Materials for finishing facades cottages Building materials

The growing popularity of the construction of private cottages gave rise to the development of new technologies and led to the emergence of a considerable number of modern building materials, in particular - finishing. The construction of the cottage is determined by the need to live in more comfortable conditions, the future owners of the country house consider the prestigious construction of it according to the original project, naturally, that both the facade finish they prefer to do an attractive, durable, preserving their decorativeness for a long period.
Finishing the facades of cottages and requirements for it
The choice of finishing material for the facade will require to take into account some of the very essential factors, for example, the impact of direct rays of the sun. It may be destructive for painted surfaces, varnishes and paints under the influence of ultraviolet rays quickly lose their shade and crack, even if they do not lose their qualitative characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the light-resistance of materials for finishing the facades of cottages. More resistant ceramics and metal, they will be the best solution for finishing the facade of the house from the sunny side.
Finishing materials for facades There is a lot, but all of them, depending on the installation method, can be conditionally divided into groups:
- whose fasteners are produced by cement-glue,
- installation of which is performed by a mechanical way.
One of the popular materials - siding is made on the basis of metalplastic or vinyl. It is used to finish private houses or structures with carriage frames.
With facing from this material, successfully hide the defects on the facade, give the walls the perfect decorative appearance.
The cost of siding fluctuates in wide boundaries - depending on the quality of the material and its manufacturer. Canadian siding is most popular, its moderate price, and the quality is worthy of attention. Usually such a finish is used to decorate wooden and bricks private houses. Material service life - more than half a century.
Brick still retains popularity as finishing material
The outer decoration of walls is often performed by brick. The thickness of the layer of cladding can be different - brick, poly-brick, on the edge. The brick mount is performed on a cement-lime solution. To ensure the structure of the structure, nails or binary steel beats are used. One of the edges of the metal product is riveted into the wall, the other is fixed in the finishing masonry.
The masonry of the finishing layer finish on one row without reaching the eaves at the top, the protrusion of the base is located below. For the ventilation of the space between the wall and facing, the holes leave and tighten them with a grid.
You can finish with bricks, you can all the facade or part of it, for example, the base. Sometimes used cheat or torn brick.
The number of brick shades is limited, although all existing have beauty and emphasize the wealth and foundation of the structure.
Finishing facades of houses and cottages Sofit
Sofit is considered material about new, but he began to use in high demand immediately after his appearance. It uses a variety of materials, including plastic and natural wood.
Sorphite is used to finish various protruding fragments of structures, eaves, seams, slopes. The main purpose of the material is to give the facade of a more accurate and attractive type. The cost of sofita made of natural wood is several times higher than the cost of a similar product from a special plastics.
Unlike bricks, this material attracts nothing limited colors. It can have a glossy or matte surface. The release of porcelain is produced in the form of tiles, white clay, silicate materials, dyes are used for its manufacture. The cost of material fluctuates in large borders and is caused by its quality.
You can meet very attractive options for finishing the facades of cottages in different architectural styles with the help of an carama. The service life of the porcelain is at least 15 years, it does not lose its decorative qualities from weather factors, does not fade into the sun, its color does not change with abraging loads.
In appearance, porcelain is difficult to distinguish from natural stone.
Considering the furnace of the facades of cottages in the photo, it can be noted that often preference is given to such a material like plaster. The lime-sandy composition is used to finish wooden structures, it is also used on the facades erected from other materials. Apply the decoration of facades with textured stripes made from lime-sand plaster is an imitation of platbands or facades.
Modern materials are high quality - polymer, silicate and silicone plaster. The surface created with their help is distinguished by relief, wide color scheme. The service life of such materials is quite long - from 25 years, the surfaces do not fade, are easily cleaned of contaminants, they are not afraid of temperature drops and the effects of precipitation, they do not appear.
The most popular in today's construction market is the front plaster KNAUF, it is used when creating a surface with different textures: fur coats, cores, mosaic.
Decorative trim of facades cottages tiles
Both internal and outer walls are often refined using finishing cement-sand tiles. It is fixed using cement-based glue, applied when finishing bases and facades.
In most cases, such a tile imitates a fragmentary stone or aged bricks, it can be textured or smooth, have a ground surface or matte. Often clinker tiles are used in combination with plaster.
- Mounting the surface from such tiles is not difficult, if necessary, you can easily replace each of the damaged tiles.
- They are easily cleaned of dust and contamination.
- An attractive moment is a wide color gamut material.
- Tiles are distinguished by a slight weight and do not waste wall structures, but reliably protect them from moisture and fire.
- Low tile filling abilities - about 3%, it is possible to improve this indicator by treating the material with silicone hydrophobic means. Mounting work is recommended for positive temperatures using frost-resistant cement-based glue.
The finishing of facades of houses and cottages can also be performed traditionally used facing materials made of natural stone or wood.