How to choose a tree hacksaw Instruments

Wood's hacksaw differ in size from the size of the cutting teeth. This parameter defines how the cut will be, for what breeds of the tree will fit the hacksaw and how easy it will be easy to work with it. But besides this, there are other characteristics to pay attention to when buying a tool. Therefore, the question of how to choose a tree hacksaw is relevant and requires a solid approach.
Main technical characteristics
For tree hacksaw, the value has a value:
- length of the canvas,
- width of the canvas
- brand steel canvas
- lever,
- tooth size.
The length of the canvas affects not only the width of the cut-down wooden billet, but also greatly simplifies the work. A long run allows you to make less effort, since for one movement, the cut is carried out by a large number of teeth. On the other hand, than the canvas is longer, the more it springs. Having a deal with solid wood, such as oak, maple or ash, saw will cause a lot of inconvenience and quickly fasten.
From the practical side, short hacksaws, with a long cutting edge up to 30 cm, it is advisable to apply for small one-time work. They are suitable for those who live in the apartment, as they do not take a lot of space. Accordingly, in the private farm, it is better to immediately buy a long saw (45-50 cm). This will work not only with the workpieces, but also to plant trees.
Typically, the width of the canvase ranges from 10 to 20 cm. Thickest options are not allowed for technical reasons (broken with the slightest bending), broader too uncomfortable for handmade. When choosing a tree with a tree, it should be remembered that thin blanks are easier to cut up a narrower web, and the thick (trunk of the tree, roofing lags, etc.) - wide.
For hacksaw applied alloy tool steel brands:
- 8khf,
- 9khf,
- 9xc,
- U7
- U7a
- U8
- U8a,
- U8g,
- U8Ga,
- U9a,
- U10
- 65g,
- 60c2a.
All of them are certified by GOST and differ in high carbon content (0.7 - 0.8%) and silicon (0.1 - 0.4%), which makes steel solid and resistant to breaks. The remaining stamps of steel do not correspond to the technological requirements for the product.
Conventional handles are made of plastics. It is advisable to choose a handle with a rubberized substrate for fingers. This is allowed to make a more dense grip and protect your hand from the corner.
The teeth of the saw is the most important part of the tool, so they should be stopped in more detail.
Varieties and appointment of teeth
The following types of teeth are distinguished:
- for longitudinal cutting,
- for transverse cutting
- for universal cutting.
Longitudinal cutting, as a rule, is carried out either with a circular saw (round disks) or a jigsaw. But there are manual hacksaws for these purposes. As in the case of electrical analogs, the teeth on the saw resemble hooks. 40-55 degrees are allowed between them.
Hooked shape allows you to do sharp in one direction. Preferably sawing along the fibers. Then the hacksman easily penetrates through the tree and the cut is obtained as smooth and accurate as possible. The choice of such a hacksaw is appropriate only for those who have a desire to make furniture independently. Since it is not suitable for any other purposes.
The tooth for transverse cutting is most common. Externally, it looks like an anoscele triangle. The angle between the teeth is 40-50 degrees. This design allows you to be equally well to cut both when the cutting edge moves forward and forth. As a result, the transverse cutter is performed as accurately as possible, quickly and without much effort. When buying hacks, it is important to consider that this type of tooth is suitable only for dry blanks. Fresh wood saw will break up, at the same time the sharpening will deteriorate.
For fresh branches, a triangular teeth with a parallel sharpening are used. This means that each tooth is sharpened in a chess and only, on the one hand. As a result, a free channel is formed between the tooth inside the cut, according to which wet sawdust can freely exit the cut, not making it difficult to promote saws.
Another option is the combined composition of the teeth. In it, triangular are combined with semicircular. At the same time, semicircular elongated teeth are longer than triangular. When the hand moves forward, the narrow long teeth make the guide cut, and when the hand returns to its original position, the triangular tooth expands the cutting channel and removes the sawdust and chips from it.
It should be remembered that the less the angle between the semicircular and triangular teeth, the more accurate will be cut.
