Condensation gas boilers of a new generation. Features of choice, useful tips Climate

When developing condensing gas boilers, manufacturers have not forgotten about the problems of ecology, so they showed care of nature and created the "green" option. The hidden heat located in them together with the usual prevents the formation of condensate. The boilers have automatic temperature adjustment.
Noiselessness is another boiler feature, almost completely eliminates noise effects and guarantees comfort in the operation of these boilers indoors.
The price of the condensation gas boiler is high and not everyone is ready to acquire such pleasure. The uniqueness of this technique will save a significant part of our money in the future. European countries in the first place to acquire gas condensation boilers. This is due to the fact that the inhabitants have long experienced the economy of such aggregates.
In addition to economy, security prevails, which is provided by electronic control systems for the work of the boiler. Instead of pens and "screws", a digital panel that allows you to increase and reduce heat heating to one or more item. All values \u200b\u200bare highlighted on the monitor (in individual models) eliminating you from running to the crane or batteries to check the heating.
In our country, this type of boilers are not so popular rather due to the fact that in a significant part of the villages there are interruptions with gas supply or it is not at all. Our boilers first "are wedged" under the available fuel and only after restoring or connecting the gas supply starts to perform their functions for their intended purpose.
Having a permanent gas supply, it is advisable to buy a condensation gas boiler. Due to its design, it is able to "receive" double heat: convective and hidden (obtained during condensation of water vapor). Thus, the boiler is able to save up to 70% of fuel without losing the "warming ability".
Types of condensation boilers by type of installation and their features
- Wall condensation boilers. Es very popular among heating equipment. Such boilers not only heaten the room, but also supply it with hot water. Gas burner heats heat exchanger with high performance rod.
- Outdoor condensation boilers. Have a large range of choice. Their popularity is related to the efficiency of work and affordable price. Such gas boilers have greater power and are able to "warm up" a large area. In this regard, they are used mainly for heating large enterprises. Mostly used only for heating.
The efficiency of the boiler depends on the heat exchanger:
- Primary - for heating.
- Secondary - for hot water.
- Dothermic - heating and hot water at the same time.
In order to save space and means, biter gases of boilers are used (they are and wall and outdoor). They consume two metal pipes placed one to another. Outside, water is underway for heating, and inside the water supply. The system structure works in double mode. The outer contour, which is more powerful, additionally heats the inner.
The double heat exchange system implies the installation of duotermic gas boilers. Each of the copper tubes transmits its heat to the entire system separately. Such boilers work slower, but compensate for it efficiency.
The heat exchanger material is a high-class stainless steel. In the therapy, a spiral is installed with small holes serving to pass the heated gas.
She also has a feature of such boilers - burner. It occurs in it with oxygen gas, which makes it possible to effectively burn the entire amount of fuel. Such a burner was invented not only for efficiency, but also to remove from vapors allocated by condensate, harmful substances that can cause corrosion on the heat exchanger.
The disadvantage of such equipment is installation. And only experts will be able to put this difficult construction from pipes of various purposes. In addition, wall boilers contain a small power compared to the floor, which we suggest to consider further.
Types of condensing gas boilers
- Single-mounted.
- Double-circuit.
Consider boilers with two contours. They simultaneously heat the water and heated with the coolant quickly and synchronously.
Choosing a boiler, pay attention primarily to the house area and your requirements. If only the heating of the premises is required, the one-connecting boiler will be more reliable and cheaper.
If you need that the boiler not only heated, but also heated water, install a double-circuit boiler.
Pluses of a two-door condensation boiler
1. Easy and ease of construction.
2. High performance of the efficiency of the efficiency, about 92%.
3. The built-in automatic system does not reduce the level of reliability.
4. Independence from electricity.
During the purchase of the boiler, it is necessary to take into account the material of the manufacture of heat exchanger.
If it is steel, it weighs easier, resistant to mechanical exposure. He is not afraid or overheating nor cooling. The service life of the heat exchanger directly depends on the heating / cooling cycles.
