Children's room for two: Original solutions in the design Plumbing

Two children in the family are a sea of \u200b\u200bnoise, live communication, happiness, as well as thousands of questions and challenges to the older generation. One room for two with a proper and thoughtful approach can be a wand-grinding for those who love their beloved dads and moms, grandparents.
Children's room organization: General rules
- Who just do not have to be when we become parents. We are doctors and teachers, animators and cooks, as well as nutritionists and many other, good and not very characters for our Chad.
- But, in addition, there is a turn to master the creative profession of the interior designer and create their own personal space for its kids, so necessary for Him for harmonious growth and comprehensive development.
- When developing the design of a children's room for two children, you need to pay attention to many faces of this difficult, at first glance, things. We will have to take into account not only the floor, but also age, interests and even the characteristics of the nature of their Chad.
- Be sure to ask the opinion of the future residents of the children's room. Let them help choose colors, decor, will show fantasy and shake with their unique ideas.
Quadrature and form
- An important aspect when planning a children's room for two is the area and form of the room.
- A good option will be a spacious square room in which the beds are conveniently located opposite each other from opposite walls. The location by the window will in this case will take writing tables, and in the neighborhood it is convenient to plan the shelves or racks with textbooks.
- If the room is pulled in length and narrow shape, then sleeping places are better to put along one wall and place a convenient tube with a nightlight, photos or other cute details between them. A decorative arch between the beds will look beautiful, on which your favorite toys or other decor elements will be comfortable.
- Often cuts out the location of the beds in the form of the letter "g". Such a reception frees additional space in the center of the room and along the walls, where it is convenient to place a soft poucher of a firmware or make a gym for small fidgets.
- From above, you can arrange two beds, it will help to avoid disputes between the kids. Place under the beds will take tables with shelves for schoolchildren or game designs for children smaller.
- Do not forget to effectively use the freed spaces to accommodate various shelves, lamps, bedside tables and boxes, where a large number of children's things fit.
What if very little space?
Children want to give all the best that we have. But sometimes reality does not allow our fantasy to raise, and sometimes settle the babies into one room seems very difficult task. And if the area of \u200b\u200bthe children's room for two is only 12 square meters. m, then it is suppressed. However, it is not necessary to despair, the output is even from such a situation.
- First, let's try to deceive your own perception and use techniques for a visual increase in the room. In this we will help wallpaper striped, which will go along the whole wall. We will use colors predominantly bright shades.
- In such a small room, it is especially important to avoid mess, so actively use every centimeter under the lockers for personal belongings.
- There should be many shelves of various shapes and sizes on the walls.
- The optimal option for the placement of furniture will be parallel to its location relative to the light penetrating through the window.
- In addition, the area around the window can also be useful. Here, it is quite practical to place additional shelves and mezzanine, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window sill it is convenient to construct a transformer table. It is appropriate here to use folding chairs.
- Bunk beds are well applicable in a small quadrature room. It is quite possible to give the will of fantasy, because the methods of location are a big set.
- It is interesting to look like a perpendicular location of beds. A child who will be downstairs will experience quite comfort, because his outcree will open more space.
- Modern slide, which can be easily descended from the second floor, will make any karapus.
- A small room for two children is the stimulus to come up with a whole complex of beds, wardrobes for clothes, writing table, shelves and toys, similar to a small town.
- Also pay attention to the furniture with roll-out mechanisms and twisted elements, it is very compact, and children are usually delighted with such metamorphosis in the interior. After all, the bed can become a bed just before bedtime, and before that it will be in the assembled form, and do not interfere with the child to move, play, learn and develop.
Registration of the children's room: take into account the interests of children
- There are many different options for planning the interior of a children's room for two. All of them must take into account the versatile interests and hobbies, as well as to satisfy the needs of the small owners living in it.
- For children of different floors, it is convenient to use two main colors in the room design. The opposite walls can be painted with different paint and thus divide the territory into individual zones.
- To give the interior of the sensation of a single space, fill the room with photo frames in the same color scheme, stickers on the walls with a variety of developing topics, decorations and other decor elements.
- If a child at a young age is already actively interested in geography, then let the great atlas bang on his wall.
- Foreign languages \u200b\u200bare also in great honor. In this case, you can use the attractions of the country in the room design, as well as the letters of the alphabet, hieroglyphs or features of flora and fauna.
- Sports elements will be a good accent and will help move to the best results. Exhibition of sports awards, literacy, medals will give confidence and purposefulness to your child.
- Passion to space or photo fiction opens unlimited opportunities for creativity in the interior design room for two children. Planets that slowly rotate around the chandelier will develop the imagination of a little fantasist, and the starry sky on the ceiling will help to relax and calm down before bedtime.
- The ceiling can also be decorated with carefree, light faucets, gentle, smiling sun or mysterious crescent.
- A child enthusiastic machine will sleep hard in the bed in the form of a car or viewing the interlacing from racing trails on the wall.
- It is convenient to use photo wallpaper to display the interests of the child. Animals, birds, cars, heroes of favorite cartoons, musicians, athletes, favorite film actors can be depicted on them. With age, preferences may vary, but the change of such a picture will not be much difficulty and will not be costly for the family budget.
