How to prepare soil under the lawn Plot

Lawn has always been considered an ornament of any site. But to become a happy owner of a juicy green lawn, first will have to work well. And it does not matter whether you will sow grass or put the finished dermis - in any case, it is necessary to prepare the soil. In this article we will tell you in detail how to prepare the soil under the lawn.
Stages of bookmarks of the lawn
Any type of lawn, regardless of the grade of grass, is laid in several mandatory stages. And on how qualitatively work will be performed on each of them, the result of your effort will be dependent. The first and most important stage is the preparation of the soil under the lawn.
General cleaning of the territory
Lawn grass, like most plants, loves sunny sites, so choose the most illuminated place on the plot. Neither the house nor the trees nor the fence should obscure direct sunlight longer than 3-4 hours a day. Otherwise, the lawn can simply dry out or be not so green and attractive as you would like.
Pay attention to the rainwater stagnation on its site. If the earth does not dry out after rainfall, the melting of snow or irrigation, the most reasonable drainage will make it possible, otherwise your lawn will turn into an ordinary swamp.
Clean the entire area from garbage. This is useful not only for the future lawn, but also for the overall aesthetic type of your dwelling. Together with the garbage, get rid of unnecessary shrubs, old non-closing trees and weeds. Entriate the stumps and carefully ensure that there are no rhizable weed plants on the site, which later can disrupt an even lawn cover. For the complete destruction of weeds, you can use the method of professional vocabulary - chemical weeping. During weeding, the soil is treated with a special chemical solution, which completely destroys unwanted vegetation. Full dieting weeds occurs around a couple of weeks, after which it is possible to start the next stage - the processing of the soil.
Helpful advice: If you intend to install the automatic system of irrigation of the lawn, it is recommended to do it before machining the soil.
Processing land
After the territory is fully cleaned from the stumps, garbage and weeds, it is necessary to swap and dissolve the soil. It follows to depth no more than 25 cm. In the process you can improve the quality and fertility of the soil. If it is too heavy, turn on the sand in it. If the earth contains too much sand, use a little clay and chernozem. It is possible to increase the fertility of the soil using conventional compost or manure.
If in the process of loops you come across the roots of weeds, carefully peck them, because after sowing such plants like clover, moc. Or dandelion can disrupt the aesthetic type of lawn.
Smoking soil
Approximately a week before laying a lawn to the soil mineral fertilizer, decomposing it on the ground with a uniform layer with robble.
Spread big lumps of the earth and thoroughly align the ground under the lawn. At small space you can do shovel and rakes, but if you have an extensive area, grind it best with a fiberboard or manual cultivator. As a result, you should have a clean surface, and the soil fractions should not exceed the size of wheat grain.
In order to quickly and highly disperse the land under the lawn, use a wide board. Tie the rope to one side and drag the plafhone around the site. So you can fall asleep the depressions and at the same time smooth the tubercles and irregularities.
Murbs of the site
Before sowing, sowing the soil with a manual roller weighing up to 150 kg. You can also take the land under the lawn with its own weight. To do this, take a wide board and shifting it from place to place, get up on it (you can jump or plunge). Another way of the rambling - with the help of breed materials. So, a heavy metal tube or barrel is suitable.
Helpful advice: Tampering the soil follows only in dry weather. Do not go through the ravarious places. If you need to cross the site, it is better to bind small planks to the shoes that will evenly distribute your weight and will not leave tracks. Pour the plot a couple of days before the grass.
Sowing grass
Long the preparation of the soil under the lawn was successful, and the time of sowing. It is best to do this in the middle of spring (the end of April is the beginning of May), when the Earth began to warm up under the warm sun, but it was not too hot and dry.
Seit grass in a windless dry day, so that the horseman is distributed evenly throughout. For a complete guarantee that your lawn is smooth, use the proven sowing method. Measure the roulette the entire area and divide it into segments (square meters). Calculate the weight equal to the number of seeds for each segment. Throw seeds first along, and then across the segment. For large sites, the separation of strips is suitable.
When lawn grass is shed, scarce the seeds with a fan robber to a depth of 1.5 cm.
After that, paint the soil under the lawn from the watering can or the hose with the nozzle. Spraying water should be fine enough so that the pressure does not damage the uniform seeding. Until the emergence of the first shoots, the Earth must be constantly moderately humid.
First haircut
In order to protect the seeds from the wind, birds or rodents, it is necessary to cover the ground with a slight nonwoven web (film, light tarpaulin). It not only protects sowing, but also will help keep moisture in the ground, performing the role of greenhouse.
Even when the seeds sprouted and rooted, do not water the lawn from the hose without a sprayer - a powerful pressure can easily damage the structure. For irrigation of lawn, it is preferable to use automatic rain systems with small sprayers.
The first shoots appear after 14-20 days depending on the grade of the lawn grass. When young grass will reach 5-6 cm, put the surface with a light rink. The fact is that shoots slightly raise the soil, and it should be well tumped. Do not worry about the state of shoots - in a couple of days they will rise and will delight you with their juicy greens.
When the grass grows up a little more and reaches 8-10 cm, spend the first haircut of the lawn. Remember that you should leave at least 5 cm grass.
After the first mowing, the lawn may seem rare, but are patient. Already in a month and a half, the grass will completely break, and your site will become more beautiful than any photo from Landscape Design magazine!
Lawn requires constant care, otherwise he will quickly lose its beauty. Cut the grass every week, not giving it to grow higher 5-6 cm.
Remember, the preparation of the soil for a rolled lawn occurs at exactly the same principle as under the sowing. It is necessary to carefully approach the fulfillment of each preparation stage in order to continue to avoid problems and enjoy your perfect green plot!