Accessories for water bodies. Review and application Plot.

If you have your own pond, and you wish to refine it, use accessories for artificial reservoirs. With their help, you can maintain not only the appearance of the pond, but also provide good conditions for living with its inhabitants. Accessories for the pond can be purchased in the departments "for water bodies and ponds" or online stores.
The equipment for the pond must be safe for fish and at the same time well purify water from harmful substances. The main global manufacturers of accessories for ponds and water bodies are Germany, Poland, England and other countries with highly developed economies that guarantee high quality products. To buy a pond equipment in the store of accessories for a reservoir? You must, first of all, familiarize yourself with the options and types of accessories for these reservoirs.
Types of accessories for water bodies and ponds
Pumps and pumps for water bodies and ponds
This is one of the main components of the equipment, which provides a healthy life of the pond. So that the pond does not turn into a dirty swamp, water circulation is needed. For this, special pumps for the pond are used, which pump water together with its chemical and biological additives. Pond pumps are designed for the whole day of continuous operation and nourish with the same efficiency with a small amount of electrical energy.
Pumps are the following types: pumps for streams and cascades, pumps for fountains, pumps for filtration systems.
- Pumps for streams and cascades have a special pressure to raise water to a certain height. Most of these pumps are submersible. The volume of the stream should not exceed 10% of the volume of the pond in which it flows. The power of the pump depends on the volume of the stream. The larger the streams need, the greater the power must have a pump.
- Pumps for fountains have high pressure and some specific characteristics that allow you to achieve large pressure properties. There are models of submersible and non-submersible type. When installing the submersible model, the installation of a tee is recommended, which can be used to connect a second fountain or for water purification. When choosing a pump for a fountain, consider the dive level. The sprayer head should slightly touch the surface of the water, in another embryo, the water jet will be ugly.
- Pumps for filtration systems are functioning smoothly for several years, possess a special design. The internal components and the motor are hermetically protected from water from entering water. Power allows you to connect the pump and to the filtering system and use it to create a stream. Some models have a titanium case, known for their durability and corrosion resistance. The pump power must be seamless in accordance with the type of filter, which will be used for cleaning.
As a result of the fact that the water in the reservoir and the pond becomes dirty, muddy, green and with an unpleasant smell - this leads to poor consequences. So that there are no such problems and prevent their appearance in the future, you need to apply special filters for ponds and reservoirs. Filters cope with the above problems and troubles.
Types of filters:
- Flowing. They are installed on the water stream, which passes from the pump. In the design of the filter there is a compartment for collecting large garbage and compartment with bacteria capable of "recycle" the remains of the organicists. Flowing filters are capable of processing volume up to 300 m 3. If the pond volume is much more, then you will need to install multiple filters.
- Pressure. Can feed water to a height of up to 5 meters. The design is similar to flowing, but has several spongy filters for collecting large garbage and several biootestes. The condition for good filter operation is the installation of a powerful pump.
- Sand. The cheapest filters that purify water sand. Not a completely successful option for large ponds. Very quickly contaminated and require frequent replacement. Otherwise, themselves become the sizes of "infection".
Sterilizers with ultraviolet radiation
They are put in front of the filters and neutralize bacteria and all sorts of algae due to ultraviolet radiation. These bacteriological substances and algae are on a mechanical filter. Ultraviolet devices for careful cleaning quickly neutralize algae bacteria using UV technology. The number of contaminated microorganisms and bacteria is clearly reduced due to ultraviolet irradiation. It does not matter, swimming pond, artificial reservoir or pond with fish. These devices are excellent for each reservoir or pond.
Device to combat algae T-FLOW
In operation, the device satuates water by ions that affect the algae at the molecular level and prevent their formation and reproduction. Plus this device is that together with the prevention of the appearance of algae, it purifies water, which helps to get rid of the unpleasant odor. Application does not harm fish and animals. It is not desirable to use in the ponds where the snails live.
In winter, the inhabitants of the reservoir and all living beings are not frozen, global manufacturers of reservoirs for water bodies specially invented anti-icing and water heaters. They are floats with heating rods. Water heats up from the rod, and the dome does not give ice to form a solid crust. Through an unimprodent well, you can easily make aeration.
Schemers for water bodies and ponds
They perfectly neutralize the water surface of the pond from the items that are on the surface of the water: dust, the remains of food for fish, leaves and other substances that cause water clouding and an increase in algae. They are additional cleansing devices that work well in tandem with any of the types of filters.
They help the water to illuminate the surface of the water. Luminaires can give a beautiful charm your garden or garden. The light falling on the jet of water, reflected, refracted and falls around the bright colors and multi-colored sparks. Also give the required amount of light for plants dependent on it.
Remote control
Today, global manufacturers of accessories for water bodies have developed and implemented remote control for ponds and reservoirs. One of these systems is an Inscenio system from OASE, which allows you to control all the electrical equipment in your garden and pond. By pressing the button, you can control the lighting, water heating, the intensity of the filters, etc.
Decorations for water bodies and pond
Decor is able to decorate not only an apartment. Elements of wildlife, such as ducks, herons, frogs, and inanimate nature - grass, trees, stones, fountains, etc. will decorate any plot and make it as much as possible on a piece of wildlife.