Cracks in concrete: causes and ways to fight Construction

The appearance of cracks in concrete and reinforced concrete structures means a gradual decrease in their strength and bearing capacity. Such phenomena occur very often, and especially in our area, where the temperature situation can change dramatically for a short period of time. A particularly negative situation is when the enemy begins to penetrate the enemy recently discovered cracks. After that, the destruction of the concrete structure can begin. This suggests that after the construction behind concrete structures, it is necessary to regularly observe. If the cracks have been formed too late, sometimes it is necessary to carry out full restoration work of the design.
The main reasons for the appearance of cracks
Fortunately, cracks on concrete structures appear only in two cases:
- with rapid cooling of the surface under the action of wind and precipitation;
- with the rapid release of the heat of the concrete structure.
Obviously, it is the first case most common. Especially often cracks appear in the spring when the wind is too strong, and the temperature may fall sharply to the minus.
When cracking can be used, with what the temperature drop concrete begins to collapse. Accordingly, this also talks about the quality of the building material. If the flaws on the concrete structure are formed even after small drops, it is necessary to urgently begin to strengthen the material, otherwise there may be irreparable things in the future.
Types of cracks
Often cracks in the concrete appear on bending. If they have already been formed, then the shear cracks may appear, which are diagonally to reinforcement rods.
If we are talking about end-to-end cracks that pass through the cross section of concrete, there will be no full-fledged restoration work.
Cracks are also often formed when connections when anchors are used in the concrete structure. The reason for the appearance of flaws may be the incorrect location of the fasteners, or the gradual drawdown of the foundation.
Seeling cracks
In the event that cracks appear even before the solidification of the concrete mixture, it is necessary to use vibration equipment and make a seal of the material several times until there is no trace from the previously detected flashes.
If the cracks began to form already in the process of pouring the concrete, it is necessary to immediately launch a cement mortar into the slit or the remaining concrete mixture. It should be noted once again that this procedure should be carried out as soon as possible, since the integrity and reliability of the concrete structure stands on the horse.
If the cracks appeared after 5-8 hours after pouring the concrete, it is necessary to clean up flaps with a small piece of foam, and then get rid of dust using a brush. Further, as in the previous case, you need to fill the cracks with cement mortar. After a successful conduct of the procedure, it is necessary to take the foam again and sweep the surface. It is important to do everything possible so that the surface close to the surface does not speak and was at the same level as the rest.
Use of injection technology
Most often, cracks are formed after a long period after filling the surface with concrete. Perhaps the above methods may also not help if the cracks are too large, or concrete has low quality.
Injection is exactly the option that is very often used in the construction process. Often, injection equipment is used in cases where waterproofing of concrete structures is required. Under strong pressure in the cracks, the compositions of polyurethane compounds fall. Accordingly, they will not allow moisture again to get into the vulnerable area of \u200b\u200bthe surface.
Interesting is the fact that injection is a universal method that is applied not only in construction, but also during the repair of food industry facilities, providing complete sealing and high reliability.
It is worth noting that injection is the ideal option in cases where the concrete structure is in poor condition, however, the sealing cracks can at least correct the situation.
Warning of the appearance of cracks
Obviously, the best solution in this situation will be the use of advice that allows to get rid of the appearance of the gaps.
If concrete is mounted manually, it is necessary to bear in mind that adding a large amount of water to a mixture may mean the appearance of cracks even before the hardened material began. It is worth familiar with the information provided to produce concrete and misunderstanding in the right proportions.
You should also take care of additional protection. In the summer, concrete is a strong drying, due to which the recesses and other flaws are formed. To avoid this, you need to apply a special protective mixture on the surface of the concrete. If possible, you can simply protect the structural elements from the effects of sun rays. Also in this period it does not prevent regular wetting of the surface with a damp cloth.
In addition, it is necessary to approach the selection of the material brand. Some types of mixtures will not be able to withstand the regular effects of precipitation. Thus, when you purchase, it is necessary to ask everything from consultants who will provide all the necessary information, and maybe tell some secrets, allowing the construction process as successful as possible.
In some cases, cracks, as well as many other damage to concrete structures, may arise due to the fact that the structure is on problem ground. This is a common phenomenon that is the result of not the best analysis of the area. To avoid such troubles, you need to entrust the search for mail to authoritative specialists, since the error can do too expensive.