How to care for rolling shutters Window,Useful advice

Recently, the blinds-shutters have become widely known and very in demand. Many choose them thanks to the convenience of reliability and effective protection against those who want to invade someone else's territory. They are very universal: you can install a roller shutter on the windows, doors, a garage, instead of the wicket to the courtyard, etc. But that they maintain the appearance and have been feasible for many years, it is necessary to observe the rules of operation and care for them, adhering to certain rules.
Roller shutters
Before buying a roller shutter, it is necessary to think about the fact that even though they are a fairly simple, uncomplicated mechanism, it is still necessary to carry out daily care.
In the process of care, some simple rules should be followed:
- if the surface of the design does not have large contaminants, it can be cleaned specially intended for this with a napkin impregnated with detergent;
- if there are plentiful on the surface, having managed to dry up the contamination, then cleaning should be carried out with a pre-acquired brush having a roller bristle that does not scratch the surface. The fact is that the roller shutter has an anti-corrosion coating and if it is damaged, then in these places will begin to commemorate the rust over time;
- to quickly wash the dirt, you need to dissolve in a tank with water, an ordinary detergent that does not have an aggressive medium, and wet the roller shutter. About fifteen minutes, it absorbs and starts to act, then you can start flush pollution;
- to clean the design, you need to choose funds that do not contain caustic chemicals, as well as abrasives, because they can easily damage the surface, especially if the roller shutter with the pattern, and lead to premature and expensive restoration or even repair;
- all moving and rubbing structural elements must be periodically lubricated with oil to reduce friction.
Roller shutter care during winter
All who used the rolling shutters in the winter period, most likely had to overcome such an obstacle as icing and, as a result, the impossibility of their raise and enter the premises. If this happened again, then it is necessary to act in such a sequence:
- before you start attempts to lift the canvas, to inspect for the detection of icing areas. If such are found, then it should not be boiling water soon;
- it is better to knock on the perimeter of the structure, trying to knock down the slices of ice. When this happens, it will be able to open it without risking at the same time damage the mechanism;
- during raising or lowering the canvas, it should not be used to apply great strength, as well as pull it up and down or from side to the side. These actions can provoke a mechanism output;
- if still the design is broken, then you can not spin it yourself and try to repair. For this, there are specialists familiar with all the subtleties and pitfalls who know how to do it quickly and with a guarantee of quality;
- attempts to repair independently, without relevant knowledge, may have an opposite effect. Most likely, after that, the mechanism will need even more serious repairs.
Anyone who has established a roller shutter and uses them for some time, sooner or later comes to the conclusion about the need to periodically carry out maintenance and repair.
Neither expensive nor cheap roller shutters are insured against small breakdowns and failure. Over time, any technique or its individual elements are wearing, and adverse weather conditions, temperature jumps, the constant presence of moisture, the wrong and late care only approach this moment. First of all, the moving structural elements are damaged.
Whatever the broken mechanism is easier and cheaper to repair than to buy a new one.
In order to prevent the annoying troubles associated with the breakdown and ensure that they work without interruptions, it is best to call specialists from time to time to study the status of the design and the advance identification of the problems possible in the future.
To provide maintenance and repair services, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with any organization to which you are confidence. Agreement has its advantages:
- if you have any difficulties in using the design, experts will immediately arrive and eliminate the malfunction;
- you will be able to periodically call masters for maintenance, which is part of the necessary rolling shutdown care.
The preventive study of the design should be carried out once in half a year and include the following activities:
- inspection and development of the actuator (detection of a worn, which in the future can cause damage);
- inspection and regulation of the mechanism as a whole (lubrication of moving structural elements, detection of small breakdowns);
- determining the deterioration of parts of the mechanism;
- troubleshooting specialists conducted by inspection.
Materials for the production of rollers and the features of the care of them
The main materials for the manufacture of rolling shutters who have proven themselves as high quality and durable are aluminum and steel.
Aluminum designs are considered the best due to the qualities of this material making it more popular than the others. Among them:
- low weight;
- softness;
- resistance to corrosion appearance;
- great prevalence.
Everyone knows that aluminum is one of the most soft metals, it can be bent it with his hands, practically without an effort. But in conjunction with magnesium and silicon, it becomes harder and acquires such qualities as durability and reliability.
It is not difficult to care for aluminum surfaces. It is necessary to add to the above-mentioned cleaning tips. Leaving facilities intended for aluminum surfaces. They will help remove dirt and give the design beautiful appearance. An example is the means based on silicone, which create a thin film that protects against moisture that gives the shine and does not damaging the surface.
In order to wash off minor pollution, such as divorces, dust layer, traces of hands can be used protective oil for aluminum. It copes perfectly with a small amount of dirt and gives the surface with a sparkling look.
For a large number of solar dirt use a special cleaner for aluminum. It perfectly removes the flare, divorces from petrochemical products, fatty spots.
Roller shutters from steel are considered elite. They are very durable and have quite large weight. Steel is an iron alloy with carbon, it turns out artificially and combines the best qualities of both chemical elements. The only major minus steel is the susceptibility of corrosion. In order to extend the life of steel structures, it is necessary to care for them with the help of special means.
As in the case of aluminum for cleaning not very dirty surfaces, you can use protective anti-corrosion oil, enhancing the shine and having water-repellent properties.
To remove a mud floor, there are powerful cleaners, which also perform not only washing, but also a protective function.