Vintage grapes Plot.

Growing grapes in its own area - the occupation, though not always a simple, but the resulting result in the form of a rich yield of delicious berries is removing all doubts about the correctness of such a decision. It is usually difficult to do with one variety, and an easy way to diversify the species row of your garden - to instill plants. You will learn about all the rules of the spring vaccination of grapes in this article.
- Successful grafting grapes - General rules
- Timing of spring grape vaccination
- Methods of grape vaccinations
- Preparation of vine grapes for vaccination
- Inventory for grafting in spring
- Rules of the spring grafting of grapes "in split"
- Check grafting and care for the new vine of grapes
- Vintage in spring - video
- Conclusion
Successful grafting grapes - General rules
If you decide to independently deal with the rules of the vaccination of this culture, the first thing that needs to know is a bit of the theory and principles of the vine compound. Distinguish:
- Locking is already ready-made shrubs, that is, plants, the trunk or the root system of which is admitted by a new grade. From how strong the bush, the power and intensity of the growth of the vine, and, accordingly, the abundance of the crop is dependent.
- Blogs are a new variety vine itself, which you will be suitable for an already growing bush.
So that the procedure for the development of the new grape variety in the spring has passed successfully, be sure to follow the following conditions:
- clearly define the appropriate grape vaccinations;
- completely prepare the layout, which is not less than 2-3 years old;
- proper to feed the cuttings and organize their storage in the preparatory period;
- use an exceptionally strong, healthy vine;
- observe all the rules of the vaccination technology;
- competently organize subsequent vine care.
Important! Noteworthy is the fact that it is permissible to vaccinate any varieties of grapes without exception. With a proper procedure, a full-fledged bush of a new variety is formed for season 1.
Timing of spring grape vaccination
Regarding the timing of vaccinations in practitioners, there are 2 opinions:
- All work is advisable after the "crying" of the vine ended, since during this period the plant somewhat weakened and the integrity of the branches is impaired.
- Performance of the vaccination is carried out in the process of spring "crying" of the vine, since the released liquid will provide full-fledged hydration. And this factor in turn affects the survival rate.
Important! The "crying" of grapes is the process when liquid is distinguished from wounds of the plant. After its completion, new leaves are formed on the trunks.
If we talk about the grapes of grapes in the spring, focusing on external conditions, then these rules are held:
- the average daily air temperature is from 15 to 20 ° C;
- the temperature of the land in the roots is stable - from 10 ° C.
Important! Considering such requirements, it is easy to figure out the ideal time for vaccination: the end of March is the end of April, when the kidneys are already on the vine, but not growing leaflets.
Methods of grape vaccinations
The modern list of grape vaccine technologies are wide enough, but most often used for this paper procedure. Connect them with the flows such as methods:
- in green escape;
- in split;
- in the root;
- in the semi-separated;
- underground vaccination.
Important! The principle of connecting a new vine is chosen on the basis of personal experience. What it is more - the more difficult it is the method. Amateurs most often use the technology "in split", the more detailed rules of which are described below. Such a choice is relevant for the reason that it is in this case that is significantly higher than the probability of the observing of the lead and there is the possibility of easy care and process control.
Preparation of vine grapes for vaccination
For the spring vaccination of grapes, they use both weird and green cuttings. So that the procedure is successful, take only good cuttings that correspond to the following parameters:
- the vine diameter is not less than 8 mm;
- the presence of signs of a developed diaphragm and a pretended mustache on the lower node;
- the presence on the vine of the kidneys with 2-3 eyes;
- the distance from the bottom end to the lower eye is about 5 cm;
- the distance from the top to the first eye is at least 2 cm;
- the identical cross section of the cuttings, if a vaccination is planned.
Important! It is in the case when all the parameters of the cuttings are withstanding, their best survival is observed.
Vine health checking
To understand how much a healthy vine you prepare for vaccination, do this way:
- Check for each cutter the quality of the upper kidneys. If the number of unhealthy kidneys is no more than 5%, boldly instill the entire vine.
- Take up to 10% vine if the number of branches is very large. View the quality of all eyes. If they are healthy, you can instill the whole game.
Facing a vine
Since the successful result of the advent of the new grape variety is very important that there are enough nutrients in the vine, the best solution is to carry out additional feeding. For this purpose, use special drugs of non-smelly action. The main condition is the high content of phosphorus and potassium.
Important! Some practices for stimulating the growth of the vine use honey - they cover the surface of the branches and leave for several days.
