Interior of the living room in a country house: a guide for the design of a country living room Interior items

The arrangement of the country house requires a slightly more effort and time than the ordinary residential apartment. This is also due to the larger area, and a number of additional troubles. From this article, you will learn how the living room in the country house and the rest of its rooms should be equipped.
Living room interior in a country house
Despite the difficulties, the possibilities of living the living room in the house outside the city are much more. One of the main advantages is the presence of a large space. Thus, the area for incarnation of various design solutions is really huge. Geometric solutions, and the game with color and shades, and the original items for decorating, and non-standard furniture can be allowed.
Whatever it was, and a person always strives for unity with nature. And this can not not be reflected on his everyday life. Therefore, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the main finishing material is wood. The design of the living room in the country house involves the observance of a number of criteria for choosing accessories, facing and, of course, finishing technologies. In addition to the wood in practice, stone, rattan, bamboo and other natural materials are also widely used. The imitation of the Slavic log, the style of Provence, country or eclectics is very often applicable. In general, it is completely eco-friendly materials that do not harm health and are completely safe, and also create a good microclimate in the house and do not deliver additional troubles.
As a rule, things are exported to a country house that do not fit mainly housing, but valuable for family: family portraits, relics, outdated household items and the like.
Since the living room is almost always located in the center of the house, it is a concentration of your personality and your taste. This is the place where guests, relatives and loved ones are invited. Very often, next to it is located and the dining room, because of which the interior of the kitchen and living room of the country house is often performed in one stylistic range. This combination is found quite often and is one of the most reasonable design solutions. At the same time, the standard living room area varies within twenty square meters. This means that within these limits you need to fit all the necessary furniture, sometimes plumbing and so on. In addition, it will have to ensure a sufficient amount of free space, because there should be a place for guests if the company is going large. Excellent living room solution - built-in furniture. If necessary, it is completely hidden, which allows the use of space with the greatest efficiency. If you have the opportunity to purchase it and mounted - it will be the best option. In addition, you need to watch anything excess in the living room. It is very important that there are at least two windows in the room. Very often it happens that the window is only one. I do not say that make additional sources of natural light - this is an urgent need, but if such an opportunity is, it is better to use it. This is primarily saving electricity. Natural lighting plays a really considerable role in the interior of any living room.
Fireplace in a living room of a country house
In direct understanding, the fireplace is a home center center. In our time there are two types of fireplaces that can be installed:
- Natural. That is, a fireplace that needs to be drowning. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to dig a big house. In winter, it is necessary to warm the room for about a day so that the temperature is comfortable enough to stay in the house. However, such a focus will always be more pleasant and more interesting.
- Artificial. Fire in this case is piece. Such fireplaces on gas are working, they do not smell smoke and do not create additional problems to the owners. Sometimes the fireplace simulation is used when they are not real fire in them, but only its visualization. The choice depends only on the owners.
The heating of a country house is a very important component. If in the summer this problem does not arise that it is very relevant in winter. It should be borne in mind that with the arrangement of this fireplace, you will surely need a stock of firewood or coal. And this is in our time quite wasteful. It is necessary first of all from your budget. In addition, a natural fireplace with an incorrect installation can create a number of additional hassle in the form of smoke in the room and corners and ash treasure problems.
For facing the fireplace, it is recommended to use an burned brick or stone. These materials are able to withstand high temperatures and allow to embody almost any design solutions.
It is important to remember that the fireplace in a country house is rather a decor than how to warm the home, so you should also worry about high-quality heating. The stove will be an excellent solution if the gas lines are not supplied to the house.
The fireplace serves as a kind of center of the room. However, it is not a mandatory element. His center can also be a home cinema. Despite the fact that the century of television gradually passes, watching movies and television shows - an integral part of leisure in a country house.
A little about the color scheme and the design of the living room
Here, naturally, it all depends on your taste. However, often the living room is customary to execute in bright pastel colors. Popular in our time is also brown, golden, gray-blue and the like. In addition, it is worth applying bright decorative elements: pillows, carpets, skins, panels, unusual paintings, hunting attributes and the like.
Regarding the decoration of the options are really a lot. Classic is pasting wallpaper. You can choose different colors, textures and pictures. At one time, photographs were popular, but now they are not so claimed and are rather a symbol of excessive impressiveness or even conservatism. The most favorable option is the possibility of subsequent coloring. The fact is that a country house is a place where there are not so often. And to cross the wallpaper is quite expensive. A number of negative factors affect their appearance. Therefore, it is much easier to apply inexpensive water-free paint to the old wallpaper than glue new. The most expensive type of wallpaper is textile or laminated with cloth. However, their cost often turns out to be unjustified. Nevertheless, the service life is significantly higher than ordinary paper, so the question here is only in the possibilities of your family budget.
