How and how to paint the garage doors? Useful advice

Although the garage is not a residential premises, but still want it to look neat. The painting of the garage iron gates is needed not only for the beauty of the appearance, but also to ensure the protection of the metal from corrosion and extend its service life. We begin this procedure from the preparation of the surface, which consists in stripping the metal from the old paint and applying the primer. Painting the gate with their own hands will save the family budget and will give the opportunity to spend money for other needs.
Preparatory stage
Before you start work, prepare tools and materials that may be necessary:
- anti-corrosion, moisture-resistant paint for metal;
- primer, solvent;
- liquid soap;
- ladder;
- roller or paint sprayer;
- garden hose.
What paint paint a garage gate
High-quality outdoor enamel for staining metal surfaces can be an effective way to ensure the protection of the garage gate for many years.
In order to determine how to paint the garage doors, think, you need to determine the enamel of what quality you need. First of all, it must protect the metal from corrosion, which may arise due to the effects of precipitation, frost or heat, and give it a decorative look. Therefore, painting the garage gate ideally should be carried out by anti-corrosion, moisture-resistant paint for metal.
Take advantage of alkyd or silicone enamel. There are a large number of names and colors of paints suitable for painting gates. Photos of them look on the Internet on the sites of shops engaged in the sale of goods for repair and construction. These enamels quickly dry out, impede the occurrence of corrosion, increase the service life of metal surfaces.
Color pick up according to your taste, but consider at the same time that if the garage is in the courtyard at home, then its color should be combined with the colors of the remaining buildings there.
How to prepare paint surface
Preparation of the painted surface consists of the following steps:
- Surface stripping. If there is a layer of old paint at the gate, it must be cleaned. It is using a metal brush, a construction dryer or a grinder with a special grinding nozzle.
- If you decide not to resort to the mechanical processing of the surface, and use a special wash, then act very carefully, so as not to choose, as the pairs of it are very toxic. This stage of work is very important, because if you skip it, then later the paint for garage doors under the influence of precipitation and temperature drops will begin to flap and work will have to be re-made.
- To achieve a maximum coupling with a surface, it must be pulled out fine-grained emery paper.
- Degreasing the surface. After cleansing the surface from the old paint, it must be determined by the solvent. During the processing process, it is very important to capture the entire surface, including hard-to-reach areas. From how qualitatively you will do it, the final result of the work will depend on.
- Applying primer. At the next step, it is necessary to apply three thin layers of primer, intended for metal surfaces. After applying each layer, wait a bit to give it to dry. Due to this action, the clutch of the surface with paint will be much better. The primer is needed not to tint the surface, and in order for the paint better to the metal. Thanks to her, the enamel layer becomes smooth and even, acquires a finished look.
- Cleansing from dust and dirt. Sometimes, before the painting of the garage gate begins, they need to be washed to clean the surface from dust and other contaminants. In order to do this, use the garden hose, shross sponge and detergent.
All of the above work is best done in sunny weather. If it's overcast and there is a chance that it will rain, it is better to move them to a more auspicious day, as the moisture would nullify all your efforts.
How to paint the garage door
To paint is allowed to use a broad paint brush. But if you want to avoid divorce and maximize uniformity of layers, it is better to take a roller or sprayer. If selected for the spray, be sure to close from getting paint all adjacent surfaces.
Consider how to paint the garage door:
- painting is best to start from the top, gradually moving down, it is necessary in order to avoid sagging;
- during operation try to make parallel layers overlap each other, thereby enamel color after drying is monotonous, without abrupt transitions;
- after the whole surface to be dyed, step back and look at the work as a whole, if after the paint has dried, it became apparent that missed some small sections, then remove them with a brush and paints;
- pay special attention to hard to reach places edges and corners, for staining their use contour brush.
For complete drying of the paint must be at least 24 hours. After this time, the painting process was repeated once more. It is desirable to apply at least three layers of paint. This will increase the service life up to 5-7 years, depending on atmospheric conditions.
More than three layers do not need to, as an array of ink becomes too large, and under its own weight begins to lag behind the surface.
Important: The work performed only at temperatures from +10 to +20 degrees Celsius. Failure to comply with temperature control may be a problem with the paint dry:
- drips,
- bloating,
- uneven color.
After studying the above statement it is clear that the painting of metal gates is not a complicated matter, and that anyone who has the desire, able to cope with it without resorting to one's aid.
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We laugh))) But still made Fifted !!!! ))
Judging by the pictures - painted not only the gate, but also a brick around the gate 🙂
I have a sunny side and paint "a shock" burns out over the summer from ultraviolet, is there an alternative ??? Or paint automotive - acrylic ???
The only paint, steadily resistant to ultraviolet, is the one that is applied road marking. All others, even automotive, will still burn out. This is especially true for dark tones. If you use oil paint, then its wear resistance is somewhat higher. Options for two:
1. Paint the gate once a year.
2. Install Rollers.
Marking is not quite paint.