French windows do it yourself Window

French is called large panoramic windows that extend from the floor to the ceiling. They are most often installed in cottages and private houses, especially when they really have something to see. Also, French windows are called windows-doors leading to a terrace or a glazed balcony. In order to strengthen the design of such a large area, the frame is divided into several sections, each of which is glazed separately. Thus, in the manufacture and installation of these window blocks, the rigidity does not need a transverse bar.
For French windows is not characterized by a strict form of the window, so it can be any. Panoramic windows are usually made by swing or sliding. In some cases, they are manufactured by the type "Book" or "Harmonica".
Advantages and disadvantages
- French windows pass a lot of sunlight.
- The space visually becomes wider.
- Respectable appearance.
- The design of the French window can be made depending on the wishes of the owner of the house.
- It is difficult and problematic to care.
- Large heat losses. To reduce heat loss, you have to use additional funds (for example, a warm floor or heating convector).
- High price. This will cost a minimum window of $ 450.
- Given the geographical location and climatic features of our country, a large area of \u200b\u200bthe window can cause overheating in the summer and supercooling in the winter period.
The French layout of windows in homes looks like this:
How to choose the right windows for french windows
If panoramic window designs are needed, then it is usually used for this double glazing. In this case, the glass thickness must be at least 6 millimeters. After all, only it can withstand mechanical loads. Therefore, the design is widespread. To reduce heat loss, it is best to use energy-saving double-glazed windows whose glasses are coated from low-emission spraying. Due to this, the effect of a warm mirror is created, which reflects heat back to the room. Visually, such glasses are no different from ordinary. Therefore, through them without problems can penetrate the sun rays.
With a sufficiently large area of \u200b\u200bglazing and high ceilings, a large design is made of several small double-glazed windows. At the same time, it retains panoramic properties and light-effect. In addition, the window design itself is sufficiently stable and rigid.
Prices for the installation of French windows depend on such factors as:
- The total area and complexity of the design.
- Quality and view of the profile.
- Window fittings material.
- Type of glass package.
The exact cost can only be called sellers.
How to make a french window: installation technology
- If you decide to put yourself French windows, then, first of all, you need to remove the old frame. Also need to disassemble the simpleness on which it was installed. It should be launched from slopes. It is most convenient to dismantle it with a perforator. But before that, in order to avoid injury, it is not necessary to forget to remove the sash. When they are removed, you need to dismantle the windowsills and a window box.
- After that, you can disassemble the simpleness. This work is also convenient to make a perforator. Only if the wall is carrier, it cannot be deformed to increase the window opening. Such work can be performed only if the wall is not carrier.
- When the desired section of the wall is dismantled, it is necessary to completely remove the accumulated construction trash. When it is done, you can start installing a new window. To perform this work, you must first remove all window sash from the blocks. Freed blocks can be installed in window openings.
- When installing, the vertical and horizontal installation plane should be monitored using a construction level. This is important because, otherwise, the functionality of the frame may violate. In addition, it is possible that the sash will not open or close in the future. Window blocks of this type are not able to withstand the load of external floors. For this reason, it is necessary to leave the mounted gap between the surface of the wall opening and directly by the window - 5-20 millimeters.
- Next you need to drill holes for fasteners. Place them after certain distances in the frame around the perimeter of the window block. Anchor dowels are used to secure the window. They ensure reliable fixation. After all, if the load is incorrectly distributed, it will continue to break through the entire frame.
- The sash of French plastic windows gently inspired on the frame. Next, they should be adjusted so that they are well closed and opened. Adjust the height and density of the fit.
- At the last stage of the installation, filling the foam joints between the window block and the wall. For the speed of applying material, we use a cylinder with a special nozzle. Note that foam at exit is significantly increased in the amount. Therefore, apply it a subtle layer that will not reach the edges of the profile by 15-20 millimeters.
- Removes foam remove to her soak. After all, if you remove the material later, it will break the thermal insulation of the composition.
- Since foam is sensitive to the effects of precipitation and ultraviolet, buttons after filling should be sealing. This requires a special waterproofing tape.
- Next, shook the joints from the inside and outside. We close the slopes and remove the protective film from the profile. Now the window block is ready for operation.
- The design of the French window can be performed on the basis of your taste preferences and financial capabilities.
French windows do it yourself: some recommendations
- The French windows in the kitchen in private houses will give a number of advantages: it will be abundantly filled with light and fresh air, allow you to equip a comfortable access to the rest of the street.
- It is important that a thick tempered glass is in the window design - at least 6 millimeters. It is it that withstands heavy loads and has increased damage stability. To ensure additional protection of the house, you can take advantage of the deaf sliding doors or shutters that will be closed for the night or before leaving the home owners.
- It is not always advisable to install French windows in the apartment. After all, for this you should remove the wall. And it is very important that it is not bearing, as this will create problems with the integrity of the construction of the entire apartment building and will cause many problems with government agencies.
- French windows on the balcony should open a chic look. If the panorama next to the standing house or dusty road is open from your window, then it may not be worth spending effort and a large amount of funds to such a change in the interior.
- One of the main objectives of installing French windows in a private house is a device of maximum natural lighting and opening a review on beautiful views. Because of this, such windows usually do not overload with curtains or porters. If they are covered with, then light and air fabrics, such as tulle. For hot afternoon to the room, too much bright sunlight, there are stained glass windows, blinds, plize, shutters or a special film on such windows.
- There are several types of French windows and one of them is the portal. This type of window is a design that performs not only the role of the window, but also the doors. In "Portals", usually several werepuns, each of which can be moved relative to one or several sash. These windows can be parallel to sliding and lifting-sliding.
- Folding windows type "Portal" can be divorced to the sides to get a wide passage. The window and door block, which is usually placed between the hall and the loggia, can not be put, and instead, use partitions, called "accordions" or "books". If necessary, you can collect them. It will be a single room of the hall with a loggia. These are also comfortable. However, they can only be used if the loggia is as followed and has its heating.
- The large area of \u200b\u200bglazing gives the maximum amount of natural light, which, in turn, saves a lot of money on electricity.
Houses with French windows: Photo
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