How to use a vacuum cleaner for the pool. User manual Baths, saunas and pools

To contain your own pool clean, it takes not only different kind of chemicals, but also the cleaning devices. The subject of the essential is the vacuum cleaner for the pool, with which it is easy and in a short time is removed by flare and dirt from the surfaces of the reservoir.
Varieties of underwater vacuum cleaners
Modern pool owners are unlikely to be able to do without such a convenient technical equipment like vacuum cleaners for the pool. Reviews, eloquently testifying their impeccable work, there are on the sites of manufacturers and sellers, as well as on numerous forums.
Today's market offers three basic varieties of vacuum cleaners:
- manual;
- semi-automatic;
- auto.
There is a vacuum cleaner for cleaning the pool quite expensive, but it is a very effective and efficient device. He eliminates the owner of the reservoir from the need to dive into it, in order to clean its surface.
1. The easiest, functional and less expensive tool is considered a vacuum cleaner for the handmade pool. It is good for artificial reservoirs of small or medium size. This device includes a high power electric motor, a hose and a long telescopic handle.
The manual vacuum cleaner is connected to the pool skimmer using an adapter. When buying a vacuum cleaner, you should pay special attention to the size of its handle. The deeper the pool, the more it should be its length, otherwise it will work uncomfortable.
2. The semi-automatic vacuum cleaner for the pool has a greater power than the previous version and works on the hydraulic thrust. Its design allows you to change the speed and strength of the water flow.
There are models having a special garbage collector, but there are also those that require connecting to a skimmer of the pool.
In the process of selecting a model of this device, you should also take into account the depth on which he will have to work. The electrocabel must have sufficient length.
Semi-automatic water vacuum cleaner for the pool is available in various versions. One is intended only for a certain type of pools, another universal - suitable for everyone.
Also, the models are equipped with various additions that make work faster, easier, more efficient. These include garbagers, all kinds of nozzles, brushes of various species, etc.
3. Automatic vacuum cleaner for the pool does not require connecting to a skimmer - it is completely autonomy. Such an appliance functions independently, on one of the programs specified by the person, after which it turns off. Automatic vacuum cleaner is universal, i.e. Suitable for all types of pools. It is controlled by the console. The device needs special care - bags for garbage and brush must be changed periodically.
It is better to prefer brushes made of polystyrene foam - they are durable and will serve for a very long time.
Some models of vacuum cleaners can move only along the bottom of the reservoir, and some are also on the walls. Such devices are much more effective, because Clean the entire surface of contact with water.
The automatic underwater vacuum cleaner has a number of benefits in front of its less perfect brethren:
- the device is not connected to the basin systems and, accordingly, does not overload them;
- the design of the device allows you to specify the program on which it will work without interference from its owner;
- performs additional water filtration;
- economic energy consumption, because Automatic vacuum cleaners work in energy-saving mode;
- scans water for its quality.
Principle of operation of a vacuum cleaner for the pool
All species of underwater vacuum cleaners, the principle of work is about the same. They absorb contaminated water, then pass it through the filter and then thrown back in the reservoir.
1. The work of the manual vacuum cleaner is carried out as follows: one end of the hose is connected to the cleaner brush, and the second one - or to the skimmer, or to a special connector for the vacuum cleaner. The filtering device should work at this time. Polluted water enters the vacuum cleaner, cleaned using an internal filter and is thrown back. Because to start the cleaning procedure, the hose and the brush should be immersed in water so that the air is supplanted. When the work is completed, you must remove the accumulated garbage from the skimmer.
2. The semi-automatic vacuum cleaner works like this: the device is immersed in water and its hose is connected to the skyr. The filtration system pump creates pressure and vibration, due to which the device moves under water. The movements of the vacuum cleaner are messy, it not only cleans the surface on which the water is moving, but also filters water.
3. The automatic vacuum cleaner does the same as the previous models, it simply does not require connecting to the basin systems.
Problems that may occur in the work of underwater vacuum cleaners and ways to eliminate them
Since the manual underwater vacuum cleaner is pretty simple, it does not require complex care and practically does not break. You just need to clean the filter from the dirt on it after each use. With automatic robot devices, things are more complicated. They require compliance with safety rules and may fail for various reasons.
Safety includes the following rules:
- the vacuum cleaner is allowed to include only when the pool left all the people;
- the device should be connected via a protective shutdown device, in accordance with all the rules and legislation;
- when using a vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established rules, otherwise it will inevitably fail;
- in case the electrical circular was damaged, it is subject to immediate replacement, and not a homemade master, but a qualified specialist.
Malfunctions and reasons for which they may occur:
1. The vacuum cleaner does not draw water and does not move. This can happen for the following reasons:
- the power supply is not connected to the outlet;
- drive belt, driving guides or driving pulleys can be littered;
- if drive belts and driving guides are relaxed and not accurately adjusted, spend their setting or replacement.
2. Water either is not drawn into a vacuum cleaner at all, or this process is slow down, while the movement of the device is absent. Such a picture is usually observed if:
- the propeller jammed, because garbage accumulated on it;
- the filter bag is polluted;
In the two cases described, it is necessary to clean the vessels.
- the pump engine does not work, as a result of which the device will have to take into the workshop.
3. The vacuum cleaner retracts water normally, but it remains without movement. This may be a sign that:
- the network cord is confused or contamination of the drive belt or guide tracks - the method of eliminating this problem is obvious;
- drive belts or weakened, or jumped out of the grooves - if necessary, change them;
- auxiliary motors do not function - only a specialist in the workshop will be able to solve this problem.
4. The vacuum cleaner does not perform its basic function, i.e. Does not clean the surface of the pool. This can occur for the reasons described in the second paragraph or if the garbage prevents freely open and close the output valve valve: Output - cleaning.
5. The remote control device works incorrectly. The case may be as follows:
- battery sat down - change them;
- when sending signals, do not leave from the control unit by more than 30 meters;
- if, subject to the above-described measures, the remote has not earned, contact a specialist for help.
6. When the device is removed from the reservoir, the dirt is poured out of it. In this case, follows:
- to see if the latches retaining the bottom cover were not deformed during operation, and if so, they should be replaced;
- clean the flap of exhaust valves, in case they are clogged with mud.
7. The vacuum cleaner does not cope with the purification of the entire reservoir. This problem is solved in one of the following ways:
- flushing filtration bag;
- checking the cable for the correct position in the utbitated state;
- verification of the pump engine, phased execution of the fourth point instructions;
- additional consultation with the specialists of the service center.
Vacuum cleaner for the pool, video: