Lawn Grass: Basic Manufacturers, Best Seeds, Useful Tips Useful advice,Plot.

Imagine with what pleasure you can wake up early in the morning, go out into the street, go through the grass, which is still impregnated with dew. Or, as nice summer, in the midst of heat, lie down on the shadow of the trees. Yes, and just watch a beautifully tonsured lawn, which is located next to your home. Such pleasure is called a lawn. However, if you think it's just sowing it, then deeply mistaken.
Features of lawn planning
Lawn, in fact, is a complex infrastructure. Therefore, before planting grass for lawn, it is necessary to properly prepare for this procedure. Under this implies the following steps:
- drainage improvement
- home improvement,
- surface alignment,
- installation of watering systems.
Grass for lawn is very different from the usual weed. First of all, it is associated with a thick cover, in which moisture is very delayed. The grass needs some water to feed, the rest goes into the ground. If the drainage does not do, the roots will begin to refine, and on the surface will be proposed in the lawn.
To avoid this to be done at least an elementary drainage system. The easiest way is to pour a crushed stone on the area of \u200b\u200bthe planned lawn. The coating thickness is at least 2 cm. For expensive decorative lawns (not intended for walking), drainage should be much better and consist of 3 layers:
- sandy
- stone
- clay.
Sand easily passes water, while wets himself. The moisture from it feeds the land until the next watering and allows you to maintain a uniform microclimate of the root system. A layer of rubble under the sand quickly eliminates surplus water, and the clay soil uniform redirects water into the soil, allowing you to avoid shrinkage.
After mounting the drainage system, it is necessary to cover it with high-quality black soil. Get it either at the bottom of the lakes or from the surface of the Earth. The lake is cheaper, but has a significant drawback - seeds of watery plants. They will begin to eat after a couple of weeks, and in order to completely get rid of weeds, you will need at least one year (or more depends on the size of the site).
A more rare superficial chernozem allows you to immediately land seeds. At the same time, it is important to provide them with a feeding and easily support the soil. The best fertilizer is manure, but chemical analogues are also suitable. The only warning refers to nitrates, as they, although they accelerate the growth of grass, but make it a poisonous.
The surface under the lawn should be perfectly smooth, it can have a slope, but always remains flat. It is necessary so that after trimming the grass has the same height without bugs and drops. Otherwise, the lawn will look like a forest glade.
Watering systems are:
- manual
- automatic.
Under manual it is understood by watering the usual hose with a spray nozzle. It is desirable to install automatically to install immediately so as not to dry the soil and hide the water underwater under the ground.
Only subject to these points, the lawn will germinate and will begin to please you. And now consider which there are varieties of "cultural" herbs.
Grade of herbs and their main advantages
Despite the fact that garden shops offer a huge selection of various herbs and distribute them to all sorts of categories, such as "Shadow", "Cottage", etc., in practice only some seeds of grass for lawn are coming in our climate. These include:
- oatman Red,
- polevitsa thin,
- mattik meadow
- mattik narrow,
- mattik plusted
- mattle ordinary
- wildlife dog
- wildflower closing
- white wilderness.
The first three varieties are universal and are suitable for any climate, the rest only for the western and central part of Russia. In northern latitudes, the most lively is a meadow mint. From him and let's start.
Mattik meadow, like other grassy herbs, belongs to the family of cereals. In nature, he meets in a moderate climate and is perfect for it is adapted. The main advantage is the early shoot and high survivability indicators (grows on any soil).
The root system is branched thin shoots that are intertwined with the roots of other plants, with a very high-quality turne at the same time. Such a lawn cannot be pulled out or damaged. A damaged area with dimensions of 10x10 cm will recover in two weeks.
Externally, the plant has narrow stems with a length of 30 to 90 cm. Color - saturated green. Mattik meadow has one of the shortest cycles of flowering. Therefore, the lawn is tightened at least once a week. Otherwise, fat and ugly stems with seeds will begin to appear. It's just not enough to cut the stem, since the grass around will become solid and turn into a bump. It must be removed and seed a place with new seeds (or give grass to recover himself).
In order to ensure high-quality shoots, it is recommended to sow at least 10 grams. Seeds per 1 square. m. They don't need to threaten them (like any other herbs seeds), they rot in the water instead of revealing (but it is better to wrap the wet rag before sowing).
Polevitsa thin is one of the most common meadow herbs in the world. It carries out absolutely on any soil and absolutely not good in care. Plant sheets are an elongated cone with a width at the base of about 8 mm. The height of the grass reaches from 20 to 70 cm.
Creeping root system creates a sufficiently loose turne. Unlike the previous plant, the field of fine is not able to restore independently, therefore, in the event of properins, new seeds must be planted. For a thick beautiful lawn, it is recommended to sow at least 10 g per 1 square meter. m. True lawn needs no less often than once every two weeks.
Oatman Red refers to classic meadow herbs that have an extremely weak root system. However, the plant forms a very durable turf, suitable for creating herbal carpets. They are not pulled out and possess increased regeneration.
Sheet width from 10 to 30 mm, while it has a very soft, pleasant to the touch, velvety structure. Like most meadow herbs, the drying red is not very high, from 25 to 50 cm. Lack of plant is that it grows very quickly. True lawn will have 2 times a week, otherwise the bumps will begin to form.
If this still happened, then it is necessary to give the grass to climb by 10 cm, and then it is already at this level. You do not need to dig up the bumps, as the oatman has genetic memory and the seal will appear at this place (even if new seeds fall).
The plant does not like moisture, it takes it no more often than once a week. In addition, the lawn should be located on the solar portion. Even a small shadow will lead to a slowdown in the growth or complete death of the plant.
Mixtures for lawns
It is not always enough to buy grass for the lawn of one variety. This is primarily due to aesthetic factor. In the pure form, meadow plants, although they look quite beautiful, are still very inferior to decorative varieties. Special mixtures are used to solve this problem.
They are sold both in finished form and are created experimentally. Ready-made options are usually divided into special groups adapted to specific operational conditions. Unfortunately, not always the quality of such mixtures corresponds to expectations. Therefore, it is better to make our own product.
It is not difficult to do this, it is enough to know the main basics:
- the mixture should consist of no less than 5 herbs,
- as a major culture (at least 30%) there must be a red / wildfids of a thin / blacklist meadow,
- 25% of herbs must be rooted,
- 5-35% of herbs - the shadow resistant (depending on the conditions),
- the rest is decorative plants.
The best grass for the lawn, according to many experts, is a redness of red, as it has the most beautiful sheet. It, as a rule, is used as the basis of any mixtures.
The root-forming herbs include all types of mattles. Unlike oatmeal, they are coming out on any soil and intertwining with the root system of the main culture perform its feeding.
To the shadow resistant to the oak, at the same time, it should not be forgotten that any grass needed at least 4 hours a day in the sun, otherwise it will start spinning.
Under decorative herbs, the selection varieties of lawns are understood, which have a magnificent appearance, but are very whims in care.
Rights Many years old, and the remaining imported grained grasses are almost completely suitable for the Russian climate, so they are better not adding them in the mixture. In addition, there are other plants that should be fear:
- annual blacklist
- sheep's oatman
- walley's oatman
- cocksfoot,
- timothy grass,
- razewing creeping
- bonfireless
- picky swine.
All these plants are weeds. Their seeds are sold everywhere, and are introduced into the composition of the mixtures of unfair manufacturers. Despite the fact that in nature they look beautiful and demonstrate high survivability rates, at home absolutely will not justify expectations.
If you still do not want to experiment and prefer to buy a ready-made mixture, it is better to choose from among the proven manufacturers.
Ready Mixtures for Lawn
Among firms selling ready-made mixtures are most popular:
- Green Meadow
- "Liliput",
- "Green Square",
- PowerSeed,
- Terragrün.
Green Meadow is an American brand, which is known not only in the United States, but also throughout Europe. The assortment presents quite a lot of species of a variety of lawn, from purely decorative, to the game.
The only disadvantage is a ray of long-term as the basis for the mixture. This means that the grass is suitable only for residents of the European part of Russia. Rights extremely unstable to the cold. Despite the fact that manufacturers are assigned to the frost of grass, it dies at the air temperature -15 0WITH.
"Liliput" (one of the TERRAGRÜN brands) and "green square" are domestic manufacturers. They offer a variety of blends, including without a ray. If we talk about the grass for the lawn, the price of which is more acceptable, then you should pay attention to the products of the Green Square.
First, the choice of various lawn modifications is better than the "Liliput", secondly, the cost is somewhat lower, the quality is approximately the same. By and large, the issue of savings becomes relevant only when it comes to a lawn with an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters. m, for smaller lungs, the price difference is not significant.
A separate direction of the Green Square - sports lawns. This is a mixture that allows you to create a uniform, low herbal cover, on which it is very nice to play football or other games.
PowerSeed - another American manufacturer. The lawn was adapted to the North American climate of the Western and Central United States. In the climatic conditions of Russia, the lawn is captured only in the European part (with the exception of the Northern Region).
Among European manufacturers should be allocated by German breeders from Terragrün. The company offers unique mixtures consisting of natural and cultured herbs. A distinctive feature is a 95% seed shoot (one of the highest indicators).
The product range is quite wide. There are mixtures that are well suited for all regions of Russia, among them:
- Universal,
- Canada Green
- Golf master.
Despite the name, the golf master is suitable not only for doing this sport. In essence, this is the most steady and high-quality lawn from the entire range of Terragrün. The only drawback - dies with the depth of the primer of the soil more than 5 cm (compensated by a competent drainage system).
Useful advice
The quality of seeds and the correct composition of the mixture do not yet guarantee that the lawn is captured. Therefore, when sowing should be used by simple rules:
- give seeds to fly back wrapped in a wet rag during the day,
- fuck seeds and throw out all that did not splash,
- switch the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm,
- break breasts
- align the land
- sow seeds
- hiding (slightly, in no case cannot be poured by water, the soil must be wet, but not wet).
If you use this procedure, the lawn will take up completely, without proper, and it will be uniform. It is necessary to cut it, regardless of the grade of grass, at least once a week. This will avoid the appearance of stalks.
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Thanks for the useful article. Create a beautiful lawn - whole art. And useful information on this topic with Gulkin's nose.
True, it is also difficult to care for the lawn. But what can you do, the beauty requires the victims. :) Previously, the moles lawn were threw thoroughly, but in the past season they finally dealt with the help of a sound repeller (we have an ecosneper, LS-997M). Now further reflect the summer territory.