Warming with foamizole: material features, installation instructions Insulation

Among the various types of insulation, foamizole is characterized by the highest thermal insulation indicators. This material is great for performing various kinds of thermal insulation and sound insulation. About his positive qualities, the features of the installation will be talked further.
Physical characteristics of insulation foamizol
Penosaol is a type of carbamide-formaldehyde type insulation. The history of its application originates from Germany. Now is actively used in many countries not only in Europe, but also the whole world. The material is distinguished by low thermal conductivity and low bulk density, which ranges from 6 to 60 kg per cubic meter. Externally similar to polystyrene foam. It has the form of a white fine material, on which large air splashes are practically absent.
After foaming dry, it becomes more elastic, has no smell, under the influence of minor deformations is able to easily recover. When the cut is affected, showering small bubbles. In addition, the material is stable before the influence of microorganisms and insects.
According to manufacturers, one Penozol plate with a thickness of 0.1 m, easily replaces the layer of concrete with a thickness of almost 3 m, a brick wall - 1.8 m, mineral wool - 0.2 m, and expanded polystyrene - 0.15 m. Of this It follows that it is foamizol that has the highest thermal insulation indicators.
In the ratio with the material density, the carbamide-formaldehyde insulation is distinguished by various types of strength characteristics. Penosole has a light structure similar to foam, it is without much effort compressing as a sponge.
If we consider the difference between foamizol from polystyrene foam, then, first of all, foamizol is absolutely non-flammable material that is not capable of ignition. This quality is based on its composition, namely on the presence of nitrogen. For the manufacture of material, thermoactive resins are used, which are not capable of becoming liquid after cooling, so the insulation does not melt. Penosole is capable of functioning normally even at a temperature of more than 110 degrees. In compliance with the technology of laying material and its correct operation, the service life of foamizol is more than 90 years.
Penosol - scope of application and features
Since this material is an organic matter with a cellular structure, differs by high density, low thermal conductivity, good resistance before exposure to fire, microorganisms, rodents, affordable cost and ease of installation - the main sphere of its use is the insulation of buildings of a multilayer building construction.
Since this substance is flooded directly in the process of holding construction work, it is characterized by convenience. Penosopal is not able to increase, but it has a certain shrinkage, in order to avoid cracking, it is necessary to accurately comply with all technological moments associated with its installation, and in particular, overlap the surface at a temperature of more than 6 degrees and use high quality materials.
A variant of using a slab or tiny material is possible. Dry its condition contributes to pneumatic laying on any hollow surface. In this case, the formation of a seamless insulation and noise insulating layer with excellent strength characteristics occurs. Constructions puzzled by foaming are not able to skip moisture, even with small cracks.
This material applies:
- for thermal insulation of various kinds of external fences;
- in the insulation of walls of a simple or combination type;
- for thermal insulation of three-layer brick structures;
- when filling reinforced concrete wall panels;
- as a sound insulation and sound-absorbing layer;
- as a heater of layered panels consisting of prefabricated structures;
- when insulating the roof, attic, attic, balcony;
- with inter-storey insulation;
- in insulation garages, angry, boxing, open areas;
- when conducting thermal insulation in the country, in vegetables, cellars, basements;
- with the arrangement of wall panels having both wooden and metal frame;
- with soil warming;
- as an absorbent substance, with oil spills.
Advantages of insulation of foaming
The use of this material in construction is characterized by such advantages:
- Fast work on insulation - this advantage is carried out due to the convenient form of the material and its application.
- An unlimited service life - as the duration of the building's operation is about 100 years, foamizol will last as well, therefore, the use of this material as a heater does not require further thermal insulation.
- Fireproof is explained by the presence of nitrogen foamizol, which is non-combustible material. Practically, the ignition of the material is possible, but later, it only will lose a little due to the evaporation of moisture, but no harmful substances will allocate.
- The absence of shrinkage is ensured by the holding of a certain installation of foamizol. If all the conditions specified by the manufacturer have been suppressed in the process of installation of thermal insulation, then the shrinkage will not be.
- In addition, this material is characterized by good moisture resistance and vapor permeability. Therefore, there is a healthy microclimate and comfortable living conditions.
- Due to the presence of a specific composition, the insulation does not allocate substances harmful to the environment, and therefore refers to the discharge of environmentally friendly materials.
- Penosol perfectly opposes the influence of various kinds of chemical aggressive substances, the fungus and mold are not formed on its surface.
- It is stable before the exposure to microorganisms and not eaten by rodents.
- Due to the absence of docking seams, the maintenance of thermal insulation and sound insulation is ensured.
Warming of houses by Peniazole: manufacturing technology
Penosol is called insulation, which allows you to carry out the work of thermal insulation destination quickly, efficiently and efficiently.
The process of manufacturing foamizol consists in mixing the canrambid resins with water foam and substances in the form of a hardener. Next, the process of its polymerization of frozen occurs. After complete drying, the material resembles a finely porous insulation.
