Chrysanthemum from seeds: Features of cultivation Useful advice,Plot

Chrysanthemums - flowers amazing. When the trees have no leaves, and the air smells of winter, they are bright spots stand out against the dull autumn landscape. These flowers are stored for a long time in the form of a cut-off, so they are used for the preparation of autumn flowers. Why it is considered that propagate chrysanthemum is possible only by dividing the bush or the chiding of the process, but we are in our article will tell you how to grow this miracle of seeds.
types of chrysanthemums
Varieties of chrysanthemums very much, botanists have counted about 700. They are distinguished by the size of the inflorescence, color, height of the bushes, flowering time. Garden chrysanthemums on the type of its inflorescences are divided into 13 groups. For example, if you take a chrysanthemum bush, they are isolated in groups according to the following criteria:
- Plants with terry inflorescences of flowers with petals, the middle of a closing, referred to as feathery chrysanthemum.
- Chrysanthemums are similar to the first but with a more refined petals resembling a brush called bristly.
- Open core which flank the number 1 or 2 petals, flat inflorescence, resembling a daisy indicates belonging to a group of simple or semi-double chrysanthemums.
- Similar to the previous inflorescence with petals simulating spoon refers to the spoon-shaped chrysanthemum.
- Small florets terry regular circular shape, collected in inflorescence - a sign Pompone chrysanthemum.
- The inflorescence is flat, and the middle of the raised, lush - these signs belong to the anemovoid chrysanthemum.
- A new type, with its signs, resembling a pivest chrysanthmant, characterized by longer petals, was called chrysanthemum-fantasy.
How to get seeds chrysanthemum
Seeds chrysanthemum are on sale, but you can collect them and yourself. At the same time, you should know:
- Seeds with small simple and semi-grade colors to collect easier and the germination of them is good, but the large-flowered varieties of breed in this way is difficult, because They give very little sowing material.
- High-quality seeds give chrysanthemums of early and medium flowering. Long-wearing chrysanthemums seeds do not affect.
So, to get seed from the plant you like:
- planted it in the spring to bed as soon as possible;
- pour regularly, feed;
- step-down;
- watch that in small chrysanthemum remained from 5 to 8 stems, and on large - no more than 3;
- we pin down, leaving only 1 bud on one stem. This contributes to improving the quality of seeds and increases their number.
From plants that bloom in the middle of summer, seeds are collected even at a time when they are in the garden. With those that continue to bloom in the fall, you should do this:
- Hold the bush to the film so that the flowers do not wet in case there is no possibility to move it to the greenhouse.
- Before frosts to transplant the chrysatte in the pot, put in the house and place on the sunny window sill. If the bush is frightened in the greenhouse, then the condensate can spoil the color. So that this does not happen, protect it with gauze or agriculture.
- Collect seeds as soon as baskets are rude. This is usually happening at the end of November-early December. Do not be late, otherwise they themselves feel.
Important: If the petals of your chrysanthemum are so long that they close the middle, then they need to be cut as they grow. So the place where the seeds are located, will be better covered and ventilated, which will prevent the posting.
Chrysanthemum from seeds
Chrysantoma of seeds are grown in two ways:
- by sowing seeds right into the ground;
- through the cultivation of seedlings.
Reckless way
This method is the most affordable and least labor cost, but there are 1 disadvantage - the fruits of their work can be evaluated only at the very end of summer, before the chrysanthemums will not bloom. If you are ready to wait for so long, then prepare a bed in May, and then:
- Make the wells with an interval of about 25 cm.
- Irrish them with warm water.
- Place in each seed seat - no more than 3.
- Plush the soil on top.
- Cover agrovoloknom or film if still quite cold. As soon as the first shoots seem, remove the cover.
- Take care of seedlings. Loose and remove weeds.
- Feeding make a highly diluted liquid fertilizer.
- Remove the excess plants after emergence 3 sheets, leaving only the strongest one in the nest. The remaining otsadit.
we grow seedlings
To chrysanthemums grown from seed, bloom in the allotted time, the landing should begin no later than March, as follows:
- harvests trays 6-8 centimeters in height bead;
- pour the soil;
- decompose seeds;
- sprinkle on top of a clean river sand. The layer thickness is not greater than 1 cm;
- moisturizing;
- covered with glass or delaying film;
- we stand a pre-emergence at an average temperature of 18 degrees C. The seeds germinate after about 2 weeks;
- remove the glass, put the tray on the window sill;
- moisturizing and is being fed is highlighted;
- swooping;
- seated in a separate container as soon as you see 3-4 true leaf;
- transplanted to a bed in May, keeping the distance between plants 15-20 cm, and 30 cm between rows.
How to prepare soil for planting seeds of chrysanthemums
Important is the soil in which the seeds are sown. It consists of equal amounts of:
- white peat;
- compost;
- greenhouse earth sifted.
Mix all these ingredients, the soil should be disinfected. To this end it is placed on a plate heated to 130 degrees C or in a water bath.
Caring for chrysanthemum grown from seeds
Deciding to breed chrysanthemum seeds, planting and care should be given special attention in the first year.
What I like chrysanthemum
Having set such a goal, how to grow a chrysanthemum from seeds, it is necessary to know the conditions in which the resulting color are not inferior in beauty exhibition specimens. Keep in mind that this plant prefers:
- place, well illuminated by the sun and sheltered from the wind;
- soil fertility. Optimally - legkopronitsaemye loam. The acidity of a pH of from 6 to 6.5;
- good drainage.
Especially young plants
In the first year after planting chrysanthemum seeds, young plants are somewhat different from the more senior of the same type:
- blossom starting a week or two later;
- little Cuttings;
- flowers larger.
Note: Will provide a solid Chrysanthemum seeds, growing it into a single stem.
Care of seedlings
For the best results, stick to the rules for the care of seedlings planted in the ground chrysanthemums:
- One young plant should occupy an area of \u200b\u200bat least 250x250 mm.
- Number of fertilizing in the summer months - at least 3. This alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. Particularly important nitrogen fertilizer, and wherein organic and mineral.
The norm of fertilizer per 1 sq. m:
- nitrogen - from 10 to 15 g;
- potassium - 10 to 16 g;
- phosphorus - from 15 to 20 g
How to protect against disease
Unfortunately, sometimes the plants are sick and damaged various pests. Therefore, the seeds of chrysanthemums, which are placed beneath the photo, converted into beautiful flowers, it is necessary to carry out prevention and control of all these plagues:
- When conducting solution in the dressings add such a drug as fitosporin.
- After the rain treat Kvadriksom bushes or other similar drugs, to prevent fungal and viral infections.
- From pests such as caterpillars, leaf rollers apply Ratibor, Fitoverm, Akhtar.
- If attacked by aphids or spider mites appear, then used insecticides, but when you do not like to use in your garden chemicals, then there is a recipe:
- dissolve in water, soap;
- spray the plants.
Korean chrysanthemum
This flower is a frost-resistant hybrid garden chrysanthemum. Varieties of this species very much. Divide them into groups according to certain criteria:
- Largest inflorescence. If they are in the range of 100 mm, it is chrysanthemum melkotsvetkovaya. More - grandiflorum.
- The shape of the flowers are single and dual row, pom-poms, terry, half terry.
- For flowering - some bloom very early, others only in the late summer or autumn.
- 0.3 m - fillets or low;
- 0.5 m - medium;
Flowers under the name Korean chrysanthemum are grown from seeds in the same way as the rest of the chrysanthemum. There are some differences in the care that is especially true spherical representatives. To bush turned out beautiful as a magnificent ball, you must:
- top 100-150 cm separate the young shoots;
- shoots emerging in the future, pinch off;
- bushes that bloomed - cut level with the ground;
- stems, remnants of which are preserved until the spring, remove, as soon as the young plants;
- plants necessary to transplant a maximum of 3 years. Rhizome with the fall.
Please note: Korean chrysanthemum growing from seed, do not expect what you get an exact replica of a flower from which the seeds are collected. Most likely, the symptoms that distinguish the grade will be lost, but the plant will be stronger and more adapted to local conditions.
The secrets associated with the cultivation of Korean chrysanthemums are divided by the author of this video: