Geothermal Heating: Principle of Work and Installation Climate

Geothermal heating system, pros
The advantages of this option are truly noteworthy:
- A high level of environmental friendliness of the geothermal heating system, since regardless of the duration of the service, the release of any harmful substances for the human body was excluded.
- Saving time and useful area, due to the lack of need for regular fuel purchases, which cannot be avoided when organizing any other building heating system.
- The principle of operation of geothermal heating in combination with its features of the device completely eliminates the possibility of any accidents, in particular due to fire.
- The thermal energy of the Earth is inexhaustible, therefore, the period of possible operation is unreasonable.
- High levels of security subject to the choice of high-quality equipment.
- Low price geothermal heating, as the main costs are provided only in the process of creating a chain.
- An excellent performance indicator with the right choice of technology and compliance with the installation conditions for geothermal heating.
- Full autonomy of the system, which practically does not require additional intervention to control and regulate the owner of the house.
Important! The maximum benefit from the installation of geothermal heating can be obtained when the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is not higher than 200 square meters. With continuous use of it in such private houses, it is possible to completely recoup all initial investments for 2-3 years, as evidenced by the set of reviews about the geothermal heating of buildings owners that have used such projects.
How does geothermal heating work?
The functionality of this system can be compared with a more understandable and affordable device as popular household appliances as air conditioning or refrigerator:
- The central element of geothermal heating is a thermal pump. It connects sequentially to 2 contours. Heat productivity when installing such an aggregate exceeds the amount of electricity consumption of 4-5 times. Thus, for each used 1 kW of the usual energy resource, 4-5 kW is ready for the use of heat.
- The first circuit is internal. This is the usual wiring of the heating line, the main elements of which are pipes and radiators.
- The second outline is external. It is from its quality and size it depends on the volume of heat produced. The main element of its design is a heat exchanger placed directly into the thickness of the soil. Its inside is filled with antifreeze or water. The supply of spent and heated to the desired coolant temperature is carried out by pumping from an external contour to the internal, with the help of a heat pumping station.
Important! Before proceeding with the design and purchase of all the necessary configuration for the arrangement of the geothermal heating system, note that the quality of parts affects not only the duration of the uninterrupted operation of the entire bundle of equipment, but also to the power and convenience of its use.
Geothermal Heating - Video
Review an interesting video example, which clearly shows the functioning of such a system and the method of installation of its main elements.
Preparation of equipment
A complete list of heating system elements using the Earth's energy consists of the following equipment:
- scooter for soil;
- circulating type pump;
- heat pump;
- polyethylene or copper pipes;
- elements of shut-off valves - valves, fittings, etc;
- radiators of any suitable type.
Important! In addition to the main parts necessary for the arrangement of the geothermal heating system, a special equipment will be required for excavation work. For this purpose, high power settings are used:- boer;
- excavator or any other machines suitable for forming the crater of the desired depth.
To reduce costs when performing a single project to create earth heating, it is advisable not to buy, but take such aggregates for rent. Their use will not be limited exclusively by digging the pit for the coolant shower, they will also be suitable for accelerating construction work at other stages.
Methods for creating geothermal heating
To date, 3 main variants of the technological solution of the arrangement of such a heating system are available:
Criterias of choice
To understand what option it becomes an ideal solution, in the process of solving the problem, follow the following source data characteristic of your project:
- the area and structure of the site;
- embossed features;
- the number of green plantings and types of plants;
- budget size;
- level of professional skills and knowledge.
Important! Before proceeding with the incarnation of ideas in life, be patient and tune in to the fact that the organization of such heating will initially require marginal care to details, accuracy when assembling a system and certain investments at the preparatory stage, as well as in the design process. Observing these simple rules, you will definitely be able to create a highly efficient heating system, which will work smoothly at the level of the long period.
Horizontal System - Mounting Rules
The principle of the device of such geothermal heating is identical to the design of a warm floor. Below the proposed scheme will help you understand how it will be arranged and choose the optimal version of the heat exchanger laying.
Recommendations for laying a horizontal heating system:
- Denote the territory for laying the pipeline. To do this, perform a simple calculation of geothermal heating: the adjacent area to accommodate the elements of the heat storage circuit should be 2.5-3 exceeding the area occupied by the building itself.
- The time of work is assigned to the landscape design.
- Determine the location and cut the trench to a depth of 1.8 meters or lower than the temperature of the soil freezing depth on your site.
- Stacking pipeline on the trench. Perform bends from PND products.
- Designing pipe placement scheme, at the same time, create a project for further landscaping, so that in the installation process does not affect the necessary sections.
- Regarding the distance between the trenches and green plantings, stick to the standard requirement - at least 1.5 meters.
Important! The features of the horizontal design of the heating system using natural heat make it not so popular. Only those who have a fairly large-scale site can afford a similar solution.
Vertical Geotopia - Features
This type of system is the most popular. Its registration will also require certain costs, but at the same time the requirements for the number of necessary free area are much smaller. Install the heat exchange of the vertical location you can be much faster. To do this, follow these steps:
- Prepare a raw installation of suitable power - a portable technique with small dimensions is fully suitable for this purpose.
- Mark that the places that will be most beneficial for the decoration of the well.
- If the building area is less than 200 m2, while drilling the well, follow the following conditions:
- 1 pit with a depth of 150-200 meters;
- 3-4 - with a height of up to 60 meters.
Important! Title the depth needed for drilling, based on the ratio of the energy generation and pump performance. The general principle of calculation is reduced by the following proportion: 1 meter of the collector accounts for 40-50 W.
- When laying an external circuit, use PND pipes.
Vertical heat exchanger system - pluses
In addition to the fact that such a design requires much less useful area, its creation will bring other bonuses in the form:
- the possibility of using trenchless technology;
- the possibilities of carrying out all work on landscaping the territory at any convenient time;
- significantly simplified design of the circuit wiring line;
- smaller cash costs due to the admissible application of compact and cheaper drilling techniques;
- a long period of operation of the vertical heat exchanger is at least 100 years.
Browse carefully with a scheme where the principle of the vertical and horizontal heat exchanger device is clearly shown to determine the solution beneficial to itself.
Geothermal heating through natural reservoir - Pluses
This design is very convenient if near your private cottage there is a natural reservoir of any type. The main requirements are reduced to the following:
- the maximum distance to the water source is 100 meters;
- prud area - from 200 square meters.
Important! If the conditions for the location of your home correspond to the following requirements, get permission to carry out work with the GosInstations and lay the cable to the spiral on the bottom of the reservoir by connecting it to the collector in the building.
The construction of geothermal heating, of course, is associated with certain difficulties, but the profitability of such a solution is obvious, given its effectiveness. To make everything as correct as possible, be sure to prepare a competent project, watched by the help of specialists, and strictly adhere to its points at all stages of construction. With this approach, you will not have to worry about the inconsistency of your assumptions and the result obtained.