The primary phase of using the insulation provides the possibility of applying it in the form of a liquid foam, resembling a dense thick foam. It perfectly copes with the insulation of private houses built from brick or sandwich panels. Filling the aircraft is carried out due to the presence of a certain air pressure. Then, polymerization and frost occurs, the material acquires the shape of a light insulation that has excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
Wall insulation by foamizol can significantly saved on the costs associated with heating. For a maximum of three years, all costs of carrying out work, associated with thermal insulation will be fully populated.
Working with this material begins with the work of the fill. In order for foamizole to serve its owner to qualitatively, a certain technology should be followed. In addition, in the process of buying foamizol, it is necessary to require the certification of its quality and written guarantees from the manufacturer.
A variant of the construction of equipment for insulation by foaming at home is possible. This will significantly save on hiring intermediaries and builders. The heat insulation of the average size of the house occurs for a maximum of 6 hours.
If you use the services of specialized insulation companies with foamiza, the average cost of 1 square meter is $ 30. With independent work, the amount is reduced by 50-75%.
The insulation procedure consists in pouring foamizol into all empties and air layers of the building. This happens through specially drilled holes. It is due to the presence of a certain pressure, the material is able to fill all cracks and cracks.
When hiring a specialized brigade, it should be very carefully related to the quality of products, since there are a large number of fraudsters using a cheaper resin in the production of foamizol, in which case its quality is significantly reduced. For example, it is possible to use furniture resin, which is cheaper, but at the same time dangerous type of hardener.
If you observe the technology of insulation with foamizol and use high-quality material, then insulation using this material is the best in the ratio of quality, price, durability, efficiency and thermal conductivity.
A variant of fillings of this insulation under plasterboard, wooden and plywood surfaces, in the event that the thickness of the material from which the wall is made is at least 5 cm. Since the equipment is used in the process of filling, providing pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres, fragile walls are not capable Hold it. If you use less pressure, there is a risk of formation of cold bridges, creeping the material and its uneven distribution, because of this, the energy efficiency of the building and the quality of the insulation is significantly reduced.
There is an option to manufacture sheet foamizole. This is appropriate in the case when there are no emptiness for filling and it is attached directly to the outer or external surface. For the manufacture of sheet material, special cubic forms are used, which are filled with a pressure material. After its drying, they are cut in the ratio with the required size. The remnants of the material are used for the manufacture of crumbs, which fall asleep cavity.
Penosol: safety of use and disadvantages
High cost is one of its flaws. This is explained by the fact that among alternative species of insulation, foamizol has the lowest thermal conductivity. Another disadvantage of this material is its fragility and instability before deformation, so it is used exclusively as the average layer of insulation, but not as an outdoor or inner layer. In addition, foamizol requires compliance with a certain technology of its installation, unless adhere to all the rules for applying and drying, then all positive qualities will turn into negative.
Since foamizol is not able to expand, it is necessary to stick or stick to the surface, then to fill emptiness, it is necessary to use a special apparatus with which the material under pressure from 3 to 5 atmospheres occurs.
Holding foamizol on the surface is carried out due to its monolith. In addition, a shrinkage is possible, which makes up 1 to 3% of the total treated surface. It is subsequently formed small cracks that fall asleep with crumbs of foamizol.
When applying foamizol to the surface of brick walls, the shrinkage is only 1%, as the material fits tightly to the brick and fills all the slots. To minimize the appearance of emptiness or cold bridges, material should be applied under pressure minimum in five atmospheres. But, not all designs are able to withstand such strong pressure.
If the use of foamizol is exceeding 90 degrees, then it loses some of its properties and begins to gradually collapse.
It is prohibited to use foamizol in such cases:
- when insulation of a car engine, hood;
- with the arrangement of the warm floor of any destination and type;
- when heating heating pipes of ventilation or chimney;
- in the process of insulation of the water supply system, as foamizol is distinguished by the absence of adhesion and will not hold onto them;
- when adjusting the pitched roof consisting of a plasterboard layer;
- as an interventore insulation of door and window structures;
- in the baths are used only if they are made of bricks.
If the production of foam is used high quality raw materials, it is absolutely safe. This material was subjected to various kinds of tests and research that confirm this fact.
Although, in violation of the filling technology of foamizol into the cavity between brick walls, leads to the negative consequences of its use, and in particular, to the release of formaldehyde, causing irritation, allergic reactions, and other negative disorders.
In order to avoid the risk of formaldehyde, high-quality vaporizolation of the inside of the room should be carried out. In this case, if this substance is allocated, then only the outside of the building.
Also, when choosing the quality of products and specialists performing work on the fill, pay attention to the presence of relevant quality certificates confirming the harmlessness of foamizol. If foamizol is poor quality, using cheaper resins, remove it from the surface will be very difficult.
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