How to choose a wooden staircase Ladder

Without a staircase in a large house, no family will cost. This is a very functional design that should be durable, durable and undoubtedly beautiful. The staircase made of wood fits perfectly into the appropriate interior and gives the house of a sophisticated charm, sophistication and uniqueness.
The tree has excellent natural characteristics, and the designs of it are eco-friendly and differ in a rich selection of models. To preserve the quality of the tree, you should give great importance to the materials that are intended for wood processing and protection against moisture, rotting and insects.
The design of the stairs begins with the drawing of the future design. Now it is not necessary to deal with this manually, because there are many computer programs, with which you can easily draw its plan. The drawing of a wooden staircase in DWG format will allow its image in 3D format and see all the design features from different sides.
Tree breed: differences
- Stairs from different wood species have different characteristics. The variety of material in this case is a key factor in the formation of the price of the staircase.
- The coniferous rocks of trees - spruce and pine are the most cheap options, but at the same time they lose with other breeds in durability and need special processing for industrialization. Pine has different shades, so the staircase from this type of wood will easily fit into the overall design. This material is more suitable for cottage or bath.
- Wooden staircases from oak give the room of the feeling of chic and elimination. It is a powerful and fumes in verses. The tree is the strongest and wear-resistant material that is not afraid of rotting, so it is one of the most expensive breeds. It is difficult to work with this species because of its hardness, but modern technologies have learned to bypass all the difficulties.
- A cheaper option for resistance to rotting is larch. The wooden staircase from the beech is not inferior in the density of the oak analogue, but needs a stable room temperature and humidity.
- Birch has a low cost and has a light, pleasant eye shade, but without proper care when using this tree, the likelihood of the formation of rotes increases.
- The ash is also a very high density breed, whose indicators are even higher than that of oak, and the cost below. Wooden stairs made of ash, well feel indoors.
Specifications for the stairs
To the design of a wooden staircase in the house, it is necessary to seriously prepare not only financially and technically, but also carefully examine the construction standards and rules, abbreviated SNiP related to this important design. Their knowledge will help to avoid training ground situations, organize a quick evacuation in case of fire or natural disasters, as well as observe sanitary and hygienic standards for safe operation. Consider some of them.
- If the number of floors is more than 2, then the stairs between them should consist only of 1 span.
- Ladders with a transforming design cannot be operated for connecting residential floors, and only for access to the attic or basement.
- The width of the steps should be at least 0.8 m.
- The number of march steps should be in the limit of 3 to 18, with an odd number of steps for ease of movement.
- Stairs mounted for walking should have an angle of inclination from 20 ° to 50 °.
- The height of the steps 1 march should not vary more than 5 mm. Its range - from 120 to 200 mm.
- The height of the railing of stairs connecting residential floors should be from 0.9 m, the gap between the racks is from 0.15 m.
- Lighting over the entire length, especially at the beginning and at the end of the ladder, should be sufficient, and the window openings in the adjacent wall must have fencing.
Types of designs: Features
Depending on the tastes of the owners, as well as from the square and design of the room, wooden stairs can be of various kinds, each of which has its advantages.
Marsey stairs
This is the most easy-to-use design, suitable for families with older people or young children. This option is optimal for enough spacious homes or apartments, as its installation requires a lot of space. If desired, this deficiency can be turned into dignity, equipping the place under the staircase with the benefit for the house, for example, under the storage room.
Screw stairs
The design of such a staircase implies the location of the steps on a helix, which can consist of full or partial turns. The spiral can be round, octagonal or square.
This species is very saved by space, so suitable for small houses and cottages, and its curved form will give creativity design of the room. A large selection of pictures and photos of wooden stairs of this species will push you on creating a unique image ideally suitable for your home.
Wooden staircase goose step
This type of stairs for the house more often performs auxiliary role. It is used mainly for lifting the attic, attic or descent to the basement of the house. Such wooden stairs occupy the minimum space among other species and are an economy option. They are often installed at a very low ceiling level. This species obligs the combination of unequal widths of the steps and their location in a checkerboard relative to each other. To the rise and descent on this staircase, it is still necessary to adapt, and this fact contributes a special intriguing atmosphere to the room where it is used.
Methods for fastening steps
Fastening the steps and the creation of a unified system can be carried out in several ways.
ATTA is boards that hide the end part of the steps and are the basis for their attachment. The simplest performance of such a staircase has a discreet and neat look, and the addition of decor elements gives her sophistication.
The testers are attached to the floor and to the ceiling, and if the staircase is located in the corner of the house, then also to the wall. On this part of the design, special recesses are made, with which the steps are fixed.
This is a kind of the guilty, which implies the use of a fixing structure more often than a cog. At the same time, the steps are located on the surface of the protrusions with nails.
Log Steps
This type of stairs has a rude view, but it looks very harmonious in a wooden litter. For steps, half of the logs are used, and for the guards and supports are one-piece elements. On the testicle, rounded recesses are made, in shape coinciding with the circle of steps. Additional strength of such a design give special nails.
Peril characteristics
The railing perform very important functions during the operation of the ladder. It is they who provide security when moving and are the basis for the decor that form the style of the room.
- Railing consists of several elements:
- balasins - supports for handrails that are part of the ladder decor;
- filling items that make it possible to arrange and protect the space between balusters under the railings: they can be vertical or have a small angle of inclination, in the form of a solid panel, have horizontal strips or a riglel, located in parallel handrails, have bizarre artistic forms;
- handrails that serve as a support for a person when moving around the stairs. They may be present both on both sides of the staircase, and with one, can be attached to balusters or to the wall.
- The railing can be manufactured from various materials, the most popular of which are wood, metal, glass, and combinations of different options.
- Elements for railings are often sold as a designer that saves time and stands moderately, and also makes it possible to assemble this part of the stairs on their own. But to create individual projects will have to fork out more generously and seek help from specialists.
Styles of wooden stairs
The staircase made of wood should be framed in the same style as the entire room. In this case, it can deservedly become a major focus of design and noticeably enrich the appearance of the house.
Wooden stairs in the classic style are easily fit into any interior. They often have strict symmetric forms, give the appearance of a restrained solidity. Classic stairs can be decorated with carved elements or not to have jewelry, erratic with the style of minimalism.
Amendments to such a choice help a winding form in combination with a white colors that gives ease of the interior. These nuances in the design of the wooden staircase can hint on the use of elements of a fashionable neoclassical style in the design of the room.
Victorian style
Victorian style stairs are suitable for houses filled with luxurious expensive furniture, paintings, massive chandeliers, pompous curtains and other refined things.
These stairs are usually decorated with a variety of carved columns and stucco in the form of blossomed flowers. The handrails will additionally decorated with wooden balls or other figures. The material for such a staircase is most often choosing oak, as it is most of all corresponds to the bohemian mood of the room.
Country style
Country style staircase has a massive, even a little rough look, but it is very common rustic mood around. This is a very appropriate option for a country house with wooden floors, clay dishes and warm carpets.
Easy negligence of the design gives home heat and comfort the interior of the house. It is appropriate to decorate such a ladder with decorative figures of handmade from wood, stone or bone.
Modern and Art Deco
These options can be called the most modern and courageous solutions when choosing an indoor style. They allow combining various materials, for example, wood, glass and metal, boldly equip them with bright lighting devices, cuffed curved forms.
The railing often have decorated proper geometric shapes, or might imitate vegetation. You can use a combination of various solid wood. Here you should not limit fantasy and imagination.
Purchase of the finished stairs: Recommendations
- Creating a link between floors in the house is very costly and troublesome. To maximize simplification of this process, you can contact professional manufacturers of already ready-made structures that will always prompt how to choose a wooden staircase.
- Production mass production and a large selection allow you to reduce the cost of the finished design by half compared to the unique project. But at the same time, experienced professionals will take and for creating an individual order.
- The leading position in the Russian market is occupied by the timber market, which since 1994 produces wooden stairs and other products, accompanying the process of creating a structure from the moment of export of material from the forest to demonstrating samples in the trading and exhibition hall.
- On the website of this manufacturer shows a catalog with photos of ready-made wooden stairs, their cost and characteristics, as well as coordinates and contacts of the company.
Place for the main stairs: how to choose
- Most often, the staircase is installed in the lobby. Its type is selected based on the square and style of the hallway, and the game of coloring and lighting will help to visually expand the space if there is such a need.
- The staircase can lead you to the second floor straight from the living room. Do not worry because of the place occupied by it, because the design can be compact and the place under it can be equipped under the shelves for books, decorate by plants, paintings, mosaic or other decorations.
If you look into the dreams, the rise on a wooden staircase symbolizes success, and the descent is the opposite, failure. To move in reality in both directions, it is safe and comfortable, you need to fulfill all the technical requirements for the design and material and choose the option that suits you and your home, taking into account the interests of all family members.