Technology repair of slate roof Construction

To date, there are many buildings and structures, including those and residential on which slate is used as roofing material. Although he is considered morally obsolete, his share in the roofing materials market is still a serious amount.
Slate is a roofing material made of asbetic. Produced by sheets of different dimensions and sections. Sheets with a wavy surface are used for roofing. Despite the fact that in most countries the use of asbestos is limited, due to its carcinogenic (causing oncological diseases) properties, in the Russian Federation it is still widely used.
Industry produces only three schifera size:
- slate ordinary (V) - scope of application - small house-building;
- slate reinforced (Wu) - scope of application - construction of industrial buildings (differs from in size and mass);
- slate unified (HC) is used both in industrial and civil construction.
Causes of slate surface defects and ways to eliminate them
As a building material, slate does not have the abilities to a long-term confrontation of temperature jumps. Because of the irregularities of the surface on it, moss, fungus, and so on, perfectly lives and breed. Slate fragile, heavy and uncomfortable material for transportation, storage and installation.
The general list of defects looks like this:
- damage to the sheet during transport;
- damage to the surface and structure of the sheet in the process of installation work. The occurrence of cracks with an excessive force applied when the fastening screw is frozen. Insufficient diameter of the screw hole;
- the formation of defects when the temperature drops and the impacts on the work carried out on the roof: installation of antennas or other equipment;
- the destruction of the sheet under the influence of biological factors - moss, fungus, lichen, etc.
Repair of slate roofing
All that was described above leads to moisture and change the thermal regime in the attic. And in front of the homeowner, the question arises, how to make it so as to reduce the damage from the violation of the integrity of the slate list. There are two options: to fully replace the roof or carry out its "point repair".
In order to decide on the type of repair, it is necessary to evaluate the roof state.
"Spot" repair
When repairing a slate roof, instructions for the use of various mastic and paints must be fully observed.
If the presence of damage to the roof is not as critical, and the leakage did not bring much damage, it is possible to do with the hydroizing materials of the type of hyperdessmoe, Hypendescam D and Emphimatics PU 25 or their analogues.
For their application, do the following activities:
- clean the plots to be repaired from dirt, moss and lichen;
- spend a detailed survey of the surface for the detection of damaged areas;
- rinse these places with water stream;
- declaring them using White Spirit or Gasoline;
- take a small piece of slate on the defect, with a reserve covering it.
It is desirable to spend such work in the summer time and delay the solution to the issue of repair with the roof is not worth it. After winter, damage will be more.
After the surface preparation was carried out, you can start repair, the essence of it in climbing cracks and other defects.
For the sealing of cracks and cracks of about 5 mm, use EmphiMastics PU 25. The application of this sealant is carried out by a manual or pneumatic gun, you can do this in a regular spatula.
The larger surface defects are eliminated using a hyperdessmmemus mastic. It should be remembered that before it is applied it is required to mix it thoroughly to a uniform state. The edges of the cracks or holes are primed, that is, a small amount of mastic mix with xylene in the ratio of 9 parts of the mastic, 1 part of xylene. This operation is necessary in order to increase the permeability of mastic into damaged edges. To apply the masses itself, let dry the primed places within 6 hours. Mastic is applied to geotextile (reinforcing material), which falls on a damaged area. Application is carried out by a spatula, brush.
The next operation after applying mastic is the painting of the sealed areas of roofing paint.
The use of such a set of measures is to delay the question of solving the overhaul of the roof, shifting the roofing coating.
Overhaul of slate roof is a troublesome and cost business. The designed estimate for the repair of a slate roof will give an accurate answer, how much it will cost this event, but sooner or later it will be necessary to carry it out, since in addition to slate sheets over time and lose their properties of the layers of hydraulic and thermal insulation.
We must immediately say that such a repair, however,, like all that is connected with the construction, must be carried out in a dry and warm season. In our article we will woe to replace the insulating layers of the roof and talk only about the replacement of slate.
Overhaul is carried out in several stages:
- dismantling of old coating;
- dismantling insulating layers;
- inspection of rafters;
- installation of insulating layers;
- installation of a new slate coating.
Since we are talking about replacing the old slate, we will not delve into the questions of the insulating layers.
After dismantling the old sheets, from the surface of the rafter, it is necessary to remove the stuck elements of fasteners, isolation, etc. In addition, inspect the rafters on the subject of starting processes of rotting, forming fungus or mold. According to the results of the inspection, a solution will be made either on the processing of affected places, partial replacement, if the design allows, or on the replacement of the entire solid.
There is a queue of work on the replacement of heat and waterproofing. As soon as they are finished, the last stage of roofing works is the laying of the new slate.
Installation of a new slate coating
Repair of the slate roof is carried out in the following order:
- Laying sheet. We start from the edge of the roof towards the skate, that is, from the bottom up, the release of the sheet over the edge can be about 100-200 mm. Laying the first sheet should pass in such a way that the lower part of the wave lay on the extreme rafying. The release from the facade may also be about 100-200 mm.
- List fixation and laying of the first strip. To fix an asbestos-cement sheet to the rafters, it is better to use screws on which a rubber seal is installed. Aligning the first sheet, it is fully fixed to the rafters. The next leaf is put on a mustache with overlapping not less than 100 mm. In fact, calculate this length so that the upper edge of the upper sheet is located on the ridge of the roof. Signing one row, the transition to securing the second row.
- Laying the remaining sheets. The sheets of the new row are stacked with overlap on one or two waves, and the operation is repeated. Similarly, the second round of the roof is closed. Seams in places of sheets of sheets is advisable to treat silicone sealant.
After the end of work on slate laying, apply roofing paint. She will extend the coverage service time.
Take precautions: for example, when moving across the sector, wooden lads will need and apply only special fasteners.