How to choose Fuganok Instruments

Fuganok is the main tool for processing wooden parts. It is that it depends on how much the finished design will look like. Today we will talk about how to choose Fuganok, so that he serves you for a long time and efficiently.
Mechanical Fuganok.
This tool has three components:
- frame,
- a pen,
- knife.
The housing can be made of wood or metal. Fuganok with a wooden housing is used to oversight of soft wood. It is much easier for his brother, with a metal case, which is used to handle solid wood.
Fuganok is used in those situations when it is necessary to align large fragments, a wooden surface with a large area or for long details. It has a large block of up to 90 cm and ample cutters up to 8 cm. When first conducting a fugue in an uneven surface, small pieces of chips are out, and during re-passing, long, continuous chip spirals are formed, which indicate that the surface has already become smooth.
For details of a different nature (timber, board, rail) and at different stages of the finish, another type of wood flag is used.
The varieties of mechanical Fugankov
- For the processing of a wooden part that did not grind in any way, Blyhead is used . This type of manual Fuganka has a metal housing, and its knife performs 2 -3 mm from the sole.
- If the finished parts need to glue, then then use the cinubel, which has on the knife, are separated and small grooves remain in planing. They allow parts to glue better among themselves.
If the details after processing with the ball you do not need to glue, then for further grinding, use single or double fugars (with one or two knives with a width of 4-5 cm). After processing, a single fuganom on the surface sometimes remain roughness or burrs. And after a double Fuganka, the surface is perfectly smooth.
- Grift is a variety of Fuganka, which has a shortened housing, a slit, and the front angle is increased. Apply it for wood processing with bully and swivels, and to align the ends.
- In the work you will also need semi-pugokanok. It is shorter than Fuganok (about 60 cm long) and the width of the cutter is the same as the Fuganka. Used to handle large parts. After it, it is necessary to go through the surface by double fuganom.
- For the processing of folds, samples and quarters apply Falselebel. It has removable soles and differs from other widths.
- The fellow of Falselebel is Zenzubel, which has two knives with a width of about 33 mm, and processes high-quality fold, quarters, and pointed parts perpendicular to each other.
Manual electrofugum
To work with each of the above-listed varieties of Fuganka need a large physical force. Therefore, the masters who are handled every day a large amount of wood, prefer to use electrofigan. This tool is installed on the workbench, thus turning into a tree processing machine.
Of course, there are also stationary foams for professionals. But for home use, hand-made electrofugum, attached stationary, quite suitable. Having bought it, do not bother immediately tash the details. First, practice on unnecessary slices of wood, then proceed to work.
Observe Safety Technology:
- be careful while working, so as not to cut down,
- beware of the proximity of parts of the body and clothing with cutters,
- remove the chips in a timely manner, which is going at the sole, next to the drum,
- if you want to replace the cutters, disable the tool power source.
Buying electric fuganok, pay attention to the following properties:
- power above 600 W,
- drum speed of 13 -15 thousand revolutions per minute.
Consider several of the most common electric tools for planing.
Fuganok electric interskol
Jointer Interskol R-82TS-01 has a planing width of 82 mm, and all other specifications are standard. Uniqueness is cast aluminum platform. Fuganok is equipped with carbide knives, which, if necessary, can be changed and smooth adjusting the depth of planing. It can be fixed with the sole, while leaving the knives with a special spring-loaded protective casing, which is fixed with the bracket. Its small weight of Fuganok allows you to work in an untrined form.
Fuganok Interskol R-102 / 1100m has a powerful electric motor - 1100 W, which is powered by a 220 V network, this model has a width of planing 102 mm and a sampling depth 0-2.5 mm. The drum rotation speed has a frequency of 11000 turns per minute. This professional tool is equipped with a system of electrical power supply from engine overload and self-discontinuing brushes, as well as automatic parking while turning off the tool.
Jointer Intercol 110-01 is intended for intense and heavy woodworking with a depth of 0 to 3 mm. Its metallic sole, and knives of solid alloy, which can repeatedly be sharpened. It has a button against self-invalion. The uniqueness of this Fugank is that you can work with knives up.
Fuganok Makita.
Model Makita KP 312 S is used for final processing and leveling of wood material with a large area. Its electric motor has a capacity of 2200 W, which gives a large number of revolutions (12,000 per minute). Features of the model is a solid knife and a connection nozzle to a vacuum cleaner for garbage collection and dust. As well as the possibility of smooth adjustment of the depth of planing to 3.2 mm and heat replete for automatic shutdown when overheating. Weigh 18.4 kg.
Fuganok Makita1806 B is designed to oversight large areas, seifuge and fit of small parts and finishing wood. It has a maximum planing depth of 2 mm, and width - 170 mm. The power of the electric motor 1200 W allows the drum to rotate at a speed of 1500 revolutions per minute. Weigh Fuganok 9 kg.
Fuganok Corvette 100.
This fugoval machine is designed to process wood of all breeds with a maximum blank width of 155 mm and a depth of planing up to 3 mm. During operation, the lower part of the workpiece is placed. The inclination of the guide is adjustable smoothly, allowing you to perform the FAS, SCOS or the edge cone. It has a powerful collector engine that has revolutions. On the working shaft 52 mm, which rotates with a frequency of 8000 -16000 per minute, two knives are located. Weighs 13.5 kg.
There are also stationary models of the ENCOR Corvette 101, Corvette 104, and Corvette 106 which is more powerful and heavier (up to 130 kg).
Fuganok Raysmus JPT-410 Jet
Provides the ability to quickly pick up the table, move from the fugging mode to the ability to work with the flight. The table is made from the polished cast iron with a long 1.6 m. Fuganok is equipped with a large parallel focus, which turns at 45 0, And allow you to strict on both sides.
The price of Fuganok varies from 200 rubles. up to 7000 rubles. For manual models and up to 250000 rubles. For electrical, depending on its properties and firms of the manufacturer.