You can also apply wall panels that possess a number of distinctive properties:
- Strength. With normal humidity, such panels are able to hold on to decades without problems without losing the shape and strength.
- Design. For a country house, they are one of the best options, as they are 100% natural material with a natural texture.
- Easy to care. They can be washed with conventional water or cleaning agent. If the surface is opened with varnish, it will be able to withstand almost all possible funds without losing its gloss for many years. The only problem is a more complex installation than wallpaper paste.
The panels themselves are often made of fiberboard, natural wood, textiles, and so on. That is, they are absolutely environmentally friendly and do not pose a threat to you and your loved ones. To date, the most common - panels from the traffic jam. They are quite inexpensive, but at the same time they can provide excellent noise and thermal insulation. In addition, the air layer in them will allow you to hide almost any communications or wiring. They are quite simple in installation and do not require special skills in construction and finishing work. Textures of cork panels look quite interesting and non-standard. Sometimes in the complex with them, a tile textured under natural materials is applied. But for the living room tile coating is still not a good option. It is more applicable for kitchens, bathtubs and toilets. Decorative plaster also creates an excellent effect, however, if you plan to plain the walls and the ceiling yourself, you will have to prepare for time consuming and long-term process. It is especially difficult to do it in a wooden house. A tree is an excellent absorbent that creates a number of additional difficulties and implies the need to use the primer of deep penetration and the use of expensive finishing materials.
You can get acquainted with the options of the living room in the country house in the photo.
Interior living room in a country house using natural materials
Naturally, the imitation of any material will not provide a complete effect. Now the natural stone has become an excellent version of the walls. It is inexpensive, it is quite easy to install and creates a certain atmosphere of the Middle Ages, which fits perfectly into the interior of a stylized country house. But it is also recommended to use in a complex with other facing materials to avoid monotony and monotony. For the purpose of saving, you can even choose an artificial stone. It is practically no different from natural, but it is an order of magnitude cheaper, and there are much less problems with its installation.
For the floor of the living room and most other premises in the house the optimal option is a wooden parquet. It looks spectacular and stylish, but if you decide to sharpen it, then you need to take into account the susceptibility of such a coating to high humidity and temperature drops. If the house remains unattended for the winter, it is better to refuse from the parquet.
In the event that in the living room with parquet there is a fireplace, it is recommended to lay out the space around it with tiles or a stone. Even with a careful appeal, sparks and coals will fly out, and for a wooden parquet is a serious threat. He flammives well enough, but the appearance from the heat from entering may be hopelessly spoiled. Alternative to parquet can serve as laminate or natural wood. But, again, it should be borne in mind that the materials are also quite susceptible to moisture and temperature.
Ceilings in the living room
Here the situation is almost the same as in the apartments. The optimal option is stretch ceilings. They are quite inexpensive, easy to install and allow you to hide almost any communications. In addition, they prevent the formation of fungus and mold, which is very relevant for country houses.
The suspended ceiling opens a number of decorating opportunities. Imitation of natural materials will effectively enter a coating into a general design without significant cash flow, time and strength. Usually, for the installation of such a ceiling in the living room there is enough one day. The ceiling will not be deformed due to temperature drops and humidity. And even in the event of the roof flow, reliably protect the room. Manufacturers claim that such a ceiling subject to the installation rules is able to withstand to a hundred liters of water for one square meter.
Considering that it is quite often on the ceilings there are beams, it is the stretch ceiling that is the optimal option. It will completely hide the main coating and will avoid the effect of obsolete design.
Furniture for the living room
An integral part of the design of the country house is furniture. As mentioned above, the built-in is one of the best options saving space. However, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows, it is optional. Excellent option - wicker furniture. It is convenient, practical and looks impressive. At the same time, strong enough and durable. Here you can attribute rocking chairs, chairs, tables, etc. Indispensable also upholstered furniture: sofas, chairs, deputies. To give the interior of a larger cozy, you can install a small coffee or coffee table. And let it be far from the main element, but he will definitely not be superfluous.
A good solution - modular furniture. It is easy to transfer from place to place or clean to another room. In the event that the living room is combined with the kitchen, it is necessary to choose the original dining room, which will additionally emphasize the style of the house, harmony and give a pleasant atmosphere. Qualitatively complement the interior of the living room large pictures or old photos. For the dining area, small still lifes are suitable, and for the living room - natural landscapes.
In general, the living room in a country house is a huge platform for the embodiment of any creative solutions. But High-tech or modern in this case will not be the right solution. Here, the classics and historical decor are better suited. The rest is better to leave for the main place of residence.