Dismantling the air conditioner with your own hands Climate

Certain life situations involve changing the place of residence. In this case, it is necessary to engage in the carriage of almost all household appliances. There is quite a logical question: how to properly make dismantling and installation of air conditioners in a new home? Our article will talk about the nuances of the dismantling work.
Problems of self-disassembly equipment
It should be noted that the cost of dismantling the air conditioner is quite high in the implementation of this process by professionals. It usually is in the range of 1 rubles / 1 W. That is, in order to simply remove the apartment split system, it is necessary to spend from 3 to 4 thousand rubles. For many, this is an unacceptable solution.
In order to make a qualitatively dismantling and installing the air conditioner, you will need to get a special tool. It is necessarily necessary a pressure gauge, which is designed to measure pressure in the system when pumping freon.
Using bad tools can lead to the failure of the air conditioner elements. For example, you can damage the tubes of the evaporator, which are located on the inner block. They are placed too close to the place where the equipment is attached to the wall.
There may be problems with a briefly cropped pipeline. If you install the air conditioner in a new place, the length of the pipeline may be less necessary. It is impossible to build up new pipes, as it will cause the breakage of the split system.
Gently should be acting with fittings. In no case cannot be unscrewed the fitting connecting the block with copper tubes. Freon can get outwards that will entail an increase in the air conditioner dismantling. We will have to be additionally spent on refueling refueling.
In the air conditioning system, freon is exposed to great pressure. Carelessly carrying out dismantling work can cause small cracks through which moisture or air can enter. What will lead to freon leakage or compressor breakage.
In addition to Freon pumping, when removing the split system, you should properly disconnect:
- pipeline;
- drainage hose;
- electrical cable;
- air ducts.
It is impractical to engage in Moscow dismantling air conditioners that differ in huge sizes. Himself to remove such heavy equipment is unreal and dangerous, and inviting industrial climbers - the business is expensive.
Air conditioning device
The principle of functioning of equipment is as follows:
- the compressor of the condensation (external) unit is pumped out freon pairs from the evaporative (internal) block;
- air becomes thick and hot;
- with the help of a radiator of an external unit, warm air falls into the room;
- the evaporator of the indoor unit is supplied with liquid phone;
- there is evaporation of the refrigerant and the absorption of heat from the room.
The most vulnerable element of the air conditioner is the compressor pump. It is usually a rotary vacuum mechanism with 2-3 cams on each rotor. There are no additional sealing parts (valves, gaskets, piston rings). The effective productivity of the unit with significant fluctuations in pressure and temperature is achieved only in the presence of high-quality parts.
The presence of small particles (dust, nondes or oxides from pipes) will damage the pump. This will lead to an increase in electricity consumption. Moreover, the air conditioner will not cool the room, but to mix freon without any use. Therefore, the end of the rotors are made holes that are designed to balancing cams.
Removing an external block
Now directly to how to make an independent dismantling of the air conditioner. The process of removing covers of fittings begins. Moreover, the air conditioner should be in a working mode. Under the covers are hexagon nuts and nipple, which is designed to pump from the freon system.
To remove the external unit of the air conditioner:
- pressure gauge is connected to nippel;
- the equipment switches to the cold mode (the minimum temperature provided by the instructions for equipment is set;
- after 10 minutes, the lid of the liquid fitting is removed;
- the inner nut of the fitting is tightened (the pipeline is so overlapped);
- freon pumping occurs in the condensation chamber;
- the indicators of the pressure gauge are controlled - when the testimony is achieved in the "-1" MPa, the nut of the steam fitting is delayed;
- air conditioner turns off;
- with the help of a pipeline at a distance of 15-20 cm from the fittings, pipes are cut off, the ends of which are boosted by plumbing visits;
- the covers of nipple and fittings are mounted into their places;
- there is a disassembly of electrical elements with mandatory marking of terminals;
- the external unit is packaged in container.
It should be noted that when removing the air conditioner with the preservation of freon does not need to regret the pipes. In the event that long pipes are needed, they will have to mock again. It is prohibited to engage in their buildup. If short pipes need, then old trimming will be useful. The internal unit can be slightly and moved.
According to the instructions for dismantling the air conditioner, it is forbidden to transport air conditioners that are filled with freon. Any push can cause equipment explosion. The external block itself should be transported only in a vertical position, and the nozzles are accepted with scotch (so that dust fell inside them).
Dismantling inner block
After pumping Freon, it may seem that the dismantling process of the split system is almost completed (it will only take it off from the wall). But this is only at first glance.
The main difficulty when dismantling the indoor unit of the air conditioner is that it is easy to damage the elements of the evaporator fastening. The cable is located near it, to attach the latches. The internal unit itself is inserted into the grooves of the guides, which are also attached to the latches.
Latches should not be damaged because it will worsen the quality of the air conditioner fastening in a new place. In most cases, the cover closing the evaporator is placed in the place of the equipment adjoining the wall. This is done in order for the service of split-systems only professionals.
You can solve this problem with two thin screwdrivers and one more person. Screwdrivers will be needed in order to get to the bracket between the block and the wall. The assistant will hold the air conditioning while the last screws are unscrewed and the latches are revealed.
When removing the split system of a channel type, special attention is paid to the disconnection of the air ducts. This process includes the following actions:
- removing the supply and exhaust adapters (with grille);
- clamps are unscrew;
- the air duct is disconnected from the inner block.
Video about removing air conditioner: