How to bring roses Useful advice

Rose is a beautiful and gentle flower. Despite the presence of spikes, rose bushes need care and proper care more than any other plants. First of all it concerns trimming. It is done in order to remove dried twigs and rejuvenate flower. But the procedure requires care and certain knowledge, otherwise the rose will begin to hurt.

Types of trimming roses

Depending on the botanical type of roses, the types of pruning are divided into:

  • short, (used for tea-hybrid, poliant, as well as floribunds),
  • middle
  • long (used for highly growing varieties).

Tea, polyanth and floribunds roses are very thin stem, which is strongly wearing in the flowering process. The next year, he is no longer able to focus the abundance of small buds, so the trimming is made as short as possible. These varieties of roses are modified shrubs hybrids, so they grow quickly. At the same time, it is important not to damage the root system, as it is practically not restored.


The average trimming is relevant for classic varieties of roses with thick stems. The trunk of such shrubs remains strong, but the processes with buds after the flowering period dried almost completely. In practice, this trimming is easier, since the dry branches are visually visible.

Under highly growing varieties, roses should be understood that have a powerful stem structure, which is practically not worn during flowering. Trimming is needed only to give the bruise shape and control its height.

When cropped roses

Winter period is characterized by the fact that any plants almost completely stop their development. Intervention in the integrity of the rose stem will lead to its drying. Therefore, the beginning of the rose care season is considered spring. The most optimal period begins when the cold is retreating (air temperature at night 0 0 Celsius or higher) and continues until the first kidneys appears. Crimping roses in the spring is carried out.

In the summer months, a decorative trimming is allowed, which involves removing flowing infloresions. The procedure will extend the flowering time bush. In this case, it should be understood that any other type of trimming will lead to a drying of the stem. Even if unnecessary processes have appeared or the shape of the bush does not match what you wanted to get, all correctional work should be carried out in the fall.


In the autumn period, roses growing in the warmth climate do not need. If there is still a further warming of roses for the winter, then you need to cut all immature shoots, as well as shorten the stems.

Rules trim roses

In order for the bush to be beautifully formed, about 5 healthy shoots leave when trimming it. Unnecessary processes are removed with a sharp knife or a garden secateur. From the kidney you need to retreat 5 mm and cut the stem at an angle. When trimming, it is necessary to use the basic rules:

  • trimming only with a sharp knife or a secateur,
  • conducting a kidney that is on the outside of the branch. Thus, the new escape will not shade the bush center. If you need to get a vertical escape, the trimming is carried out on the kidney, which is on the inside,
  • pruning needs to be produced before a healthy fabric. Patients or weak gains must be trimmed completely.


As a result, the trimming must be left only one escape, the rest need to trim. In the thickening of the bushes there is a lack of air, as well as sunlight, which leads to the death of roses.

In order to visually see how roses pruning are made, watch the video.

Roses after trimming

After the formation of bushes, which occurs in the spring, it is necessary to make feeding with nitrogen fertilizer. Some flowerflowers, for each bush, poured to the snow superphosphate, urea or ammonium salter. After trimming, it is necessary to spray roses with copper vitrios, at the rate of 100 grams per 10 liters of water.

Copper vigor is used for microfertilization purposes to replenish the shortage in the soil. It is also designed for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases, and the fight against harmful insects. Copper cunery is used as an independent means and with lime in the bordeaux mixture.


When spraying roses, the copper vaporam is replaced with a single-percent nitrafenic solution or a three-percent solution of iron vigor.

Roses Care, Pruning

The bushes in the form of a bowl are formed from tea-hybrid and repairing varieties of roses. Their important feature is blooming on the processes of the current year. Therefore, they leave 3-4 kidneys at a distance of 15 cm from the soil in young plants and 5-6 kidneys at a distance of 20 cm from the ground in adult plants. In an adult plant, there are 3-4 kidneys during lateral shoots, and also cleave the center of the bush, removing the internal stems. Tea rose is cut every year.


For roses Floribunda uses a special kind of trimming. If such roses are cut slightly, it turns out a very large bush with weak stems, and if strong, the powerful stems and the bush is depleted very quickly.

Therefore, there are two ways to trim the roses Floribunda:

  • some stalks are worth cutting hard to get early flowering. On the side branches you need to leave 3-5 kidneys,
  • annual roasting stems need to trim on 1/3 length. On the side branches you need to leave 2-3 kidneys. Old stems in the middle of the bush need to trim completely.

Pruning the plenty roses is also distinguished by its subtleties. It is divided into three stages:

  • breaking
  • prophylactic,
  • forming.

All the plenty roses are shrubs that multiply sprouts from the roots. Young shoots appear every year and what they are more, the faster the bush is depleted. For these purposes and conduct prophylactic trimming. Unnecessary shoots are cut under the base.

With the age of shrub stems become thick and start to rush. This leads to the fact that the rose loses its strength, and there are practically no flowers on the bush. The critical ear of escape is three years. Therefore, old branches must be deleted. It is done, as well as in the previous version under the base. This trimming is rearing.


Forming trimming allows you to attach various shapes to the bustle. It is carried out according to the rules of rose trimming.

Trimming curly roses is a very painstaking work, as this type of rose is the most gentle and easily dies from the wrong care. Curly roses are separate vines from which small processes with flowers are departed. Each vine has its own root. This fact affects a fairly rapid growing shrub.

However, in contrast to the rest of the varieties of roses, if you trim the escape, die and root. Therefore, the number of destroyed shoots should be less than or equal to the number of young people. Another important point is time. The optimal period is the April and May. Later trimming will lead to the fact that young escape will not have time completely sports and dies in the cold season.

Chinese rose or hibiscus only with the flower itself resembles a real rose and is not a shrub in the full sense of the word. Despite this, the trimming of the Chinese rose is necessary to control the growth and formation of a certain form. Initially, the rose is similar to the stem, from which processes with buds are coming. If you need to divide the stem into two parts, make a transverse trimming at the desired height. It is recommended to share up to 6-8 separate shoots, the plant will not stand in the vase and will need a transplant. It is worth noting that in the Russian climate, Hibiscus will not transfer the winter in the open soil.

The prophylactic trimming of the sworded buds is optional and is done so that dry leaves do not fly away the garbage in the apartment.

How to bring roses
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