Laying of boob stone Construction

Masonry rubble - is a way of carrying out the construction works of the rough, of different sizes, debris and rubble pieces. This type of work can be carried out by different techniques and methods that require specific knowledge and skills. In this article you will learn about all the ways of laying stone quarry, get acquainted with varieties of building materials and to its technical characteristics.
Determination of rubble
Crushed stone - a material that is widely used for the construction of foundations and other construction works hundreds of years ago and has earned its popularity due to its unique properties. It is durable, environmentally friendly and accessible. In our time, it is widely used for the treatment of the exterior walls, the laying of foundations and landscaping.
Features buta
The material was identified by technical and physical properties, as well as production methods. There are certain standard GOST 2173 87 that apply to a given material, and that manufacturers must comply. According to these standards rubble characteristics are:
- Weight of boob stone. It directly depends on the breed, which affects the cost of final products. In average, the cubic meter of solid rock weighs about 2t. The weight of the lightest breeds will range from 1400-2500 kg. One piece of boot weighs up to 55 kg, but manufacturers, if the customer is desired, can deliver more severe fragments of rocks.
- Radioactivity. It is important when used in settlements, where class 1 is intended for residential areas, and the 2nd class - for the arrangement of roads, embankments and bridges.
- White density. Varies in the size of the fractions. The optimal indicator considered to be 1.4-1.8 t / m3. This indicator is necessarily taken into account for calculating the stone when laying in order to clearly determine the possible load.
- Frost resistance. Depends on the breed. Sets the calculation of freezing and thawing cycle. The most frost-resistant stamps of the F300-F400 boob stone are designed for operation in extreme climatic conditions.
- Sizes of boob stone. The size can vary, as well as weight, depending on what work you are going to carry out with it. On average: from 100 mm to 550 mm in diameter.
- Strength. Determines the quality and duration of operation. M200-M600 brands have the most weak strength, and the M1200-M1400 brand has high indicators. The material of the last species is used when building bridges and roads.
Important! Any stone should not have no cracks, no clay lumps. If any - it is considered lower quality or defective. The entire part of the stone must be accompanied by the necessary documentation and certificate of quality from the manufacturer.
The passport will indicate:
Types of boob stone
Types of butt stone differ in technical and physical characteristics, origin and sizes. To date, there are such varieties:
- Masonry brown stone. Apply only for laying the foundation. All work is made manually, therefore the mass of one stone should not exceed 30 kg. With a competently selected stone, taking into account the frost resistance and strength, and comply with all the rules of laying the service life of such a masonry can last up to 160 years.
- Limestone. Sediment breed. Marble limestone has the greatest strength. It can be used to finish the walls, bridges and design tracks. For landscape work used fine-grained limestone.
- Granite brown stone. One of the rightest rocks that gives this kind of stone with excellent strength, wear resistance and significantly expands the possibilities of its use. With it, it is equipped with household plots, the foundations, fences, etc. are erected. The granite brown stone has a variety of coloring, which allows you to create amazing compositions and ornaments on structures and when designing a landscape.
Important! It is easy to imagine how one or another type of boob stone looks like, by photo.
Benefits of boob stone
The use of boob stone is gaining popularity every year. Experts explain this next to the advantages of this material. Pluses include:
- Durability. Under compliance with the rules of installation, the stone does not destroy hundreds of years.
- Environmental Safety. Booth is natural, when processing, chemical reagents are not used. He does not harm neither man nor the environment.
- External characteristics. A variety of colors of all breeds allows you to create various compositions. They look reliably and worthy.
- Availability. This natural stone can be mined and applyed.
- Practicality. The stone is affordable and cheap building material that does not require special plants for production, technician and playgrounds.
- Wear resistance. This natural material is not afraid of temperature differences, wind, humidity, harmful insects and mold. It is withstanding vertical and horizontal loads.
Disadvantages of bouta
The disadvantage of this material is only one - the complexity of the laying. This type of building material requires smelting, patience and dexterity. The difficulty lies in such types of work:
- selection of stones;
- in the manufacture and use of good fastening solutions.
Important! All this takes time and strength, so get ready for the fact that you will raise what they thought longer than expected.
Mining of boob stone
This natural stone is mined in an open way, mainly in the careers. There are two ways of mining of stone distinguish:
- Sawing. With the help of special tools, squeeze pieces of the required value. This method is suitable only for soft rocks.
- Imploding works. In this way, granite, sandstone and limestone are mined. Stones are obtained large and with uneven faces.
Important! Both types of work are produced on different careers - cracks appear due to explosions. All work consists of three stages:
- explosion or spill;
- loading;
- disport from a career and delivery to the end point.
The stone is delivered by cargo vehicles on the roads, cars - along the railway tracks, can also be delivered by water transport.
Application of boob stone
Thanks to all its properties and advantages of boob stone, they are built, they are separated and erected:
- sewer channels;
- hydraulic structures;
- garden tracks;
- flowerbeds and resting places;
- fences - such fences protect areas from automotive exhausts and noise, they are durable and look excellent;
- foundations - at home can also be erected from Bout, but today it is more likely to meet a beep foundation;
- cocols.
Important! In fact, thanks to the technical indicators of this building material, you can apply a boob stone in any direction.
Laying of boob stone with their own hands
Before you begin to lay a boob stone with your own hands, be sure to carefully read the technology, buy the appropriate material and prepare all the necessary tools for work.
Depending on the method of laying a stone, you will need such tools and materials:
- hammer or tamping;
- solution tanks;
- water;
- shovel;
- cement;
- crushed stone;
- stone;
- wooden boxes;
- vibrator;
- cords for lighthouses;
- stone grinding tools;
- formwork.
Methods of laying from butte stone
Specialists distinguish between four types of boob styling:
- Masonry under the blade.
- Under the bracket.
- Under the bay.
- Laying with vibrationplotse.
General Rules for Masonry Booth
Before starting work, consider such key moments of the process:
- Cobblestone masonry may require additional crushing.
- If the laying is made from a cobblestone, then on the visible side of the object, withdraw the stones of whole, not the cooler, half.
- Layered stones can not be put on the edge - overlap them horizontally on each other.
- Any type of such work requires a selection and sorting of stone. Pre-make it on an open area directly near the construction site.
- The dressing system and the location of the seams are similar to brick masonry.
- Give preference when buying flat boulders, during the laying, placing them in a natural combination.
Laying "under the blade"
Features of this type of work:
- laying is carried out horizontal rows of no more than 20 cm thick;
- the seam thickness between the stones should be no more than 15 mm;
- each individual row can have a different thickness, but it should be smooth.
Adhere to such a step-by-step instruction if you decide to use this method:
- Base the vest stones.
- Install lighthouses.
Important! Before the erection of the outer and inner wall, every 3 m and at the intersection of the walls lighthouses are made using stretched gear cords. They help to build a smooth wall and check the rectinity of the outside of the foundation.
- Fill the layer of solution.
Important! Lift the stones, let the solution fall into all cavities.
- Assess the stones using a hammer or tamping.
- Fill in the middle of the foundation.
Important! Bonding solution superimpose with shovels. Make sure that the excess solution can leak into all seams of stones. Making a slaughter, observe the dressing of the seams. Change spoonful and tile elements.
- Asset stones.
Important! Do not allow the contact of the stones when laying - this will reduce the strength of the structure.
- Swipe masonry.
- Touch the hammer on the stones - this will help the solution with the crushes to fill all the empties between the stones.
- Align each laid row.
- Holding to such a scheme, lay out all subsequent ranks.
Laying of boob stone under the foundation
If you are wondering how to put a boot stone under the foundation, you need to pre-prepare:
- stones;
- gutter for stone descent and mortar;
- solution tanks;
- solution.
Adhering to such a step-by-step instruction and you launch the foundation from the butt stone yourself without any problems:
- Drop the trench with a depth of 1.30 m.
- At its bottom, arrange drawers for the solution. The distance between them should be 5-6 m.
- Place the stones in the intervals between the boxes.
Important! Stones put carefully manually, and do not throw them from above.
- Pull with empty rubble.
- On the stone put the following decay boxes.
- Fill the boxes with a solution through grooves located at an angle of 45 degrees - this will provide smooth filling of the box and ensure the integrity of the structure.
- Between the boxes, place the next layer of stone.
- Lower the chute stone with a cross section of 40 cm.
Important! For flattering masonry, set wood patterns that match the foundation profile. They must be present every 20m. At the templates, attach markup and pull the cords.
- Place the stone in this way to the height you need.
Masonry with vibration
Such masonry is considered the most durable. It is done like this:
- Drop the trench.
- Put the first row of stone on the bottom.
Important! Put it in a formwork or anger with the walls of the pit.
- Fall off the rubble to fill emptiness.
- Fill with mortar.
- Install the vibrator.
Important! The correct use of this tool will allow quality to compact the masonry and make it the maximum strong as possible..
- Trambut a row until the whole solution is absorbed into the masonry.
- Follow the subsequent rows using the "under the blade" method, setting the vibrator after each layer.
Masonry "under the bracket"
This technology is considered one of the varieties of masonry "under the blade". The technology and principle of masonry is the same, with the exception of some features:
- masonry is performed when building simpleness and pillars;
- the careful selection of stones of the same value is observed;
- placed with the attachment of the facial surface, where all the irregularities of the side before laying are aligned;
- placed in formwork.
Important! Such masonry can be built by the walls of basements. The surface is smooth, and there is no need to draw up the verst angles and rows.
Masonry "Under Bay"
It is used in the erection of foundations on non-uniform soils. Suitable for masonry with a subsequent building building with a height of more than two floors. Peculiarities:
- you can put stones with a ribbon surface without selection and vest rows;
- the depth of the masonry trench must reach 1.25 m;
- we put a stone without formwork and anospory with the walls of the trench.
Place a stone, adhering to such instructions:
- Drop the pit with the stewed walls.
- Align the base of the trench.
- Put the bottom of the chubble. The height of the layer must be more than 10 cm.
- Lay on top to crushed stone prepared brown stone. The layer must reach 30 cm.
- Swipe.
- Fill with mortar.
Important! Laying the height of the building from the boob stone, pouring each layer with a solution.
For a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow it is done with your own hands, you can view the video masonry of the boob stone.
Dog stone is very durable, practical and environmental material. It will decorate and ennobles any site and structure. The time spent on the construction of this material will fully justify and pay off afterwards when your descendants will be able to assess the beauty and strength of buildings.