Storage of the vine
Storage of grape cuttings is permissible exclusively in a cool place - the optimal temperature mode is 0 ° C, it is possible to deviate no more than 2 degrees. You can achieve the desired effect by 2 ways. More simple - just before the procedure, soak the casual water and leave in a dark room for 1-2 days.
The second method will require a few more time. To store and prepare a vine for this method, do the following:
- Choose a cool room without light access - the basement or cellar will be perfect.
- Cut the cuttings.
- Place them in a bin with wet sand.
- Remove 2 days before vaccination.
- Prepare wet rags.
- Wrap it in it with cuttings.
Important! By other technology, it is enough to refresh the lower media and set the branches into separate glasses with a sandy ground layer in 3 cm.
Preparation of
Shrub himself also prepare according to the following rules:
- 5 days before the vaccination, do trust neatly below until the very place of the future spike all the mustaches, leaves, steps.
- For 3-5 days, plenty of bright bush to get the desired humidity level.
Inventory for grafting in spring
So that the procedure of the spring grafting of grapes occurred quickly, without instead, prepare all the necessary inventory in advance. For this work you will need:
- bayonet shovel;
- a small hammer;
- small hand saw;
- small-grained leg;
- wooden wedges with sharp ends of 5 mm wide;
- acute garden knife or vaccination secator;
- tapes thick paper width in 5-6 cm or leukoplasty;
- leg-split;
- water;
- gardening scissors;
- buckets - 2 pcs.;
- wet burlap.
Rules of the spring grafting of grapes "in split"
Choose a suitable day and start vaccination early in the morning to cope with all the work for a maximum of 11 hours.
The vaccination procedure is not very difficult if you follow the indicated sequence of actions:
- Steps a bush in a circle.
- Remove the soil, focusing on the depth of 1 intercoux, and move away.
- Clean root processes and land cornestamb.
- Cut it with a fine-skinned saw so that the lower node is left to 5-6 cm.
- Clean the place neatly the environment is convenient to make a sharp knife.
- Cover the cut by wet paper or cloth to eliminate dirt entering.
- Cut the bottom of each cutter from 2 sides so that one side of the wedge is with smooth wood, and the other is partially captured by the core cut.
- Focus on the length of the wedge on the cutting of 3 cm.
- Place the entire treated vine in a bucket with water - it will help to avoid changing the color nude after cutting wood.
- Take the split in the hemp shrub the depth of the corresponding length of the blade on the vine + 0.5 cm.
- Remove the knife from the hemp and insert a wooden wedge into the split.
- Insert the vine from the side of the wedge in such a way that the exterior sides of the lead and hemp coincide, and the lower kidney has been turned outward.
- Remove the wedge from the spill.
- If you plan to instill a few cuttings - insert the next to this split, but on the other hand.
- Tighten the pencils tightly at the place of vaccinations with adhesive plaster or special twine in 2-3 turns.
- Firmly fix.
- Wrap the pencils at the vaccination place with wet paper in 2 layers.
- Cover the top of the hemp around the droves with a papers, but leave the lower eyes open.
- Fall off with a wet ground and the hill in so that the height of it is up to 5-6 cm above the upper eye.
Important! If you insert next to the vaccine cuttings of an unnecessary vine, the process of removing the threshing shoots of the bush itself and the root grinding cuttings will be much easier for you.
Check grafting and care for the new vine of grapes
The rules for leaving grapes are simple, but will require care of you and accuracy. Observe the following conditions:
- For 7-8 days, check the humidity of the soil near the vaccination. If the earth dried, heat the water in the sun and pour. Here do not overdo it - watering is required very moderate.
- Watch that the soil around the bush and above the vaccination was loose.
- Immediately delete all germinating weeds, but do it carefully, so as not to break the spike.
Important! The result of the vaccination will be clear for 15-20 days. If the cuttings passed on, on the surface of the Earth, shoots will be sprouting from it. After that, delete carefully shoots from a cross and root from the lead. If the cuttings did not insert, do not remove it, but just take care of the shrub in normal mode. The procedure can be repeated next year.
Vintage in spring - video
See how professional gardeners are vaccinated by grapes, lower than the proposed video instruction. After familiarization with the material, you can hardly have any other informed questions.
As you have already been convinced, the preparation of the spring grape vaccination is simple, but painstaking work. Be careful and neat, do not hurry, and correctly perform each action at all stages - from preparation before care, and the result will certainly please you!