be durable enough.
- In order to expel air bubbles from the solution, it is repeatedly pondered by a rod or a bayonet shovel.
- After filling, the surface of the concrete is covered with a film. This contributes to uniform drying and prevents cracking.
Preparatory work
For marking the outline of the base in the ground, reinforcement pins are driven and the twine
The sequence of actions at this stage is the following.
- Korchevka trees and bushes, level alignment.
- Marking of the trench. The pegs are driven over the corners, the cord is stretched. All distances are checked and the markup is adjusted.
- A trench of a depth of 0.7 m and a width of 0.8 m.
- At the bottom, the sandy bellows with a thickness of 0.2 m. Coarse sand moisturize and trambet.
- From the board with a thickness of 25 mm or plywood appropriate strength to form a formwork. Shields are strengthened with backups and through each meter is connected to the top of the jumpers.
- The side walls of the formwork are lined with rubberoid.
Ruberoid will prevent the flow of the solution and protect the base from groundwater
Important: Formwork walls must be strictly vertical, and their upper edges are strictly horizontal. In the process of construction, controls control with the help level.
Mount the reinforced carcass
The foundation of a ribbon type small-brewed will be strong enough under the condition of the proper reinforcement framework. Comply with the following rules.
- A steel corrugated rod with a diameter of at least 16 mm is used as reinforcement.
- The reinforcement frame is mounted as a double belt, whose rods are associated with a soft wire.
- The rods are laid no closer than 50 mm from the walls of the formwork.
- Plastic remote elements are installed between sandy bent and lower rods.
Filling formwork with concrete solution
The fine-breeding ribbon foundation of the house is erected from the M100, M200 or M300 brand concrete solution. It is recommended to fill in several layers to avoid the formation of air bubbles.
Concrete hardened time - 28 days. After the end of this period, construction work can be continued. To protect the base from rain and melting water, filling formwork is performed.
How the fine-breeding monolithic ribbon foundation on bubbly soils is constructed
Laying the base of the building on thin and clay soils is performed in compliance with certain rules.
- For bunching soils, a small-breeding ribbon pile foundation is constructed. For this, in the corners and every 2.0-2.5 m, the wells are a depth of at least 2 m.
- The crushed stone of the middle fraction is poured onto the bottom, the metal or asbestos-cement pipe with a diameter of 150-200 mm is inserted. The top edge of the pipe must be bundled by 70-80 cm.
- The pipe is filled with concrete.
- The concrete is lowered the rods of reinforcement so that they rise above the edges of the pipe by 60-70 cm.
- The formwork is installed along the perimeter of the ribbon foundation.
- Reinforcement is performed. Piai rods are linked to the Armopoomas of the whole design.
- Concrete solution poured.
Tip: In order for later a water pipe, an electric cable, to remove the sewage flow in the house, to bring the sewer, in certain places, plastic or metal tubes are laid into the formwork.
Circumcable base scheme
A small-breeding columnar belt foundation can be loaded immediately after concrete hardened.
This should pay special attention to
In the process of laying the foundation, it is necessary to comply with certain rules.
- Under the foundation, a sand pillow in several layers is added. Each layer of river sand is moistened and tamped.
- After the construction of a small-breeding foundation before the occurrence of cold weather, the reverse swelling of the soil is performed. In the event that all work failed to complete, it is required to provide a temporary insulation of the foundation.
- It is possible to start the fill of the foundation after thawing the soil and reduce the level of melting water.
How to build a foundation of a small embedding on a plot with a slope
The construction technology provides for more significant costs of materials, which is associated with the peculfur features. In order for the structure to be strong enough, the following rules must be taken into account.
- The width of the base should be at least a quarter of the height. Formworking costs are increasing if the angle of the slope is large.
- If the angle of the slope exceeds 15 degrees, it is recommended that the retaining wall is erected at the bottom of the base.
- After hardening the concrete mix from the side of the bottom of the base, it is equipped with a supporting mound to level the height difference.
In conclusion, he invites you to get acquainted with the video: some nuances that take into account during the construction of a small-breeded columnar belt foundation.