Industrial Dust Vacuum Cleaner: Features of Choice Useful advice

Purpose of industrial vacuum cleaners for dust - cleaning of industrial premises, construction objects, equipment. Sometimes there is a need to use such a powerful home machine. When it is advisable to buy an industrial vacuum cleaner than it differs from everyday and for what criteria to make a choice, told in our article.
- What is the difference between the vacuum cleaner from the household
- Classification of industrial vacuum cleaners
- Criteria for the choice of industrial vacuum cleaners for dust
- Does the industrial vacuum cleaner need a house
- Where the industrial vacuum cleaner can not be used
- Best industrial vacuum cleaners
What is the difference between the vacuum cleaner from the household
If you compare one and another unit, then even visually they differ significantly by configuration. Various and characteristics, and opportunities, and applications. Specifically, this is expressed in the following:
- The dimensions and weight of the industrial vacuum cleaner are significantly solid because of the engine of high power, impressive size of the container, so the mobility is lower.
- A large device is hard to constantly move for themselves, so it has a flexible, very long hose and tube of the corresponding sizes.
- There will be a configuration and number of nozzles. At home their maximum 3, and the industrial is much more.
- Home suction capacity is significantly inferior to industrial.
Classification of industrial vacuum cleaners
All industrial vacuum cleaners are divided into 2 types:
- directly industrial;
- related to the technical and industrial class.
The first thing is distinguished by the volume of the tank. In the first, it rarely has more than 75, and secondly - reaches 120 liters.
Technical and industrial class vacuum cleaners are programmed for long-term operation without a break. Some models are a chain of the production cycle, sometimes they are installed even on the conveyor and they work there for several years with a small stop for emptying the garbage container, yes to replace the vacuum motor with a resource of 20 thousand hours.
Actually industrial vacuum cleaners, as a rule, mobile. Their destination - collect a variety of materials:
- dust;
- bulk substances;
- various chips from milling, turning, planing machines;
- butter;
- water and other liquids.
Criteria for the choice of industrial vacuum cleaners for dust
Before staying on a specific model of the vacuum cleaner for dust, it is necessary to clearly understand for yourself, for what type of cleaning it is needed, the dust of what composition is dominated by the site to be cleaned. Therefore, to choose a vacuum cleaner with useful features for you, read existing dust species.
Classification of dust
Dust is divided into 3 classes:
N p / n | Class | Name of dust pollution | Requirements for industrial vacuum cleaner |
1. | Low hazard L. | Chalk, paints, clay, plaster, varnishes, lime, caso4 (calcium sulfate), fertilizers of some species | For the cleaning of dust of this class, industrial vacuum cleaners belonging to the category of the simplest. There is no obligatory control over the air flow, optionally the presence of measurement systems, the requirements for the utilization method of the collected mud are not presented. |
2. | Average M. | Dust containing particles of wood, nickel, manganese, copper wire, tin, as well as dust formed at nuclear power plants | The vacuum cleaner designed to remove this type of dust should:
3. | High High N. | Dust with carcinogens, viruses, mold, preservatives, microbes, mineral fertilizers, with lead and other microorganisms and elements belonging to particularly dangerous. | The design execution of the vacuum cleaner should ensure unplanned utilization of waste into it, a multistage filtering system, measuring the air flow rate. |
The choice of vacuum cleaner on the main technical characteristics
Manufacturers are parallel with the main production, often produced models of industrial vacuum cleaners. Price that are slightly lower than that of full industrial equipment. This is explained by the fact that they are intended for operation not on an industrial scale, but in everyday life. You can distinguish them by the main technical characteristics:
- Electrical power affecting both the amount of electricity consumed and partially per performance. If the household vacuum cleaner is mainly equipped with an engine for 1000-1400 W, it happens that the professional this parameter reaches 7000 W. Industrial unit is endowed with many additional features. So, on the housing of equipment performing a scale cleaning, there is a socket in case you have to use not one device.
- Performance depending directly from power. The more powerful the vacuum cleaner, the greater the volume in a second it sucks. Under the conditions of the enterprise, the vacuum cleaner is designed for absorption of about 70 l / s or more, and for home it is enough if this parameter is 50 l / s.
- Capacity bag for dust. For household models, it is an average of 20 to 50 liters, and for industrial - 100 and more. With a smaller volume, frequent breaks will be required to release the container for dust, so it is simply inexpedient.
- Power suction, depending on the degree of perception. Optimally, the vacuum indicator is 17-250 mbar. There are indicators and higher, but, as a rule, in industrial vacuum cleaners intended for suction of severe dust.
- Easy service. The effect on this parameter has a method for collecting dust. Traditionally, dirt falls into the bag - paper or tissue, while the first is better delaying fine dust, it is easier to replace it. Later models are industrial vacuum cleaners without a bag for collecting dust. The garbage is going to the tank, which allows it easier and faster to delete than from a standard bag.
- On the filtration system. It has a special and water vacuum cleaner and allows you to perform and wet, and dry cleaning without replacing the filter. Separate filter models are cleaned automatically due to vibration, which is especially relevant during the harvesting of concrete dust. On the case of some products there is a button to activate the half-automatic filter cleaning function.
Important: Buying a pump, focus on the average absorption power. It happens at the beginning of work, but it lasts it only 5 minutes, and then as the number of absorbed dust is increasing, the value is reduced by 20 percent. It is good if the adjuster of this parameter is provided in the aggregate design.
Choice of configuration
Usually complete with an industrial vacuum cleaner go:
- Hoses are a few pieces.
- Nozzles performing different functions:
- attaching various power tools;
- floor cleaning;
- cleaning close openings.
Important little things
When buying an industrial vacuum cleaner, such, it seems to be small, but important details:
- If you plan to connect the vacuum cleaner to the power tools issued by another manufacturer, then pay attention to the correspondence of the diameters of the nozzles. It is possible to connect to the purchase of a special adapter.
- Choosing a model, find out how easy it is to acquire consumables for it so that it is not subsequently that they are rarely on sale.
Advantages and disadvantages of industrial vacuum cleaners without a bag for collecting dust
Such devices are called cyclone vacuum cleaners. In them, garbage collection occurs along a cyclone scheme. The unit is embedded as a dust collector container. Air with dust, being in it, makes a spiral movement, increasing the turnover. Dust and fine garbage under the influence of centrifugal force hit the wall of the reservoir, reset the speed and fall to the bottom.
The advantages of such a constructive performance of the industrial vacuum cleaner are expressed as follows:
- ease of operation;
- lack of costs for the permanent purchase of new dust collectors.
And the main disadvantage is that when cleaning the container, it may be necessary to have direct contact with dust.
Based on these criteria, the vacuum cleaner is easier to buy it easier, because you can already decide on the requirements for it.
Keep in mind: If there is a choice between the model equipped with a tank with stainless steel and plastic, then the first is reliable. Metal suction pipe serves longer than plastic.
Does the industrial vacuum cleaner need a house
When cleaning at home, it is not necessary to do without a vacuum cleaner and with this task perfectly cope with ordinary home electrical appliances, but what if at home is a great repair? Any construction work is left behind how many concrete dust!
If you remove it using the usual home assistant, designed for short-term loads, its filters and bag will be instantly filled, the dirt will fall into the engine and will not remain another choice, how to send the device to repair.
The rampant vacuum cleaner is generally powerless before this problem, because such contaminants do not dissolve in water, and return to the room back. It turns out that industrial vacuum cleaners for concrete dust in some cases are indispensable in the household. In what situations just do not do without them? Here are some such standard moments:
- When drilling, drilling a large number of holes, dismantling concrete walls and partitions using a professional tool.
- When an angular grinder is used and another electrical high-power tool with high rollers of the cutting tool.
- If equipment is used that does not have a dust system.
- When cleaning the garbage remaining after the construction of the house or overhaul.
The industrial designer vacuum cleaner was given such a useful feature as the ability to connect it using special adapters to the dust-forming tool if the design of the latter allows you to do this. At the same time, the dust harmful to humans does not fall into its lungs.
Where the industrial vacuum cleaner can not be used
Industrial vacuum cleaners are endowed with a mass of opportunities, but in spite of this, there are times when they are categorically impossible. This is the execution of such works as
- chimney cleaning;
- collective cement collection;
- cleaning of spilled flammable liquids;
- disposal explosive dust.
For these purposes there are professionals with their special technique.
Best industrial vacuum cleaners
Release of industrial vacuum cleaners are engaged in many foreign and domestic manufacturers.
The Karcher vacuum cleaner (Karcher) industrial is good features. It is intended for professionals, but it is successfully used at home. With it, they are performed both dry and wet cleaning. Releases their German manufacturer. As the advantages of this vacuum cleaner, it should be noted:
- there are vacuum cleaners with trash tanks from 14 to 75 liters;
- high power, Karcher sucks not only wood, cement, coal, flour, metallic dust, but even very large garbage;
- water and garbage cleans the same qualitatively;
- modest dimensions and low weight;
- convenience in work;
- universality. Clean sawdust, cement, dirt, water puddles.
The Industrial Vacuum Cleaner Alterra, created by the specialists of the Engineering Technical Center "Technicon", showed itself. Developed it with regard to the conditions of operation in Russian enterprises. Alterra removes any garbage, regardless of its structure. Peculiarities:
- it has a durable housing and a powerful engine;
- installed on a mobile frame;
- removes all types of dirt in all conditions, works at -50 - +55 degrees with;
- replaceable bags are missing;
- it is convenient to maintain.
- medium bandwidth of 390 m3 / hour;
- the ability to work with the plug-in tool with a maximum power of 2000 W;
- the presence of a rotating hose, remote control, tank with a capacity of 80 l;
- engine capacity of 2400 W;
- use for dry and wet cleaning.
Successfully copes with concrete, wood, abrasive and other dust industrial vacuum cleaner from the domestic producer Vortex 300m, equipped with a unique dust collector in the form of a vortex chamber and a foamy water-air layer. He maintains the hardest operating conditions, and besides:
- the air at the exit from the vacuum cleaner does not simply correspond to the norms of the MPC, and and and times in 2-3 cleaner;
- there is an extension of the hose for air suction to 18 m;
- the device moves along uneven surfaces without much effort due to the presence of wheels on the rubber run, equipped with steel hub and roller bearings.
- for cleaning dust of different types, it is not required to reconfigure.
- optionally, you can add a suspension nozzle to standard configuration.
On the criteria for the choice of the industrial vacuum cleaner tells the author of this video: