Vintage at home Plot.

List of plants that can be grown at home expanding. Today, gardened gardens are engaged in breeding not only favorite colors, but also harvests of some vegetable crops. To grow in this way, the seedlings of grapes will not be difficult, because it is a rather unpretentious and rapidly growing plant.
Plant Description
Grapes adapts to absolutely any climatic conditions, quickly restored after trimming, frostbite and lesions of hail. Despite the fact that grapes are considered a heat-loving plant, gardeners have proven that the process of photosynthesis can be carried out, both at a temperature of +25 and at 30 degrees.
In addition to the simplicity of the cultivation of the grape bush, the juicy berries of the plant is extremely useful for the human body, as they have a whole complex of vitamins:
- vitamins B, C, RR, P;
- folic acid;
- phosphorus;
- zinc;
- silicon;
- copper;
- iron.
Grape leaves are treated by many ailments, their decoction is getting rid of the constipation. An excellent delicate skin peeling is chopped grape bones. The condition of the blood, and especially the anemia, is treated with the fruits of this fruit.
Since grapes are a high-calorie product, it is not worth using people who suffer from obesity or overweight. Caloriciness 100 g of grape berries, depending on the variety, ranges from 43 to 270 kcal. Due to the high sugar content, diabetics are not recommended to take grapes in large quantities.
However, if this fruit is shown to you and you seriously thought to organize a small vineyard in your garden, we suggest you consider some popular breeding methods for grapes.
Vintage grapes
In horticulture there are two main methods of breeding grapes at home - this is a reproduction of seeds and cuttings, that is, a vegetative method:
- When growing fruit from seeds, the parent properties of grapes are not repeated. That is, grapes as a result can have several other taste. In addition, fruit the bush begins slightly later than a bush grown from cuttings. When creating new grape varieties with different qualities (cold resistance, disease resistance), the gardeners are more often used by the seed reproduction method.
- With the vegetative breeding of grapes with cuttings, the basic properties (taste and smell) remain the same as the maternal bush is posted. In this case, a segment of a stem with one or three kidneys is used for planting.
Billery of grapes
The reproduction of grapes with cuttings is the most budgetary and reliable way to produce planting material, which is suitable for wine-making wishing to get good and, most importantly, fast harvest. Before proceeding to the workpiece of Chenkov, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the so-called "pedigree" of the maternal bush, which should give constant good crops with large and juicy closes. If you want to achieve a good harvest, you have to follow the yield of parent bushes for several years.
The most optimal variant of the billet of cuttings is the autumn period. Cuttings for subsequent introduction to open soil must be cut with 8 eyes, and with 6 eyes for growing by other methods. Cuttings or letters should be thick from 6 to 12 mm, with a distance between the nodes - 8-12 cm.
Curves and damaged cuttings should not be stored, as the small probability that such seedlings will take place. Determine where the top, and where the bottom of the cutting will be difficult in the future, so when trimming at the bottom it is necessary to make a small incision. The letters prepared in this way are binding to a bundle and leave in a bucket with water for 2 days. Water must use purified, spring or rain.
After that, each cutlets get out of the water, labeled, bind to beams, wet with wet rags and stored in the refrigerator or cellar. Suitable storage temperature of cuttings - + 4 ° C, humidity - 100%. For the winter of letters are left in this form and periodically turn over.
Spring planting of grape cuttings
According to most specialists, the grape landing in the spring period is more effective than autumn, since the likely the likelihood that the prepared cutlets will occur over the summer and will go into growth.
2.5 weeks before making cuttings in the ground they need to get from the cellar and check out freshness. Press the cuttings and, if there are water drops, it means that it is suitable for landing. By making a fresh incision, determine the color of the sprout: a good stalk should be light green without black spots.
In order for the spring of grapes in the spring in the future, the success, suitable for landing, the cuttings should be soaked in warm melt or rain water for 2 days, with a periodic replacement of water.
When the specified time goes, it is necessary to germinate the letters. At home, this is done with plastic cups or cut bottles.
- In order to germinate cuttings in glasses, you must perform the following steps:
- at the bottom of the glasses with a capacity of 0.5 liters, do 3 small holes;
- lower layer 2 cm. Push into the container ground with overheated leaves;
- to the ground in the glass, stop the glass of smaller volume, only without the bottom. And the formed empty places between the walls fill the earth;
- in a glass, pour sand, wet it with water and then remove the inner glass;
- in the deepened in the sand (4 cm), it is necessary to insert a stalk and pour it;
- put the dry sand and cover a large glass of a cut bottle without neck and bottom;
- the same landing procedure do with the rest of the cuttings and do not forget to water them every 2 days;
- when the walls of the glass, you will see the first roots, and 3-4 leaves will appear on the branch, the bottle can be removed.
