Finish furnace with ceramic tiles with their own hands: from the selection of tiles to laying technology Tile,Interior items

It is difficult to imagine the original Russian hut without a furnace. Despite the fact that in the yard for the 21st century and technological progress reached unprecedented heights, furnaces and fireplaces are still still relevant and even experience a new splash of their popularity.
True, today they perform more decorative role, but it is still difficult to replace the warmth of the home the hearth with modern heating devices.
Furnaces and fireplaces can be found very often not only in the baths, private houses, country cottages, but even in a city apartment. If you decide to decorate your home with such an original part in the interior, then, first of all, it is worth thinking about choosing a material for facing the oven.
Selection of ceramic tiles for finishing furnace
The construction market offers a wide variety of various finishing materials: from conventional plaster to natural stone. The choice, of course, depends on your personal preferences, taste and financial capabilities.
Specialists in this area recommend using ceramic tiles, which looks more attractive and can harmoniously fit into any interior. In addition, ceramics possesses such necessary qualities as:
- strength;
- refractory;
- heat capacity;
- rigidity;
- ecology, which makes it the most acceptable option.
For decoration of the furnace, it is necessary to choose not a conventional tile, but only made on the basis of kaolin or refractory clays. It is desirable those that have a glazed surface and a corrugated base. Tile, most suitable for facing the furnace, is made in two ways:
- terracotta ceramics obtained by the firing method;
- clinker tile, which is manufactured by extrusion.
In order for the furnace to please for a long time to delight with its beauty.
- finishing material to lay on a special clay-cement adhesive solution or mastic with the addition of plasticizers for greater durability and strength.
- Do not forget also about the use of additional fasteners. Otherwise, the ceramic tile can quickly sprinkle due to its overheating.
Furnace Technology Furnace Ceramic Tiles
The right choice of ceramic tiles is only half anteen in an independent furnish finish. The process of laying a facing material that requires strictly compliance with the entire technology playing an equally important role.
Surface preparation
To begin with, it is necessary to take care of the preparation of the surface on which laying will be made. It should be perfectly smooth and clean.
- Therefore, it is necessary to remove any contamination with it: dust, dirt, fat, surplus of solution and paint.
- Special attention is paid to the seams that it is worth clearing, deepening them inwards up to 1 centimeter. As an effective tool, experienced builders apply special metal brushes or a grinder with an abrasive circle.
- After high-quality cleaning, the finished surface should be wiped with a wet sponge.
Installation of metal grid
For greater reliability of the fastening of ceramic tiles, as a rule, a special masonry mesh is used, which must have cell size 50x50 with a diameter of 0.5-1 mm.
- Her tightly stretch over the entire surface of the furnace;
- Fix the grid using metal anchors or conventional self-tapping screws screwed into pre-prepared holes and drilled by the winning drill.
It is not rare in the process of arrangeing the furnace itself, the wizard is specifically laid into a solution of wire pieces at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other, which will later be attached to the mesh.
Preparation of adhesive solution for styling ceramic tiles
The ceramic tile for facing the furnace is placed on special glue solutions or mastic, the quality and the finished result of which also depends on their kneading. Experienced professionals recommend this without the use of any professional equipment, but simply with bare hands.
- The solution is prepared for 10-15 minutes before use;
- The finished solution is applied using a toothed spatula throughout the surface of the grid, trying to completely align it.
Laying of ceramic tile
- The laying of the ceramic tile occurs from the bottom up to the fully warmed surface of the furnace, where the adhesive solution is applied with a thickness of no more than 6 mm with a seam thickness of 2-5 mm.
- Then they take the tile and apply it to the surface, slightly pressing the second hand or picks up with a rubber hammer.
- In order to get smooth seams, it is recommended to use special crosses. The correct location of each tile must be checked.
- When the adhesive solution begins to capture it to remove its residues from the surface, it was washed with soap composition, and the seams are extended by a wooden grater or rubber spatula.
- After the day after laying ceramic tiles, the seams are filled with a special grouting mixture using a spatula.
- The residues of the grout must be removed by special compositions, and after wing the entire surface with a damp sponge or polished with a rag.
So, the finishing of the ceramic tiles of the furnace with their own hands is almost completed, however, it is not necessary to hurry and it is advisable to wait for another 2-3 weeks before the first furnace.
More detailed on how to finish a furnace with ceramic tiles can be viewed on video.