Composite fittings: characteristics and types Building materials

Apply in domestic construction, composite reinforcement began not so long ago. Although the development in this area was conducted in the last century. Work on this topic is the result of problems arising from the use of metal reinforcement, in particular - with the inexpediency of its use in bridge buildings and road construction, i.e. Where is the likelihood of the active impact of the aggressive environment. It is also rational to use metal structures in buildings designed to accommodate research institutes, medical institutions.
Composite fittings - building material of the future
Serial production of the new material turned out to be unprofitable - the cost of fiberglass in those times was considerable. But the study of the objects worked with the use of composite fiberglass of objects (glued wooden bridge, sections of power lines, ordinary bridges), after decades of their operation showed that the indicators of the preliminary voltage of the material remained unchanged.
Today's technologies for creating composite materials have become more perfect, and the cost is acceptable to massive use in construction. So in the near future, it is quite possible to transition to their use when creating structures, whose manufacturer's materials are set.
We learn in detail that it is a composite armature reviewing video.
Views of composite fittings
Depending on the used raw materials and production techniques, the material can be divided into the following types:
- made of a mixture of resin and fiberglass, having a spiral transverse rifer - Fiberglass Armature of ASP,
- made of basalt fibers and resins having a longitudinal ripgy - basaltoplastic Armature ABP,
- made of thermoplastic polymer and fiberglass, with transverse rifrance - glassized polyethylenereftalatlalate aspat,
- the reinforcement of the AUP - carbon fiber is widely popular for today, manufactured from hydrocarbon fiber.
Benefits of material
The indisputable advantage of composite reinforcement is its low weight, it is easier than the steel counterpart about 5-10 times. Designers highly appreciate the strength characteristics of the material: the metallic strength indicator reaches 400 MPa, polymer - about 1100 MPa.
An important value of the composite material has an important value - it is significantly lower than the cost of the metal, moreover, with an increase in the diameter of the reinforcement product, the difference in the cost of polymer and metal analogs is becoming increasingly significant.
Composite fittings has a thermal conductivity indicator of about 80 times lower than metallic, it is resistant to corrosion, does not react to an alkaline and acidic medium.
Technologies involve the manufacture of composite reinforcement of different sizes, in accordance with the wishes of customers. The material is easily wounded into the bay, it also easily takes the initial state after unwinding, the weight of the bay of polymer reinforcement up to 150 m long is about 10 kg, which greatly simplifies transportation and reduces transportation costs.
Since the composite material and concrete have about the same indicators of the thermal expansion coefficient, then during operation does not crack the reinforced concrete.
The use of composite materials during the construction of the walls does not contribute to the emergence of interference for radio waves, they are also not electrical current conductors. Composite material is not inclined to fire, resistant to ultraviolet, has high specific strength.
Main features and characteristics
Composite fittings in the photo, in cross section looks like a rod with continuous transverse, longitudinal or spiral ripple, with a diameter of 3 - 22 mm. The natural flexibility of the material allows its use in the construction of new and reconstructs of old objects of various purposes and the complexity operated in the temperature mode from +100 degrees from to - 70 C.
It is particularly beneficial to its use in the construction of structures under the influence of high dynamic loads or substances that stimulate accelerated corrosion: marine water, antifungal reagents, minivaized liquids, ammonia solutions, alkaline medium of concrete, hydrochloric, sulfuric and other acids. Accordingly, the GOST, composite reinforcement can be attributed to the first group of chemical stability.
Composite fittings Reviews from designers get the highest:
- it is distinguished by a linear elastic dependence in the chain "Load-deformation",
- the ability of its thermal conductivity is low,
- the module of its elasticity during bending or tension is about 40000 MPa, and the strength is about 1000 MPa,
With a stretching load, the relative elongation of the material is 5.6%, - after the applied load, it can restore its initial position,
- the cost of its acquisition is three times, if compared with the acquisition of metal reinforcement.
The technical parameters of the composite material with a diameter of the cross section of 8 mm make it possible to use it instead of a steel analogue with a thickness of 10 mm, and the weight of 1 km of polymer reinforcement will be 65 kg, while metal is 400 kg.
Application area
Polymer composite reinforcement is used in housing, private and industrial construction, with the construction of industrial buildings and public facilities.
It is used in the creation of concrete structures, performing repair work, when restoration of brick and reinforced concrete surfaces, to perform brick masonry walls with flexible bond, when building bulk floors. Also used composite fittings for the foundation, while the usual metallic decent competition in quality and cost.
The polymer reinforcement is rationally used when building road mounds and roadbeds, which in the course of operation will be exposed to aggressive reagents, to strengthen the slopes of roads, for the construction of bearing bridge structures.
Buy composite reinforcement and use it in cottage construction - a profitable solution for individuals: at an affordable price, the material will create:
- durable and reliable concrete and brick structures,
- layered masonry with flexible ties,
- concrete foundations and floors,
- reinforced masonry from gas and foam blocks.
Knitting composite fittings
The optimal option is to use it when constructing three-layer stone walls, including layers of carrier, rigid insulation and facing. Modern construction involves the use of two types of structural ties:
- walls representing a monolithic base and facing layer of brickwork,
- brick wall with facing layer of brick laying.
Features of storage and transportation
Store the reinforcement in the packaged form, when it is stored and transport, it is desirable not to expose it to mechanically loads. Transportation is carried out in a horizontal position, according to existing rules and norms. For its storage use racks.
According to research and testing of the physicomechanical properties produced by Moscow NIIZB, construction using non-metallic reinforcement can serve for a century.
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Thanks for the informative and understandable article.