- If you want to grow cuttings in a bottle, then proceed to the following instructions:
- to begin, cut the neck of the bottle, and in its bottom, do the holes with a selection;
- make a 2-centimeter layer of drainage;
- next, on top, pour about 7 spoons of a special soil mixture;
- there insert the cuttings at an angle in such a way that the upper eye on the cutlery is equal to the top of the bottle;
- pour on top of old sawdust, preferably beaten;
- plastic glass Cover the bottle with a cutter and put it on the windowsill in the pallet, only that the chumper's eyes are deployed from the window;
- when the cutting gear begins and it will be closer under the lid, the glass can be removed;
- watering the cuttings in the bottle should be in the pallet, and not under the root of the sprout.
Preparation of pit for a seedling
No matter when you decide to plant grapes, an important and responsible stage in this case is the preparation of soil, namely, digging the pit for grapes. Different specialists have their own depth parameters and widths. Some say that the pit must be a meter, others claim that enough and 50 cm. We offer you the most versatile way of preparing the pit for landing seedlings.
On a well-lit terrain, you need to dig a hole with a diameter of 60 cm and a depth of 75 cm. It can be both round and square. It is still better to do it in the period when the earth was already settled, but in the fall. In the area with a cold climate, it is necessary to deeply plant grapes, it will protect his roots from the freezing. In addition, it will allow seedlings to take faster.
Landing grapes in autumn
The process of the autumn planting of grape cuttings is preceded by a cutting and cutting preparation procedure. To implement it correctly, you must perform the following actions:
- before the plant begins to bloom, it is necessary to cut the cuttings and put them in water container;
- get a cutting of water and cut into several parts with two kidneys;
- cut-off twigs to put into the water;
- at the bottom of each cutlets, it is necessary to make an oblique incision;
- prepared cuttings are planted into a common box or separate small capacity;
- by the summer, the letters will take place, and they should be moved to the basement for autumn and winter;
- at the end of winter, the early spring seedlings transplant in buckets in order to begin the process of germination;
- in this form, with constant watering, the seedlings must be left until autumn;
- in September, rooted cuttings are planted into the ground. For planting in the soil, seedlings 45 cm long, 7 - 8 mm diameter of the barrel. The root system should have a minimum of 3 root, length from 10 cm. On the escape itself there must be caused by rided kidneys. Damage to the saplings should not be;
- the drainage of 5 - 7 cm layer is poured into the drenzha.
- saplings with a good root system are cut off side roots and ground part of escape;
- immediately before planting a cutlets, it is recommended to soak using the heteroacexin solution. Then, as the protection of a young plant from the Sun, its stem should be covered with antitranspairs, which can be purchased in any specialized gardening store;
- when landing the root of the seedling is straightened, and the cuttings itself are planted so that the escape is addressed to the south;
- after planting a seedling and its generous watering, the upper layer is embanked by a humus mixture with fertile soil and fertilizers;
- when the bush begins to be fruit, each well is installed a pipe to perform watering and feeding a bush under root;
- to preserve moisture and the optimal temperature of the soil, its surface should be coated with a layer of straws, leaves or husks. Perform mulching.
Planting seedlings can also be produced in deep drilled wells, which makes it possible to significantly save space on the plot. With the onset of the first serious frosts, grapes insulate: wind the cuttings warm dense cloth or hide under the earthy "tents".
All of the above actions must be performed in a clear sequence. You can have a visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe breeding process of grapes, viewing the next video.
Preservation of grapes from frost
A serious obstacle to the growth of grape vines is not only obsessive pests, but also frost. In particular, we are talking about seedlings planted in the open soil in the fall. There are three types of non-slip fixtures for the shelter of planted cuttings:
1. The warming of the first year is applied in the first year vineyards. This method is most suitable for young plants. Around the planted cutlery, make an earthen embankment up to 25 cm high. You can and adult plants can be obtained under the condition if they grow under mild climates. But the kidneys of adult plants are not protected from severe frosts.
Before dipping in the winter it is necessary to handle the bushes with antiseptics against pests, which winter on the bushes. In this case, nitrafen is used. With weak damage to the processing bush, use a solution of copper sulfate (3%). Before dipping plenty of the soil. In the humidified state under the shelter, it will not freeze. Young bushes before extracting the earth can also be covered with bottles, buckets, tight paper or hay.