- Children have different temperaments, and parents should pay special attention to this fact. After all, a calm child can fold the designer for hours, draw or read a favorite book. Be sure to place in the room of such a young artist, a drawing board, which can be tested on the wall or lay out if necessary.
- It is necessary to take care that your childhood is convenient to engage in loved ones, think about comfortable lighting and suitable furniture. Fidget also needs free space and opportunities to move freely.
How to divide the room to the zone
- Any options for the interior of the children's room for two people should take into account the separation on the equivalent in size and quality of the zone. Such a breakdown, of course, is very conditional in nature, but will help maintain order and maintain good relations between brothers and sisters.
- It is necessary to highlight the place for sleep and recreation, the work area for studying and interest in interest, as well as a fairly spacious and comfortable gaming space.
- Place for leisure is preferably equipped with various simulators, special baskets or toy boxes, as well as comfortable rugs. You can equip small houses for games with windows and small doors, where it will be a cozy to your favorite doll, a bear or tiger.
- But the zone for studying should be well covered and have a clear separation into two halves. It is desirable to sit at the table, the child did not see his place to relax and games, otherwise it will distract him and interfere with focus.
- If your baby loves privacy, he will be pleased with him before bedtime to delay the curtain near his bed.
Choose furniture in the children's room
- Furniture elements in the children's room should not be much, but it is worth presenting high demands on its quality, so we will not save on ecology and quality. It is better to stay on the versions from the tree or modern European hypoallergenic materials.
- Most of the children like to draw, sculpt, run and jump, so all surfaces should be easily humid cleaning, and also be strong enough. It is important to avoid sharply protruding parts and sharp corners.
- Thoughtful and prudent parents should consider the growth of the child so that he can reach the desired locker or bedside table without the help of an adult. It is convenient to use adjustable legs of tables and chairs, in which case the furniture will "grow" with the child and will serve him and you are much longer. A photo of such furniture for two children can be seen on the sites of educational furniture or in specialized children's stores.
- For rapid children's backs, it will be useful to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. So that the child does not fall in a dream, the bed must be equipped with small, but comfortable sideboards, especially this is important for the smallest.
- Perfect for a small children's room with a spacious corner cabinet. So the furniture will take less space, and will allow a bunch of children's accessories there. It should have a large number of diverse shelves so that each thing was lying in its place.
Room for two princesses
The room for two young ladies should be different with special tenderness, beauty and sophistication. Of course, the situation will depend on the age of the girl. For griming ladies, you need to provide a dressing table and a mirror for maraphoge. It should be light and cozy here.
Choose colors
- It was so necessary that from the very birth of the girl often faced with pink color. But for the decoration of the children's room for the young lady, you can safely move away from this stereotype and use blue, yellow, light green and orange shades. In any case, the color palette must be tender and neutral. It is not necessary to get involved in bright colors, it can tire the nervous system of kids, just a few bright elements of the decor.
- A children's room in green tones with the addition of white parts will look very fresh and sophisticated. White color is conveniently used in fabrics and textiles - curtains, tulle, bedspreads and blankets. And the green color will give a feeling of calm and harmony.
- Shades of yellow shade will fill the room with solar heat and light in any weather, raise the mood on a cloudy day. The color of the sun will give cheerfulness in conjunction with a light green or orange tint.
- Try to avoid dark gray, as well as dark brown, dark blue, purple and neon shades when making a children's interior for girls.
Give romance
- Girls are sophisticated, they need softness in detail, tenderness and airiness forms.
- Magic cavities above the bed will help give romance to the room, as well as hide from the curious eyes of the sister.
- Elegant lanterns and chandeliers, decorations in the form of precious stones, carved details of furniture, butterflies on curtains and live flowers will soften any mood of hostesses.
Room for two boys
- The rhythm of the life of two brothers is often very dynamic, their energy is poured over the edge, and the boys can not do without their personal territory.
- They need a safe, comfortable hut that can withstand the test for the strength of active games. Therefore, children will be happy to have a sports corner in their room. Ropes, rings, horizontal bars and the Swedish wall will not give the guys to bother.
- The floors in such a room should not be slippery, in order to avoid unpleasant injuries.
- The design of a nursery for two boys will also depend on their age. It is appropriate to use stickers and pictures, however, with this task, the guys will cope without your help. Watch photos are well looking at important moments from the life of children.
Color spectrum
- The design of a boy's children's room is appropriate to use cold tones of blue, gray and brown.
- Green is also desirable for soothing after a busy day. You can play on the contrast of two colors, subtly emphasizing the personality of each child.
- Colors for the room of small knights of preschool age should be warmer shades, and older guys already prefer an adult and discreet style.
Proceedings spent on the arrangement of a children's room for two of the most beloved kids will definitely be rewarded with the positive emotions of all family members. After all, childhood is that careless time, which is remembered for a lifetime. All in this beautiful segment of our lives is of great importance, both colors, and smells, and associations, and our concern.