Handling for universal cutting is better not to buy, usually equipped with various compilations of teeth, which in theory should be equally well to cope with any task. But in practice, such saws are much faster than stupid, and their sharpening is often more expensive than the new hacksaw.
And most importantly - in any high-quality knife, the teeth are always made of kanenic metal.
Varieties of manual saw on wood
Several types of hacksaws, including:
- narrow
- ordinary
- with a church
- basic.
Wooden hacksaw, the price of which is the lowest - it is a narrow hand saw. This option is suitable for working in the garden, subsided branches and minor work with wooden blanks. Usually use either parallel sharpening of teeth, or triangular double-sided teeth.
It is important to understand that it is possible to work such a saw only with the billets, the thickness of which does not exceed 8-10 cm. Too short web does not allow to create a lever, therefore, the sawing of thicker parts will require high physical exertion.
Common hacksaws are made with any types of teeth. The choice depends solely on what purpose you are planning to buy a tool. The attention should be paid only to the fact that such hacks are extremely undesirable to work in the manufacture of furniture. Either the special stub should be purchased to be able to cut off at a certain angle.
Manual hacksaws with male are used as an additional tool. Their main task is not deep contigules in the workpiece.
Loin saws are an analogue of electric jig. They allow you to do the most accurate cut and work with any billets at any angle. Allocate:
- disconnected
- transverse
- filthy
- spike.
Loose saws allow you to perform longitudinal cutting. The market shows the web from 40 to 80 cm long. Longer blanks can only be cut with an electrical tool.
The transverse saws are designed to saw billets across wood fiber. They make cut both at right angles, and under any other. At the same time, perfectly smooth edges are on the edge of the cut.
Reference saws are narrower, used for curly sawmills. With their help make roundings and other complex elements. A distinctive feature is the use of particularly flexible metal brands.
Thickened saws allow you to make simple geometric shapes on the workpiece.
The peculiarity of the lyric saw is that the fastening mechanism is done or bought once, and the saws themselves are not sharpened, and new ones are bought (for both hacks for metal).
Recommended manual hacksaws on wood
Professional wood hacksaws distinguishes quality and compliance with the declared parameters. By buying goods of proven manufacturers, you will be sure that the tool will last long and reliably. Among the verified firms should be allocated:
- Bahco,
- Stanley,
- Gross,
- Sandvik.
Bahco is a Swedish company that is part of the SNA Europe Corporation. For more than 200 years of history, the manufacturer never changed the main concept - the production of an affordable high-quality hand tool. Bahco tree hacksaws are distinguished by durability, and a pleasant price from 500 rubles.
Sometimes there are hacksaws on the Sandvik tree. This company is part of Bahco, so product quality meets the general requirements of the concern.
American manufacturer of stanley tree hacksaws, also focuses on the availability of its products. Distinguishes the company the extensive staff of designers and engineers. Thanks to their work, the canvas of hacksaws and the cutting edge differ from the Russian GOST, but it does not affect the quality. This firm is ideal for those who buy a hacksaw to give. Since the combined teeth allow you to carry out any kind of cut. Price from 400 rubles.
German company Gross is younger than his opponents. The competitiveness of its products is achieved at the expense of very low prices (from 250 rubles). Nevertheless, the products are quite high quality and meets all domestic technical regulations. The only minus is that the product range is quite small.
There are domestic manufacturers who offer relatively inexpensive and high-quality options. Among them:
- Bison
- Piranha.
Bison tree hacksaws are produced in China, but comply with the requirements for steel and teeth. Of the minuses:
- it is impossible to leave on the street (quickly rust, even with a minor humidity),
- continuous work time not more than 10 minutes (recreation 15 minutes),
- not suitable for working with solid wood.
Despite this, these hacksaws will fall at the time to cut garden trees.
The firm Piranha is relatively not big and works at all for a long time. Like all new, its products are very affordable (up to 500 rubles) and is distinguished by high quality. Piranha tree hacksaws are presented in just a few models. Country of manufacture - China. But, unlike the bison, this company's products are covered with protective Teflon, which protects the tool from corrosion, even if you forget it in the rain.
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And there is a hacksaws