2. The shelter method on half lies in the fact that the layer of land is insulating, located to the surface of the soil, Krona bush. The rest of the plant is insulated using fabric or straw. This method is not very effective in severe frosts, since only part of the plant is reliably covered.
3. The most suitable way of insulation of the vineyard is its complete shelter. For this, the bush binds to the bundle and leans to the ground. From above covered with cloth or unnecessary clothing, and then the grapes are insulated with a film. Please note that the film does not touch the kidneys of the plant, otherwise they are forbidden. The layers of clothing and films must be attached to the ground with wire and, if necessary, fall asleep the entire design with an additional layer of land. Also, paper, straw or husk of sunflower seeds are also suitable. This reliable way of warming young bushes grapes protects the plant from icing. In the event that the winter is issued warm, it is necessary to open the greenhouse and launch some fresh air to avoid the dissolution of the kidneys on seedlings.
Choosing between the cutlets and seedlings
Experienced gardeners differ in the opinion of the better breeding grapes: cuttings or seedlings. If you are going to expand your vineyard or start its breeding for the first time, familiarize yourself with the comparative characteristic of each breeding method:
- Saplings.
- at beginner gardeners, seedlings in most cases are accepted with the right landing;
- grape grapes by seedlings is much easier than cuttings;
- grafted seedlings have high yield and resistance to disease.
- storage and transportation of seedlings in contrast to the cuttings is much more complicated, as it is necessary to comply with the temperature regime. Dry climate can cut roots.
- Cuttings.
- easy transportation and storage of cuttings. To preserve the temperature and humidity regime, it is enough to overtake the cutlets with a damp cloth;
- the cheapness of cuttings on the market and the possibility of their independent preparation.
- the probability of cuttleness of the cutting is lower than seedlings;
- require additional costs of time and effort to grow.
Analyzing "for" and "against", you can add that of two cuttings, stuck in the well, one is guaranteed to take root. As you can see, grow a grape bush with seedlings, and cuttings. The advantage of the second method also in the fact that the cutting method of disembarkation can be monitored directly from the moment of crumbling.
Fertilizer of grape bushes
In case you landed young plants in the soil saturated with a mineral complex, then the next couple of years, grapes will need only occasionally feed. For this, liquid feeders are suitable, which can be attributed to the dung alive, the litter of a bird with water, ammonium nitrate (at the rate of 10 g of water), urea (6g on the water bucket). And in order for the feeding to penetrate the soil as much as possible around the grape bush, it is necessary to make shallow wells.
Adult bushes fertilize with potassium and phosphoric fertilizers together with the Organic 1 time in 3 years. In the autumn period, manure is made, and in the spring - compost. If autumn soil feels with organic substances, then mineral fertilizers in spring are not applied. And if not, in March, an ammonium salter, wood ashes and superphosphate are introduced into each square meter of the soil. At the beginning of the process of ripening fruit, it is necessary to feed the soil around the Calcium bush. About 150 g of lime is made for this.
Vintage reproduction
In addition to the cutting breeding and breeding of grapes by seedlings, the gardeners grow grapes with grapes, which in turn are dry, green, semi-semen, Chinese and chasing catavlak. The essence of this method is that there is a rooting of escape, not cut off from the parent bush. This method is recommended to be applied in areas where the soil is not infected with Filoxy.
Grape reproduction technology with letters:
- At the beginning of spring, while the kidneys did not appear on the grape vines, in the direction you need from the bush, make a ditch. Its width is 15 cm, depth - 19 cm.
- Fill the bottom of the groove soil (15 cm), fired by humus.
- Then proceed to laying the vine. Gently lay the branch, pouring it to the ground with a wire.
- Put the newly planted lot of land with fertilizers and well whirl with water with diluted manganese.
- To create an optimal microclimate, cover the film, covering it through metal arcs so that the leaflets of the vines do not touch the film.
- When the first leaflets appear, remove the film and leave the grapes without shelter.
- We regularly water the lap, and the young shoots are tissue to wooden or metal pegs.
- At the end of the summer of the top of young shoots, pinpoint, allowing them to grow.
- In the autumn, dig a drag and cut it into pieces, swing every seedling in clay and deposit.
It is important to remember that only two chains are allowed from one bush. If you failed to make a tank in the fall or spring, you can perform this procedure in early July. Left spring long shoots with pre-cropped leaves are laid in a trench. Further actions are performed on the above chronology. By the same principle, moving the grape bush.
Read more about how to reproduce grapes, you can look at the training video from professional vineyards.