The heat exchanger of the cast iron is distinguished by its large size and power, does not rust, which indicates its durability. However, overheating is afraid, so the choice of high-quality coolant is important for it. When transporting pig-iron options, take care of the safety of the device, because the cast iron is fragile.
Tips for choosing a two-kilt gas boiler
- Choose a boiler in accordance with the power that will be required to hear the housing. The power of the heating boiler is equal to the amount of heat obtained by heat carrier. Approximate power can be calculated by the formula: x: 10 \u003d y, where X is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and y is the power of the boiler.
- Tank volume, type of burner and heat exchange system. The heat exchanger material affects the durability of the boiler. Popular and not expensive - steel. Steel is much easier cast iron, which allows you to use it for the manufacture of wall-mounted boilers. The maximum service life of steel heat exchangers varies from various manufacturers from 15 to 20 years. Cast-iron models are not limited. Unfortunately, due to the fragility of the metal, cast-iron heat exchangers acquire less often. If you decide to buy a pig-iron heat exchanger boiler, buy in the nearest stores so that transportation occupied as little time as possible.
- If you want to save on the use of the boiler, you will need a modern boiler of foreign production. It will be at a level more expensive than domestic models. Modern manufacturers have achieved an increase in power and gas saving during operation.
- It is desirable that the boiler has the function of anti-massagon. When you disconnect such boilers in the winter period, it does not allow breaking pipes even at very low temperatures on the street. If they are not, then use anti-plastering fluids.
- Do not overpay for excess power. For household use, boilers with a capacity of 20-100 kW are suitable, and for an industrial or office version, more powerful models produce.
- The burners "do not like" pressure jumps in the system and quickly fail in the presence of those. Consult the seller, whether boilers are equipped with special systems controlling pressure jumps.
Manufacturers ensured the reliability and safety of their products by setting various protection on the technique. This protection against freezing, which was mentioned above, and protection against scale and gas leakage. These measures eliminate gas access in the residential premises, and when the gas is turned off, the heating system is defrosting. Such "helpers" allow you to save on heating and heat heating. And also get rid of interruptions with central heating.
In European countries, this is the most massive type of heating. Some countries have introduced a limitation on gas boilers that do not have a condensing system.
Popular manufacturers of condensation gas boilers
Wall boilers
Features of boilers BOSH.
- Boilers are equipped with IPX4D protection system.
- Some models have a built-in BOSCH HEATRONIC 3 control module, with which you can separately manage DHW and heating.
- The burner is capable of working on both natural and liquefied gas.
- There is an adjustment of the gas valve and fan.
Features of Beretta boilers.
- Includes burners to work on gas, diesel fuel, gas diesel fuel.
- Cast iron parts for boiler are designed specifically for Beretta boilers from high quality cast iron.
- The boiler mode is adjustable depending on the type of burner.
- It is possible to adjust the temperature using a thermostat.
Features of Lamborghini boilers.
- The design is built into the relay regulating the pressure of the incoming gas.
- Included overlapping burner on liquefied gas.
- There is an electric vehicle.
- A smoke thermostat is installed, which reacts to bad traction (automatically turns off the burner in the presence of risk of smoke).
- The boiler can be switched according to the winter season \\ summer.
- There are outputs under the automatic weather-dependent Siemens system.
Outdoor boilers
Features of the boilers of Viessmann.
- Power from 9 to 35 kW.
- The emission of harmful substances is minimal thanks to the efficiency of 98%.
- Compact and convenient for maintenance.
- Adjustable fan power.
- Some models have combined devices (plate heat exchanger and temperature regulator).
Features of boilers Baxi.
- Sensory control panel (in some models).
- Installed weather-dependent automatic system.
- Installed high-quality steel heat exchanger.
- Independent temperature control sensors.
- There is an electronic pressure gauge.
- Anti-plating heating system.
- Adapts to work on liquefied gas.